Pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools - A good practice report - Estyn

Pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools – A good practice report

Thematic Report

The focus in this report is on the effective practice schools make under the current statutory framework and the arrangements set out in the Code of Practice for Wales (2002). This means that throughout the report, we refer to SEN and the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo), even though the individual schools we visited may use the terms ALN and the additional learning needs co-ordinator (ALNCo).


Schools should:

  • R1 Improve the quality of targets in pupils’ IEPs to promote pupils’ progress in learning and independence
  • R2 Ensure self-evaluation arrangements give more attention to the progress pupils with SEN make in relation to their needs, abilities and individual starting points

Local authorities should:

  • R3 Support schools to access the external specialist services they need to promote the wellbeing and progress of pupils with SEN
  • R4 Promote partnership working between special schools and other maintained schools in the local authority

The Welsh Government should:

  • R5 Assist schools and local authorities during the implementation of new statutory arrangements to support pupils with ALN

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