Knowing your children – supporting pupils with adverse childhood experiences (ACES) - Estyn

Knowing your children – supporting pupils with adverse childhood experiences (ACES)

Thematic Report

This report evaluates how well primary and secondary schools in Wales support pupils with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). It also looks at the effectiveness of the collaborative work between education and other public services in supporting these pupils and their families.This report considers school strategies to support pupils who are currently experiencing or have experienced trauma or adverse childhood experiences. Case studies exemplify how providers have developed ACE-informed practice to support these pupils, as well as to build resilience and emotional strength in all pupils in their schools.


Schools should:

  • R1 Provide both whole-school and targeted support for vulnerable pupils, in partnership with other services, based on an understanding of the impact of ACEs on children
  • R2 Prioritise building trusting and positive relationships with families that encourage them to share important information with the school 
  • R3 Ensure that there is suitable access to calm, nurturing and supportive spaces for all vulnerable pupils, including those with ACEs, and particularly for older secondary pupils
  • R4 Provide training and support all secondary school staff, not just those involved in pastoral work, to understand their role as a potential trusted adult for vulnerable pupils
  • R5 Establish mechanisms to share information about vulnerable pupils and families confidentially and sensitively with relevant staff

Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R6 Share relevant information about vulnerable pupils and families promptly with schools
  • R7 Assist schools to develop ACE-informed strategies to support vulnerable pupils

The Welsh Government should:

  • R8 Promote the WASPI and encourage the timely sharing of information about vulnerable pupils and families with schools

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