News Articles
‘Pupil voice’ benefits pupils and helps schools to improve
Action Needed to Improve Mental Health Support for Children and Young People
Adult community learning partnerships show strong commitment to provide learning for hard-to-reach learners
An ambitious vision and strong teaching and learning are fundamental to schools’ Curriculum for Wales journey
Annual Report Launch 2024
Chief Inspector bids farewell
Chief Inspector welcomes enhanced role for Estyn in independent review
Collaboration and support from peers help to strengthen the all-age sector
Deepening teachers’ understanding of assessment a priority for Curriculum for Wales
Despite a strong focus on pupils’ wellbeing, secondary schools don’t realise the extent of sexual harassment between pupils
Drive to improve education at heart of Estyn review
Education and training opportunities need strengthening for young people at risk of offending
Education begins to improve, but Chief Inspector urges schools to prepare for new curriculum
Education leaders need to focus on improving teaching and learning
Education organisations in Wales join forces to help reduce teachers’ workloads
Educational leaders in attendance at this year’s Urdd Eisteddfod
Effective teaching is at the heart of curriculum reform, says Estyn
Estyn announces new approach to equity
Estyn Annual Report: Much to celebrate but weaker practice holding learners back
Estyn appoints five new non-executive directors
Estyn continues improvement journey with inspection review
Estyn encourages more diverse leadership with new programme
Estyn highlights progress and challenges in implementing Additional Learning Needs reform in Wales
Estyn highlights the importance of Welsh reading across the curriculum as negative impact of pandemic still affects standards
Estyn highlights the need for stronger collaboration between primary and secondary schools to support pupil transition
Estyn identifies and supports priorities for education and training
Estyn inspections and other visits suspended to support providers and reduce pressure – COVID-19
Estyn live: Developing pupils’ Welsh reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Estyn Live: The Additional Learning Needs System
Estyn live: Transition and pupil progression
Estyn outlines sector challenges and successes in early insights report
Estyn outlines sector priorities and encourages self-improvement
Estyn report highlights the significant contribution of early years providers in communities and the need for stronger support to address the impact of poverty on young children’s development
Estyn seeks views on proposals for changes to inspecting education and training in Wales
Estyn supports schools in the foundation phase through new good practice guide
Estyn supports young people to ‘call out’ sexual harassment by their peers
Estyn to review use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in schools
Estyn will not inspect maintained schools next academic year - Statement from Meilyr Rowlands, HMCI
Estyn’s new tagline: For learners, for Wales
FE colleges must pay more attention to independent living skills for young people with learning difficulties
Higher apprenticeship take-up increases, but completion rates vary too much
How to Prepare for an Estyn Inspection: A Guide for Post-16 Providers
Implementation of new additional learning needs system requires greater consistency and clearer guidance, report finds
Improving teaching is the key to raising standards in schools
Independent review of joint inspection arrangements with Estyn published
Inspection 2024 Training
Joint Review: How are healthcare, education, and children’s services supporting the mental health needs of children and young people in Wales?
Language immersion remains a priority to support children learning Welsh
Leadership is the ‘most significant factor’ in driving primary school improvement
Learning and teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills in apprenticeships is skewed towards preparation for external assessment, report finds
Mae angen strategaeth genedlaethol i wella addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-16 yng Nghymru, meddai Estyn
Mixed progress with strategic plans for Welsh-medium education provision.
More Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils attend school, but further support needed
National Headteacher Conference 2024
National strategy needed to improve post-16 education and training in Wales, says Estyn
New curriculum must be top of schools’ agenda says Chief Inspector
Our response to the planned industrial action in maintained schools and PRUs
Our role in the new evaluation and improvement arrangements in schools
Owen Evans, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector's speech 17 February 2022
Pandemic may help to strengthen Welsh education in the longer term
Pandemic negatively affects pupils’ reading skills, but standards improving
Parental involvement with schools helps pupils achieve
Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among 16-18-year olds under-reported and college staff need more support finds Estyn’s latest report
Positive steps for Junior apprenticeships but opportunities are inconsistent across Wales
Primary schools need to identify their strengths and weaknesses better in science and in design and technology
Pupil referral units meet learners’ needs but more focus on their return to mainstream schools recommended
Pupils are happier and healthier when wellbeing is embedded in school life
Pupils have a positive attitude towards religious education lessons
Pupils’ good Welsh language skills support ambition for bilingual nation
Put improving teaching and learning first says Estyn as pandemic effects continue
Ready Already
Response to statement from the Cabinet Secretary for Education
School governors play supportive role but need more support to be able to hold leaders to account, report finds
School support for pupils who have adverse childhood experiences is improving
Schools and colleges in Wales urged to review their support for LGBT learners
Schools and colleges need to better prepare A level students to become independent learners
Schools and colleges need to do more to identify and support young carers
Schools and colleges respond well to changes in English, Welsh and mathematics GCSEs but their response to the Welsh Baccalaureate has been variable
Schools and other education settings recognised for their excellence
Schools and other education settings recognised for their excellence
Schools and other education settings recognised for their excellence
Schools are preparing well for changes in supporting pupils with additional learning needs
Schools need a clear vision for the new digital competence framework
Schools need to support pupils better in making career choices
Schools need to support pupils better in making career choices
Schools should better support pupils in learning how to develop safe, respectful personal relationships
Schools should make better use of the curriculum to help build pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of counter-terrorism
Schools should provide more opportunities for pupils to develop and use their financial skills
Schools supported to prepare for the Curriculum for Wales, but more practical help needed on design and delivery
Schools that identify pupils with special educational needs early can provide more effective support
Schools that work closely with employers better prepare pupils for work
Schools’ high aspirations help tackle effects of poverty and disadvantage
Secondary school attendance rates post-pandemic are a concern, with lower income pupils disproportionally affected
Secondary schools should provide science lessons that challenge pupils at all key stages
Services for young people work best when they focus on young people’s rights and listen to what they say they need
Shift towards culture of self-improvement in Welsh education
Statement – an update on the review into peer-on-peer sexual harassment in education settings
Statement from HMCI Owen Evans re: today’s publication of Welsh Government’s ‘Developing a new data and information ecosystem’
Statement: The teaching of reading in Wales
Storybook published to help children understand inspection
Strengths in the humanities are highlighted in schools across Wales
Strong leadership and high expectations helps nurture and challenge pupils who are more able and talented
Stronger focus needed in schools to improve the teaching of Welsh and ethnic minority history and culture
Successful school partnerships depend on a clear vision for improvement
The early findings from a review of child protection arrangements in Wales has been published today
The management of school moves for disengaged pupils needs strengthening
Too few primary schools are using guidance that can help them better manage the impact of teacher absence
Urdd Eisteddfod Maldwyn 2024
Wellbeing must continue to be a priority says Chief Inspector as she recognises the resilience of educators
Welsh Language national body brings benefits to adult learners
Improvement Resources
Thematic Reports
A Review of Healthy Relationships Education - Training materials
A level Welsh First Language
A level Welsh First Language - training materials
A levels in sixth forms and further education colleges
A review of healthy relationships education
A review of the current 16-19 curriculum in Wales
A review of the junior apprenticeship programme in Wales
A review of the work of the National Centre for Learning Welsh
A review of the work of the National Centre for Learning Welsh - Training materials
Active and experiential learning - Effective foundation phase practice in delivering literacy and numeracy in Year 1 and Year 2
Additional Learning Needs in Further Education Colleges
Adult Community Learning in Wales
Adult Community Learning in Wales - Training materials
All-age schools in Wales - A report on the challenges and successes of establishing all-age schools
Apprenticeships - early feedback on delivery under the new contracts
Business and social studies subjects at A level
Business and social studies subjects at A level - training materials
Careers - The implementation of the careers and world of work framework in secondary schools
Careers - The implementation of the careers and world of work framework in secondary schools - Training materials
Celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion - Good practice in supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) learners in schools and colleges
Celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion - training materials
Community schools - training materials
Community schools: families and communities at the heart of school life
Curriculum innovation in primary schools
Delivery of Essential Skills Wales qualifications in apprenticeship programmes
Developing pupils’ English reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Developing pupils’ English reading skills from 10-14 years of age - training materials
Developments in remote and blended learning practice
Digital and online learning in further education colleges - autumn 2022 insights
Educational visits in further education colleges - autumn 2022 insights
Effective approaches to assessment that improve teaching and learning
Effective management of school workforce attendance in primary schools
Effective management of school workforce attendance in primary schools - Training materials
Effective school support for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils - training materials
Effective school support for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils – case studies of good practice
Engagement work: Further education and adult learning in the community sectors update – autumn 2021
Engagement work: Non-maintained sector update Autumn term 2021
English language and literacy in settings and primary schools
English language and literacy in settings and primary schools - training materials
Equity of curriculum experiences for pupils who are educated other than at school (EOTAS)
Equity of curriculum experiences for pupils who are educated other than at school (EOTAS) - training materials
Evolving approaches to blended learning in independent schools
Federated schools - Common features of effective federation
Federated schools - Common features of effective federation - training materials
Good practice in the humanities
Good practice in the humanities - Training materials
Healthy and happy - training materials
Healthy and happy – school impact on pupils’ health and wellbeing
Higher Apprenticeships in work-based learning
How schools and colleges used the RRRS and catch-up grants for post-16 learners
Impartial careers advice and guidance to young people aged 14-16 years provided by Careers Wales advisers
Improving attendance in secondary schools
Improving attendance in secondary schools - training materials
Improving teaching
Improving teaching
Initial Teacher Education reform in Wales - emerging strengths and areas for consideration
Initial teacher education in the post-compulsory education and training sectors
Insights into how independent schools and specialist colleges have responded during the COVID-19 pandemic
Involving parents - Communication between schools and parents of school-aged children
Involving parents - Communication between schools and parents of school-aged children - Training materials
Jobs Growth Wales+ youth programme: Autumn 2023 insights
Knowing Your Children - Support for pupils with Adverse Childhood Experiences - training materials
Knowing your children – supporting pupils with adverse childhood experiences (ACES)
Leadership and primary school improvement
Leadership development – case studies of professional learning for school leadership
Learner progress and destinations in independent living skills learning areas in further education colleges
Learner progress and destinations in independent living skills learning areas in further education colleges - Training materials
Learner resilience - building resilience in primary schools, secondary schools and pupil referral units
Learner resilience - building resilience in primary schools, secondary schools and pupil referral units - training materials
Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans
Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans - Training materials
Local authority and regional consortia support for schools and PRUs in response to COVID-19
Managed moves: Effective use of managed moves by local authorities and schools
Managed moves: Effective use of managed moves by local authorities and schools - Training materials
Managing money: Financial education in primary and secondary schools in Wales
Managing money: Financial education in primary and secondary schools in Wales - Training materials
Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency
Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency - Training materials
New qualifications
Partnerships with employers in secondary and special schools
Partnerships with employers in secondary and special schools - training materials
Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among 16 to 18-year-old learners in further education
Post-16 partnerships - Shared planning and provision between schools, and between schools and colleges
Post-16 partnerships - training materials
Preparing for the Curriculum for Wales – case studies and cameos from secondary, all-age and special schools
Preparing for the Curriculum for Wales – training materials
Preparing for the Digital Competence Framework (DCF)
Prevent – how well maintained schools implement their duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
Prevent – how well maintained schools implement their duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 - training materials
Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils
Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils - training materials
Provision for young carers in secondary schools, further education colleges and pupil referral units across Wales
Provision for young carers in secondary schools, further education colleges and pupil referral units across Wales - training materials
Pupil Referral Unit management committees
Pupil Referral Unit management committees training materials
Pupil participation: a best practice guide
Pupil participation: a best practice guide - Training materials
Pupil registration practices
Pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools - A good practice report
Pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools - training materials
Rapid review of child protection arrangements - Interim findings
Readiness for additional learning needs reforms
Religious education at key stage 2 and key stage 3
Religious education at key stage 2 and key stage 3 - Training materials
School Governors - Acting as critical friends and the impact of governor training
School Governors - training materials
School-to-school support and collaboration – a summary and discussion paper
Science and design and technology at key stage 2
Science and design technology at key stage 2 - Training materials
Science at key stage 3 and key stage 4
Science at key stage 3 and key stage 4 - Training materials
Summary of engagement calls and visits to schools and PRUs – autumn 2021
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2016
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2017
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2018
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2019/2020
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2020/2021
Support for Welsh in Initial Teacher Education: How initial teacher education partnerships support student teachers to improve their Welsh language skills, including teaching through the medium of Welsh
Support for learners’ mental health and emotional wellbeing
Supporting Resources: We don’t tell our teachers - Experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales
Supporting more able and talented pupils - How best to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils: Key stages 2 to 4
Supporting more able and talented pupils - Training Materials
Test thematic report
The Curriculum for Wales - How are regional consortia and local authorities supporting schools?
The Curriculum for Wales - how are regional consortia and local authorities supporting schools?
The Value of Youth Work Training - A sustainable model for Wales
The Value of Youth Work Training - training materials
The impact of the Learning and Skills Measure on vulnerable learners
The impact of the Learning and Skills Measure on vulnerable learners - Training materials
The new Additional Learning Needs system
The new additional learning needs system - training materials
The professional learning continuum: mentoring in initial teacher education
The quality of education and training for young people engaged with youth offending teams
The teaching of Welsh history including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture
Thematic Report: Developing pupils’ Welsh reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Thematic Report: Impact of poverty on educational attainment, support, provision and transition for early education
Thematic Report: Transition and pupil progression
Thematic report - The additional learning needs system
We don’t tell our teachers - Experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales
We don’t tell our teachers, but schools need to know – a report for learners
Welsh Immersion Education - Strategies and approaches to support 3 to 11-year-old learners
Welsh in key stage 2 and key stage 3 in Welsh-medium or bilingual schools
Welsh in key stage 2 and key stage 3 in Welsh-medium or bilingual schools - Training materials
Welsh language acquisition - How Welsh-medium and bilingual settings and primary schools develop learners’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
Welsh-medium and bilingual teaching and learning in further education
Welsh-medium and bilingual teaching and learning in further education - Training materials
Youth Engagement and Progression Lead Worker Review
Youth Support Services in Wales
Youth support services - Training materials
‘We don’t tell our teachers’– experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales
Effective Practices
A Bespoke and Collaborative Curriculum Journey
A Journey Towards an Anti-Racist Curriculum
A caring school
A collaborative approach to developing creative activities
A collaborative approach to supporting positive behaviour
A curriculum that engages all pupils
A different approach to ALN
A flexible curriculum that responds to the needs of individual learners
A highly effective graduated response that promotes inclusion successfully
A holistic approach to learner well-being, health & safety
A holistic approach to supporting college learners
A knowledge-rich approach to Curriculum for Wales
A philosophy of inclusion
A preventative approach to support wellbeing
A programme to help pupils in their ‘First 50’ days of secondary school
A school environment that benefits pupil wellbeing
A school farm that helps improve pupils’ numeracy and literacy skills
A science, technology, engineering and mathematics enrichment program that drives curriculum development
A skills-based curriculum with more local contexts
A stimulating and enriching exterior that inspires children's curiosity as well as exceptional physical and creative experiences.
A systematic approach to learning
A whole school approach to well-being using a scientific model
A whole school programme to raise reading standards
A whole-school approach to developing pupils as effective writers
A whole-school approach to securing high standards of teaching and learning
Achieving high standards through pupil wellbeing
Aligning attainment and wellbeing to track pupils’ progress
All For One
Ambition is the key to achievement
An inclusive and nurturing environment for all children
An inclusive ethos and culture promotes effective pupil participation
An innovative Welsh programme to challenge more able pupils
An innovative approach to support pupils from Occupational Traveller families
An integrated approach to specialist provision
Anticipating labour market developments and meeting the workforce needs of regional projects
Application of skills in the outdoor environment
Assessment for Learning and thinking skills
Big Bocs Bwyd – a recipe for success!
Broadening pupils’ horizons and developing a culture of belonging
Building a rich learning environment
Building an ethos based on mutual respect
Building bridges: using employer boards to develop innovative apprenticeship provision.
Building effective links with parents to support equity in pupil learning
Building effective partnerships to improve learning outcomes and wellbeing
Building partnerships to improve aspirations and outcomes in science and technology
Building positive relationships with parents and families
Business enterprise improving skills
Celebrating diversity to support well-informed, responsible and tolerant pupils
Challenging pupils’ learning, challenging outcomes
Championing a new curriculum through a school cluster
Championing a new curriculum through a school cluster
Championing a new curriculum through a school cluster
Changing the structure of the school council
Children’s interests lead learning activities
Clear purpose and direction = success
Cluster co-operation when planning Curriculum for Wales in the catchment area of Ysgol Uwchradd Brynrefail
Co-ordinated planning to develop pupils’ literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills
Co-ordinated planning to develop pupils’ literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills
Co-ordinated work to strengthen the Welsh language
Cohesive work to safeguard and improve learners’ well-being.
Coleg Cambria - building a new identity
Collaboration across cluster schools
College supports individual learning needs
Communicating openly to help staff work more effectively with each other
Connecting generations
Consistent approach to continual improvement and how it involves all staff.
Context and background to practice – Cohesive work to safeguard and improve learners’ well-being
Creating a culture of belonging
Creating a culture of improvement to ‘do even better’.
Creating a culture of professional reflection and learning
Creating a digital platform for the Welsh for Adults sector
Creating a learning plaza leads to positive changes in pupil engagement
Creating a nurturing environment
Creating a nurturing environment to promote children’s development
Creating a nurturing school through an inclusive approach to wellbeing
Creating a professional culture of consistently high expectations
Creating a pupil support network
Creating a rich and stimulating reading environment that instils a love of books amongst children.
Creating a strategic framework
Creating a strong culture and appreciation of Welsh language and heritage.
Creating a vision for continuous improvement
Creating an innovative curriculum using the expressive arts
Creating dementia awareness through pupil interaction and community outreach
Creating family links between home and school
Creating links with the local community
Creating strategies to develop pupils’ independence
Creating strong foundations to support learners’ growth
Creating the Conditions to Thrive - Creating a Culture of Professional Learning
Creating the culture for achievement
Creating the right atmosphere to talk about teaching
Creating working relationships to support pupils’ needs
Creative and stimulating activities through pupil immersion days
Creative strategies that encourage thinking and high attainment
Creativity in the recording of pupil assessment
Cyngor Gwynedd’s work in developing Welsh medium resources for pupils with additional education needs and their families, and for language immersion.
Designing a pupil-led curriculum
Develop and promote the Welsh language across the school
Develop and promote the Welsh language across the school
Developing Welsh language skills for early years learning
Developing a Creative Curriculum
Developing a culture of a school as a self-improving organisation
Developing a culture of self-evaluation and continuous professional learning at Blackwood Comprehensive School
Developing a culture that supports staff well-being.
Developing a curriculum that improves pupils' skills and enthusiasm for learning
Developing a flexible curriculum
Developing a programme to provide targeted support for vulnerable learners to improve their attendance, behaviour, attainment and well-being
Developing a rich and stimulating environment that promotes the curiosity and enthusiasm of the youngest pupils.
Developing a rich curriculum and effective teaching that meets the needs of all learners and promotes strong attitudes to learning
Developing a rich curriculum and effective teaching that meets the needs of all learners and promotes strong attitudes to learning
Developing a school community
Developing a skills-based curriculum in primary school
Developing a specialist language support programme for a local authority
Developing a strategic vision for improving education
Developing additional expertise within school to support pupils’ wellbeing
Developing an effective culture for learning
Developing an outdoor curriculum in preparation for Curriculum for Wales that develops pupils’ knowledge and skills as well as supporting their well-being
Developing an outdoor education programme
Developing and improving learners’ digital competence skills at Blackwood Comprehensive School
Developing children's independence by supporting their well-being
Developing children’s social and emotional skills through community links
Developing creative and work skills in an online marketplace
Developing creative and work skills in an online marketplace
Developing early communication skills with predominantly pre verbal pupils.
Developing effective partnerships with parents and the wider community to support pupils’ learning and raise their aspirations.
Developing effective provision for learning languages
Developing good reading habits
Developing independence at an early age through managed risk taking
Developing leadership and supportive relationships to enhance staff wellbeing and children's outcomes
Developing leadership at all levels to improve the quality of provision, pupil progress and well-being and to ensure resilience of leadership in the future
Developing leadership skills
Developing leaders’ capacity to improve teaching in a small school
Developing learners' transferable skills
Developing learners’ skills through real life experiences
Developing links with schools and college councils
Developing oracy through self-assessment and new teaching strategies
Developing outdoor activities that focus on providing pupils with experiences of vocational careers.
Developing people and practice: beyond professional learning
Developing people and processes to secure effective school improvement
Developing principled, knowledgeable pupils
Developing pupils as independent learners
Developing pupils’ Welsh language oracy skills
Developing pupils’ Welsh oracy skills
Developing pupils’ digital skills
Developing pupils’ financial skills makes economic sense
Developing pupils’ independence and life skills
Developing pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Developing pupils’ skills and enthusiasm towards learning by creative planning and teaching
Developing pupils’ skills through nurturing
Developing pupils’ social and emotional skills
Developing pupils’ speaking and listening skills through a bespoke whole school oracy framework supported by an explicitly taught behaviour curriculum.
Developing pupils’ understanding of the Welsh language and Welsh culture
Developing strong personal values at school
Developing the Curriculum for Wales at Ysgol Penglais
Developing the culture, ethos and language of Wales across the school
Developing well-rounded, respectful Welsh citizens
Developing whole school systems to bring about rapid improvement
Digital Fridays, an initiative that refers learners into provision, supports existing learners, promotes independence, supports tutors, and allows ongoing learning and the development of skills
Digital technology in primary school life
Discussion sessions identify opportunities for radical reform
Distributed leadership that supports school improvement
Distributed leadership that supports school improvement
Drama and Health Intervention Project
Driving effective performance development through action research, collaboration and professional learning for all staff.
Driving improvement through professional development
ESOL Cancer Awareness - reducing barriers to healthcare for ESOL learners
Early identification and support of learners at risk of disengaging
Effective distribution of staff responsibilities to promote professional learning and shared responsibility
Effective feedback to support independent learners
Effective immersion: supporting learners to make swift progress when supporting them to learn about and appreciate Welsh history and culture.
Effective leadership for seamless school amalgamation
Effective partnership working between schools supports pupils’ transition between key stage 2 and key stage 3
Effective partnerships that engage children and enrich the curriculum
Effective planning across a federation
Effective planning across a federation
Effective planning across a federation
Effective provision for pupils who have additional learning needs
Effective strategies support the social and emotional wellbeing of pupils
Effective strategies to support Gypsy Traveller pupils
Effective support for pupils with English as an additional language
Effective support helps learners become fluent Welsh speakers
Effective use of PDG and support for vulnerable pupils
Effective use of the outdoor areas to develop pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Effective use of the outdoor areas to develop pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Effective use of the outdoor environment to promote high quality well-being and learning
Effectively engaging the school community
Effectively supporting pupils with social, emotional and behavioural needs
Embedding assessment processes into school life so that the feedback ensures that pupils make strong progress in their learning.
Embedding links with the community/local area in the school’s new curriculum
Embedding pupil voice into the school ethos
Embedding targeted youth work within schools
Embracing children’s interests to inspire mathematical development
Empowering all staff to be leaders
Empowering learners to contribute meaningfully to making decisions about how and what they learn, their well-being and how to keep themselves safe.
Empowering students to explore different education pathways
Empowering students to make a positive difference in the world
Empowering tutor development through strong and collaborative partnership working
Enabling parents to support their children’s learning
Enabling pupils to become independent learners
Encouraging creative and physical skills in children
Encouraging independent and inquisitive learners in the Foundation Phase
Encouraging independent learners
Encouraging learners to achieve more than they expect of themselves
Encouraging learning as a family
Encouraging teachers to talk and learn from each other
Engaging all pupils in the Welsh language
Engaging and supporting parents and families
Enhancing Apprenticeships – Meeting the needs of community and employers
Enhancing curriculum experience through film skills
Enhancing family engagement and learner well-being
Enhancing literacy skills through partnership working and specialist teaching
Enhancing pupils’ entrepreneurial skills and improving standards
Ensuring consistency during change
Ensuring effective support for vulnerable learners
Ensuring high-quality Foundation Phase teaching
Ensuring the best provision for pupils with additional learning needs
Establishing a cohesive team for a successful federation
Establishing a cohesive team for a successful federation
Establishing a new adult learning in the community partnership in Wrexham and Flintshire
Establishing a whole school approach to teaching
Establishing behaviour groups
Establishing behaviour management and reward methods, as a result of pupils’ responsibility.
Establishing partnerships to help students with additional learning needs develop independent living skills
Evolving foundation phase practices at key stage 2 generates a pioneering curriculum
Expanding participation and ensuring that everyone in Wales has an opportunity to learn the language, whatever their background
Family learning
Formal and informal learning approaches that enable learners to assimilate into the Welsh-speaking community
Fostering pupils’ pride in the Welsh language and deepening their knowledge of local history and national traditions while developing the Curriculum for Wales
From special measures to success: an improvement journey
GROWing through coaching
Getting the climate right
Getting to know you
Giving pupils a say in improving their school
Giving pupils a voice benefits attitudes to learning and helps school improvement
Giving pupils ownership of their learning
Giving pupils the power to learn
Giving pupils, staff and stakeholders an equal voice in the formation of a new school
Going for Gold!
Governing body help strengthen school improvement
Governor Improvement Groups- The impact on governors’ capacity to support senior leaders.
Greenhill school’s approach to ensuring equity
Growing leaders through middle leadership development and training
Harnessing pupil enthusiasm
Harnessing pupil voice to build effective anti-bullying strategies
Helping learners with their Welsh language skills outside the classroom with additional provision
Helping pupils achieve qualifications
Helping young people to manage emotions and relationships
High quality induction and professional development helps staff understand children’s needs
High quality learning experiences
High quality outdoor learning and experiences
How Adamsdown Primary designed a curriculum to meet the needs of its learners.
How Adamsdown Primary used distributed leadership to support successful self evaluation processes and implement whole-school changes
How Llanishen High School works to ensure equitable access to learning experiences for all pupils
How St. Gwladys Bargoed School develops pupils' independence in the early years and how this continues as pupils move through the school.
How To Facilitate a Child Centred Approach Using Loose Parts To Enhance Creativity, Resilience And Collaborative Skills.
How Ysgol Pont y Gof, in response to the community’s aspirations, plans learning experiences to reflect the nature, context and economy of the local area to encourage pupils to become full members of their community and succeed locally.
How an inquiry based curriculum can support a diverse community school to prepare pupils for life as citizens in modern Wales.
How compassionate leadership supports the learning and well-being of pupils and the wider school community
How teaching and the curriculum develops creative skills
How the Learn Welsh sector influences pedagogy and language acquisition in other sections in Wales and beyond
How the school has developed an effective, responsive approach to teaching and learning
How the school plans creative experiences to deepen pupils’ learning about the history and culture of their local community.
How the school uses the wider outdoor environment and community (Cynefin) to enhance pupils’ learning experience
How the setting develops independence and resilience in the younger children so effectively and successfully
Identifying pupil needs
Implementing a new leadership model
Implementing a personalised curriculum
Improving attendance - Why pupils want to attend Pontarddulais Comprehensive School.
Improving family engagement to develop pupil wellbeing within the school community
Improving learner retention and success through progress monitoring
Improving learning outcomes through inspiring leadership
Improving literacy through creative learning
Improving marking and assessment through pupil participation
Improving oracy skills using challenging texts
Improving outcomes for pupils receiving free school meals
Improving professional development
Improving pupil outcomes and wellbeing through a creative curriculum
Improving pupil outcomes through highly effective nurture provision
Improving pupils’ emotional wellbeing
Improving pupils’ wellbeing and attitudes to learning through curriculum enrichment
Improving science skills and engagement through local partnerships
Improving skills for young people with learning difficulties
Improving staff and learner wellbeing
Improving teaching and learning
Improving teaching through an emphasis on professional learning
Improving teaching through an emphasis on professional learning
Improving the evaluation, planning and co ordination of provision for learners with special educational needs (SEN) and other pupils who may require extra support
Improving the quality of teaching through professional learning
Improving the safeguarding process
Improving the skills of middle leaders to bring about improvements in teaching
Improving the ‘iLearn’ curriculum through planning and evaluation
Improving writing skills
Including all staff in the self-evaluation process
Incorporating information and communication technology seamlessly into all lessons
Increasing the number of Welsh-speakers in the education workforce
Individual learning programmes are tailored to support learners’ needs
Individualised and tailored curriculum offers to remove barriers to learning and enable all pupils to achieve
Innovation through teamwork
Innovative approach to supporting more able and talented pupils
Innovative interventions that lead to improvement in attainment
International partnerships that broaden the curriculum and provide stimulating learning experiences
Involving all stakeholders in identifying priorities for school improvement
Involving parents in education
Involving parents, pupils, and teachers to create a rich, innovative curriculum
Junior Apprentices at Bridgend College
Keeping pupils at the centre of teaching and learning
Leaders and teachers set a good example
Leaders securing improvement in a local authority
Leaders strategically implementing an ambitious vision while aiming for excellence.
Leading learners across Wales by example
Leading professional learning across cluster schools to develop the bilingualism of pupils.
Leading the way online
Leading the way to new strategies
Learn and develop through play
Learner Voice in Pembrokeshire College
Learning Support Assistants lead on intervention programmes
Learning in the outdoors: providing a wide range of learning experiences.
Learning through play in a real-life context
Learning through play to support independent learning
Living and Learning Together: Supporting and Learning from Families Seeking Sanctuary
Local authority creates fully integrated Education and Children’s service
Local community visits provide opportunities to enrich children’s learning experiences
Local visits nurture pride in the community and an understanding of the world
Maintaining a clear focus to improve the consistency of teaching
Making all staff accountable for the quality of teaching
Making better use of observations to support teachers
Making learning experiential
Matching the curriculum for Wales to school values and teacher aspirations
Measuring small steps of progress through the achievement continuum
Meet the emotional needs of pupils to ensure that they are in a good place to learn
Meeting employer needs with a skills-focused curriculum
Meeting pupils’ communication needs
Meeting the needs of a diverse community
Meeting the needs of all children, especially those with additional learning needs
Meeting the needs of the individual children whilst making them a part of the Cylch
Money matters
Monitoring learner experience
Motivating pupils to speak Welsh
Music therapy helps emotional and behavioural development
New model for delivery of the Welsh BAC
Nurturing Independence through Reggio-Inspired Environments at Homestead Nursery
Nurturing independence amongst pupils
Nurturing pupils’ learning journeys drives resilience and celebrates originality
Opportunities that are available for pupils to influence aspects of the school
Our journey developing Curriculum for Wales
Parent council helps to raise standards and attainment levels
Parental engagement sessions promote continuity in children’s learning experiences
Parental involvement placed at the heart of school life
Partnership working is vital to learners’ success
Partnership working provides wide range of learning opportunities
Partnerships pay off for pupils with special educational needs
Pathways of curiosity
Physical well-being, nutritional well-being and holistic wellbeing lessons
Placing children at the centre of learning
Placing the rights of the child at the heart of curriculum development
Planning a more flexible and adaptable creative curriculum to engage pupils' interest
Planning and listening to pupils’ needs improves standards
Planning for improvement to ensure the best experiences for pupils
Planning for improvement to ensure the best learning experiences for pupils
Planning for improvement to ensure the best learning experiences for pupils
Planning for the Curriculum for Wales
Planning the curriculum to ensure creative experiences for pupils
Planning to develop pupils’ multilingual skills
Poverty Proofing the School Day
Preparing students for their next step after college
Preparing to implement the new curriculum through involving pupils
Priority sector skills academies – enabling learners to gain employment in priority sectors
Proactive approach to the identification and support for future school leaders, including sectors where recruitment is challenging
Professional Learning
Professional Learning and Sharing Good Practice in Work Based Learning
Professional Learning at Heronsbridge School
Professional learning enhances the quality of education and helps improve outcomes
Professional learning opportunities that raise standards
Promoting a strong Welsh culture
Promoting enthusiasm for using Welsh language
Promoting parents as partners supports school improvement
Promoting pupils’ multicultural and moral development
Promoting the use of the Welsh language
Providing a whole-school approach and ethos to working in partnership with parents and carers.
Providing an engaging learning environment for youngest learners
Providing authentic and engaging experiences in the nursery provision to inspire children’s love of learning and develop their independent skills
Providing effective support for apprentices with additional learning needs
Providing enriched experiences to develop skills
Providing opportunities for more able and talented learners
Provision for pupils with Additional Learning Needs
Provision of high-quality experiential play opportunities
Provision to improve pupils’ Welsh language skills
Pupil voice leads the way on evaluating a successful curriculum
Pupil voice plays an important part planning a creative and exciting curriculum
Pupil voice shapes the curriculum
Pupils as learning coaches
Pupils bringing history alive through school’s partnership with museum
Pupils evaluate the quality of provision at their school
Pupils help develop school strategic direction
Pupils influence and improve the curriculum
Pupils lead their own learning experience
Pupils work with staff to influence what they learn
Pupils’ Cabinet promotes independence and supports school life
Pupils’ life skills develop from their community work
Pupils’ voices matter
Putting digital learning at the heart of the curriculum
Putting outside play at the heart of learning
Putting pupil voices at the centre of planning to develop independent learning
Raising Welsh language standards
Raising aspirations for Muslim girls’ education by removing perceived barriers
Raising attainment through monitoring pupil progress
Raising standards in literacy and numeracy
Raising standards of wellbeing among pupils and staff
Raising the attendance of vulnerable pupils through highly effective individual well-being support
Rapid development of pupils’ oracy skills
Rebuilding professional trust to improve the quality of teaching
Recognising the rights of Young Carers
Reducing anti-social behaviour in the community
Reducing challenging behaviour through positive management strategy
Reducing inequalities caused by poverty through strong community partnerships
Reducing the impact of poverty on educational attainment
Regular evaluation to drive change and raise standards
Removing barriers to learning by providing pupils with the language and strategies to discuss their emotions
Research that underpins teaching and learning strategies
Reshaping the school vision
Resources and assessments to support the development of pupils’ numeracy skills
Responsive planning and ensuring children can lead play
Review and reflect – the impact of self-evaluation
Review and reflect – the impact of self-evaluation
Reviewing approaches in meeting the needs of more able and talented pupils in response to curriculum reform in Wales
Rising to the literacy challenge
School Improvement - How an inclusive cycle of school improvement processes continually improves provision and pupil outcomes.
School council developing pupils' welfare and setting a strategic direction
School develops innovative learning experience for pupils
School develops the pupil voice
School encourages caring and inclusive learning environment
School helps pupils develop independent IT skills
School offers a flexible approach to learning
School support for children with adverse childhood experiences
School’s culture is focused on children’s rights
Science initiative inspires pupils
Sector Leading within Food Drink & Hospitality Sectors
Securing effective collaboration across a federation of schools
Securing high quality teaching through professional development
Self-evaluation and Improvement planning securing a strong impact on provision and pupil progress
Self-evaluation for improved pupil outcomes
Setting leader supports staff to ensure consistently high standards
Sharing excellence in teaching
Sharing expertise with parents, carers and schools
Skills building at snack time
Skills for life
Sport for all
Strategies for increasing the use of Welsh language by learners at all levels
Strengthening opportunities for pupil leadership
Strengthening the pupil voice
Striving for independent learning for all pupils
Strong leadership and strategic plans for school improvement
Strong leadership supports exciting early education
Structured approach to communication helps promote an inclusive learning environment
Success with online individual learning plans
Successful behaviours through reward-based programme
Successful transition to further education for pupils with additional learning needs
Successfully addressing shortcomings in teaching
Support for families
Support for families in order to raise standards in learning.
Support for wellbeing during transition from primary to secondary
Support sessions help behaviour and learning
Supported internships and work experience, leading to paid employment for young people with additional learning needs and disabilities.
Supporting NQTs using mentoring and coaching by school staff
Supporting families through the cost of living crisis
Supporting governors to fulfil their role more effectively
Supporting learners in pupil referral units to return to mainstream school
Supporting learners to make informed choices for the future
Supporting learners with additional learning needs
Supporting parental engagement through workshops
Supporting professional learning
Supporting professional learning through action research
Supporting pupil wellbeing
Supporting pupils and families to develop positive financial literacy skills
Supporting pupils with English as an additional language to help them integrate
Supporting pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs to improve oracy and wellbeing
Supporting pupils with additional needs through change
Supporting pupils’ attitudes to learning and the sharing of curriculum and learning experiences through dissemination events
Supporting pupils’ emotional wellbeing
Supporting pupils’ individual learning needs
Supporting the development of pupils’ learning and well-being through support from the Pastoral Hub and Learning Hub
Supporting the learning of children and young people of asylum-seeking families and refugees
Supporting the mental health of the school ‘community’
Supporting the needs of pupils from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Supporting the well-being of pupils through self-referral to the school’s highly effective nurturing ‘Nest’ provision
Supporting vulnerable groups of pupils
Supporting vulnerable young people through integrated service working
Supportive nurture programme increases levels of pupils’ self-esteem
Sustaining excellence in teaching
Swansea Secondment Project
Tackling the impact of poverty on educational attainment, including the development of the community school
Tailoring apprenticeship training to learner needs
Taking teaching outdoors
Talking and reflecting about teaching
Targeted research helps develop innovative teaching practices
Teacher observation and AoLE review stimulates a rich curriculum
Teachers as Researchers
Teachers work together to ensure strategies develop learners’ core skills
Teachers’ knowledge and pupils’ learning opportunities improved by research projects
Teaching communication skills
Teaching in a challenging environment
Technology plays a significant role in helping pupils to achieve their potential
The Cardiff Commitment – Raising the aspirations, ambitions and outcomes for children and young people
The Development of student teachers’ Welsh Language skills
The Effects of Drama both on the Spoken and Written Language
The Impact of Being Trauma Informed
The Leadership Role of Sixth-form Pupil
The development and use of an effective virtual learning environment.
The development of future leaders in education through a strong professional learning offer and effective succession planning
The digitally-enabled college
The effect of distributed and specialised professional development on the quality of provision.
The effect of leadership methods on the design of a masterful and innovative curriculum at Ysgol Gymraeg Bryn y Môr
The effect of the wide provision of interventions to support the development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy, motor, personal, emotional and behavioural skills
The effect of the wide provision of interventions to support the development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy, motor, personal, emotional and behavioural skills
The fast-track to success
The impact of cross directorate working on education services in the Vale of Glamorgan
The impact of interventions on pupils’ communication, emotional and behavioural development
The impact of professional development
The impact of professional learning on improving the quality of teaching in Radyr Comprehensive School
The impact of professional learning on teaching and learning, curriculum development, and leadership
The impact of strong partnerships.
The impact of the whole school approach to remove barriers to learning.
The impact of the work of the Well-being Centre on pupils, staff and families.
The impact of working in partnership to support children’s development and well-being.
The leadership of effective school support for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils
The learning support screening process
The planning and co-ordination for the progressive development of pupils’ skills
The process of change management at St Christopher’s
The progress of learners as a result of robust assessment strategies and monitoring of pupils’ achievements and next steps in learning.
The provision of a broad and purposeful curriculum to meet the needs of all learners and its impact on pupil engagement and aspirations
The range of opportunities that pupils receive in order to develop their leadership skills and get their voice heard.
The rationale for and impact of the school’s provision and support panel
The role of the enabling adult to support effective environments and engaging experiences
The role of the research champions and their development as effective facilitators of research-informed practices in their contexts
The schools use of outdoor learning to meet the complex and sensory needs of pupils.
The school’s work in relation to provision to develop pupils as responsible and informed citizens
The sound of success - using music to develop literacy skills
The strength of working together
The use of data across the local authority to inform planning, decision making and support for schools
The use of effective self-evaluation supported by robust monitoring, review and evaluation (MRE) processes to develop leadership and lead school improvement.
The use of the outdoor learning environment to support pupils learning and well-being
The way in which the school ignites a sense of belonging to the school and how this influences the high levels of well-being and attendance.
The work of the ‘prynhawniau prysur’ (‘busy afternoons’) and the four purpose groups in providing opportunities for develop independence and apply their skills in different interesting contexts
The world is their Oyster
The ‘Y Pant Way’
Thorough planning and clearly defined roles improve quality
Tracking progress to support pupils’ additional learning needs
Tracking pupils’ progress to improve standards of wellbeing and attainment
Tracking system helps pupils to achieve targets
Transforming Cardiff and Vale Adult Community Learning Partnership
Transforming lunchtime helps improve children’s behaviour and self-esteem
Transforming youth work provision: young person led digital innovation
Trusting staff to lead on improving pedagogy and practice
Turning learners into users of the Welsh language
Universal wrap-around support for apprentices
Use of snack time to develop children’s skills and understanding
Using Digital learning innovatively
Using Person Centred Planning across the school
Using a bespoke coaching and mentoring system to improve teaching
Using a nurturing approach to manage conflicts
Using activities to promote independence skills
Using an enrichment programme to improve skills
Using assessment for learning to close gaps in pupils’ learning
Using distributed leadership for school improvement
Using distributed leadership to drive improvement
Using effective assessment strategies to improve pupils’ engagement, outcomes and understanding of how they learn.
Using effective observations to inform planning to improve the impact on children’s learning and development
Using enterprise activity to develop pupils’ as enterprising contributors
Using evidence to refine self-evaluation
Using evidence-based teacher led professional development sessions to improve teaching at a whole school level
Using games to improve pupils’ literacy skills
Using local employers for work-related education
Using male role models to improve boys’ writing skills
Using professional learning to raise standards of Welsh for pupils across the school
Using pupil opinions in the classroom
Using pupil voice to shape learning
Using puppets to promote children’s emotional understanding
Using real-life situations to develop children’s skills
Using research findings and action research to improve teaching
Using school programmes to support equality and diversity
Using self-evaluation to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils
Using self-evaluation to drive improvement
Using shared leadership to create an inclusive environment
Using stimulating learning activities
Using technology and developing pupils’ ICT skills
Using the Lead creative Schools Scheme to extend mathematical and creative skills
Using the Welsh language: purposeful and unique extra-curricular activities that support learners to speak Welsh increasingly spontaneously on the Nant site and in the local community
Using the outdoor area to improve children’s skills
Using the outdoors to develop important life skills
Using the outdoors to develop pupils’ imagination and role play.
Using the outdoors to develop pupils’ skills
Using video technology for professional development
Using wellbeing activities to nurture pupils
Using yoga to raise standards of behaviour and improve concentration skills
Valuing learner voice
Video: Leadership – Active and experiential learning
Video: Provision for literacy and numeracy – Active and experiential learning
Video: Pupil voice and independence - Active and experiential learning
Video: Standards in literacy and numeracy - Active and experiential learning
Video: Teaching and assessment – Active and experiential learning
We Give Them Wings, Our Herons Will Fly: Our Curriculum Reform Journey
Welcoming families from overseas
Wellbeing at Cylch Meithrin Hill Street
Welsh for adults partnership plays key role in promoting bilingualism
Welsh language opportunities for fluent Welsh speakers, learners, and the local community
Whole school approach to self-evaluation
Whole-school planning for developing pupils' skills across the curriculum
Working collaboratively on school improvement
Working in partnership to promote investment in skills and access to post-16 education
Working in partnership to promote learning experiences and children's wellbeing.
Working in partnership with a range of agencies to support families and promote pupils’ well-being
Working in partnership with parents and the community
Working in partnership with sectors to design and build new facilities
Working together to improve wellbeing for work-based learning
Working together to recognise strengths and plan an effective curriculum
Working with external partners to develop pupils’ skills and talents
Working with local businesses to enrich the Welsh Baccalaureate
Working with partners to support the provision and enrich learning experiences.
Working with pupils to plan a better curriculum
Y Cartref: Beyond the doors of Tredegar Park Primary School – Developing Pupils’ Life Skills
reducing the impact of poverty and disadvantage on pupils’ learning
‘Finding my element’, providing pupils with opportunities to engage in new and exciting activities to build resilience and self-confidence
‘Literally everything’ – realising the full potential of a school’s library.
“Creating a culture of creativity” – sharing practice on how the school develops pupils’ creative skills through a worthwhile programme of professional learning and highly effective curriculum provision.
Additional Resources