Inspector roles

What are our inspector roles?
Each inspection team brings together a group of inspectors with different specialisms and experiences.
All inspectors undertake a wide range of inspection activities, including learning walks, observing sessions, scrutinizing samples of pupils’ work, interviewing staff and meeting learners.
Each inspection team will be led by either an HMI, a registered inspector or a registered nursery inspector. All teams will include one or more of the following:
His Majesty’s Inspector (HMI)
These are inspectors with a background and experience in specific sectors and are employed directly by Estyn.
Peer Inspector (PI)
People who have a leadership / management role in a school or provider alongside significant teaching or training experience. Recruited and trained by us, Peer inspectors are full members of an inspection team, contributing to all inspection areas. A school PI might inspect two or three times a year.
Registered Inspector (RgI) and Registered Nursery Inspector (RgNI)
They lead inspections in schools or non-maintained nursery settings, carrying out the same role as an HMI. We recruit, train and maintain a list of ‘approved’ RgIs/RgNIs who work for us on a contract.
Additional Inspector (AI): Team / Lead Inspector
These are external inspectors who are trained by Estyn and work for us under contract. They can join an inspection team or lead an inspection, carrying out the same role as an HMI.
Additional Inspector: Secondee
Seconded by an employer (e.g. school or local authority) to work full-time as an inspector for a fixed period, normally up to two years. They carry out the same work as an HMI, undertaking surveys and other work within their area of expertise.
Lay Inspector
Members of the general public without a background in education. We train these individuals to join our school inspections. The lay inspector focuses on the experience of school for pupils and the contribution that the relationships and environment make to their safety, attitudes to learning and wellbeing.
The nominee is the school’s representative on the inspection team throughout the inspection week. The role is usually undertaken by the headteacher and ensures that there is an opportunity for the school to have a voice. It means that additional information and context can be provided and clarification offered on areas discussed by the inspection team.
Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Inspector
Additional ALN are suitably qualified and experienced practitioners from local authorities, mainstream schools with local authority specialist classes (LASC) provision or from special schools who are deployed on the inspection of LASC in primary, secondary and all-age schools.
School Improvement Officers
School improvement officers who are directly employed by school improvement partnerships join as additional inspectors on very large primary or secondary schools.
Thematic Peer Inspectors
We sometimes invite peer inspectors to apply to join us on a thematic review. Peer inspectors will bring their recent and relevant sector and specialist knowledge to join review teams by visiting selected providers as part of the thematic review and contributing findings to the review team meetings.
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