The Chief Inspector’s Annual Report - a new approach - Estyn

The Chief Inspector’s Annual Report – a new approach

In our role as inspectors, we have the privilege of visiting and engaging with education providers across the country. This allows us to develop a national perspective on what is happening in education and training in Wales and every year we reflect our findings in the Chief Inspector’s Annual Report.  

We know from our engagement with stakeholders and from the findings of ‘A Learning Inspectorate’, that the Annual Report is valued by stakeholders as a credible source of evidence on the strengths and areas for improvement in education and training. We are also aware that we could make these findings more accessible and useful to stakeholders.  

Below, we look at some of the ways we will improve how we share the information contained within our annual report. We want to deliver timely and relevant messages that offer value to the education sector and can drive improvements. 

Timely and relevant

To ensure that our messages are as up to date as possible, this year there will be two phases to the publication of our Annual Report findings.  

As a first phase, we will share our interim findings at an early stage in the autumn term. These will be brief summaries of the key messages from our engagement and inspection activity. They will provide stakeholders with a clear and timely picture of what is working well and what needs improving across each sector and across the wider education landscape in Wales.  

In January, as a second phase, we will publish the full Annual Report. This will build on the interim findings and be a more detailed report describing the ‘state of play’ of education and training in Wales and indicating ways forward.

Increasing engagement

Sharing our messages

Have your say

We are keen to find out what you think about these developments and to hear your ideas about other ways that