Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils - Estyn

Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils

Thematic Report

This report evaluates the quality and provision for secondary aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils and how this has developed since previous Estyn reports, particularly Estyn’s 2011 report.


Local authorities and schools should:

  • R1 Ensure that they evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies to improve the achievement, transition and attendance* of GRT pupils and make improvements when strategies are not bringing about the desired outcomes

R2 Ensure that anti-bullying and equality policies take account of the specific needs of GRT pupils*

  • R3 Ensure that schools promote GRT culture throughout the school curriculum*
  • R4 Ensure that GRT pupils have opportunities to express their views about their learning experiences
  • R5 Work collaboratively to deliver and enhance services for GRT pupils
  • R6 Explore ways of building the confidence of GRT pupils and parents to self-ascribe their ethnic identity accurately

The Welsh Government should:

  • R7 Update the 2008 guidance ‘Moving Forward – Gypsy Traveller Education’

* Recommendation in the 2005 and 2011 Estyn reports

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