News Articles
‘Pupil voice’ benefits pupils and helps schools to improve
Action Needed to Improve Mental Health Support for Children and Young People
Adult community learning partnerships show strong commitment to provide learning for hard-to-reach learners
An ambitious vision and strong teaching and learning are fundamental to schools’ Curriculum for Wales journey
Annual Report Launch 2024
Boosting Standards Together: Primary Sector Leadership Conference 2025
Chief Inspector bids farewell
Chief Inspector welcomes enhanced role for Estyn in independent review
Collaboration and support from peers help to strengthen the all-age sector
Consultation – inspection arrangements for initial teacher education from September 2025
Deepening teachers’ understanding of assessment a priority for Curriculum for Wales
Despite a strong focus on pupils’ wellbeing, secondary schools don’t realise the extent of sexual harassment between pupils
Drive to improve education at heart of Estyn review
Driving innovation in education through AI: share your experience
Education and training opportunities need strengthening for young people at risk of offending
Education begins to improve, but Chief Inspector urges schools to prepare for new curriculum
Education leaders need to focus on improving teaching and learning
Education organisations in Wales join forces to help reduce teachers’ workloads
Educational leaders in attendance at this year’s Urdd Eisteddfod
Effective teaching is at the heart of curriculum reform, says Estyn
Estyn announces new approach to equity
Estyn Annual Report: Clear direction, improving self-evaluation and support and tackling recruitment are key to future success in Wales’ education system
Estyn Annual Report: Much to celebrate but weaker practice holding learners back
Estyn appoints five new non-executive directors
Estyn continues improvement journey with inspection review
Estyn encourages more diverse leadership with new programme
Estyn highlights progress and challenges in implementing Additional Learning Needs reform in Wales
Estyn highlights the importance of Welsh reading across the curriculum as negative impact of pandemic still affects standards
Estyn highlights the need for stronger collaboration between primary and secondary schools to support pupil transition
Estyn identifies and supports priorities for education and training
Estyn inspections and other visits suspended to support providers and reduce pressure – COVID-19
Estyn live: Developing pupils’ Welsh reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Estyn Live: The Additional Learning Needs System
Estyn live: Transition and pupil progression
Estyn outlines sector challenges and successes in early insights report
Estyn outlines sector priorities and encourages self-improvement
Estyn report highlights the significant contribution of early years providers in communities and the need for stronger support to address the impact of poverty on young children’s development
Estyn seeks views on proposals for changes to inspecting education and training in Wales
Estyn supports schools in the foundation phase through new good practice guide
Estyn supports young people to ‘call out’ sexual harassment by their peers
Estyn to review use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in schools
Estyn will not inspect maintained schools next academic year - Statement from Meilyr Rowlands, HMCI
Estyn’s new tagline: For learners, for Wales
FE colleges must pay more attention to independent living skills for young people with learning difficulties
Higher apprenticeship take-up increases, but completion rates vary too much
How to Prepare for an Estyn Inspection: A Guide for Post-16 Providers
Implementation of new additional learning needs system requires greater consistency and clearer guidance, report finds
Improving teaching is the key to raising standards in schools
Independent review of joint inspection arrangements with Estyn published
Inspection 2024 Training
Interim visits: a supportive approach to school inspections
Joint Review: How are healthcare, education, and children’s services supporting the mental health needs of children and young people in Wales?
Language immersion remains a priority to support children learning Welsh
Leadership is the ‘most significant factor’ in driving primary school improvement
Learning and teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills in apprenticeships is skewed towards preparation for external assessment, report finds
Mae angen strategaeth genedlaethol i wella addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-16 yng Nghymru, meddai Estyn
Mixed progress with strategic plans for Welsh-medium education provision.
More Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils attend school, but further support needed
National Headteacher Conference 2024
National strategy needed to improve post-16 education and training in Wales, says Estyn
New curriculum must be top of schools’ agenda says Chief Inspector
Our response to the planned industrial action in maintained schools and PRUs
Our role in the new evaluation and improvement arrangements in schools
Owen Evans, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector's speech 17 February 2022
Pandemic may help to strengthen Welsh education in the longer term
Pandemic negatively affects pupils’ reading skills, but standards improving
Parental involvement with schools helps pupils achieve
Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among 16-18-year olds under-reported and college staff need more support finds Estyn’s latest report
Positive steps for Junior apprenticeships but opportunities are inconsistent across Wales
Primary schools need to identify their strengths and weaknesses better in science and in design and technology
Pupil referral units meet learners’ needs but more focus on their return to mainstream schools recommended
Pupils are happier and healthier when wellbeing is embedded in school life
Pupils have a positive attitude towards religious education lessons
Pupils’ good Welsh language skills support ambition for bilingual nation
Put improving teaching and learning first says Estyn as pandemic effects continue
Ready Already
Response to statement from the Cabinet Secretary for Education
School governors play supportive role but need more support to be able to hold leaders to account, report finds
School support for pupils who have adverse childhood experiences is improving
Schools and colleges in Wales urged to review their support for LGBT learners
Schools and colleges need to better prepare A level students to become independent learners
Schools and colleges need to do more to identify and support young carers
Schools and colleges respond well to changes in English, Welsh and mathematics GCSEs but their response to the Welsh Baccalaureate has been variable
Schools and other education settings recognised for their excellence
Schools and other education settings recognised for their excellence
Schools and other education settings recognised for their excellence
Schools are preparing well for changes in supporting pupils with additional learning needs
Schools need a clear vision for the new digital competence framework
Schools need to support pupils better in making career choices
Schools need to support pupils better in making career choices
Schools should better support pupils in learning how to develop safe, respectful personal relationships
Schools should make better use of the curriculum to help build pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of counter-terrorism
Schools should provide more opportunities for pupils to develop and use their financial skills
Schools supported to prepare for the Curriculum for Wales, but more practical help needed on design and delivery
Schools that identify pupils with special educational needs early can provide more effective support
Schools that work closely with employers better prepare pupils for work
Schools’ high aspirations help tackle effects of poverty and disadvantage
Secondary school attendance rates post-pandemic are a concern, with lower income pupils disproportionally affected
Secondary schools should provide science lessons that challenge pupils at all key stages
Services for young people work best when they focus on young people’s rights and listen to what they say they need
Shift towards culture of self-improvement in Welsh education
Statement – an update on the review into peer-on-peer sexual harassment in education settings
Statement from HMCI Owen Evans re: today’s publication of Welsh Government’s ‘Developing a new data and information ecosystem’
Statement: The teaching of reading in Wales
Storybook published to help children understand inspection
Strengths in the humanities are highlighted in schools across Wales
Strong leadership and high expectations helps nurture and challenge pupils who are more able and talented
Stronger focus needed in schools to improve the teaching of Welsh and ethnic minority history and culture
Successful school partnerships depend on a clear vision for improvement
The early findings from a review of child protection arrangements in Wales has been published today
The management of school moves for disengaged pupils needs strengthening
Too few primary schools are using guidance that can help them better manage the impact of teacher absence
Urdd Eisteddfod Maldwyn 2024
Wellbeing must continue to be a priority says Chief Inspector as she recognises the resilience of educators
Welsh Language national body brings benefits to adult learners
What do our stakeholders think of us?
Improvement Resources
Thematic Reports
A Review of Healthy Relationships Education - Training materials
A level Welsh First Language
A level Welsh First Language - training materials
A levels in sixth forms and further education colleges
A review of healthy relationships education
A review of the current 16-19 curriculum in Wales
A review of the junior apprenticeship programme in Wales
A review of the work of the National Centre for Learning Welsh
A review of the work of the National Centre for Learning Welsh - Training materials
Active and experiential learning - Effective foundation phase practice in delivering literacy and numeracy in Year 1 and Year 2
Additional Learning Needs in Further Education Colleges
Adult Community Learning in Wales
Adult Community Learning in Wales - Training materials
All-age schools in Wales - A report on the challenges and successes of establishing all-age schools
Apprenticeships - early feedback on delivery under the new contracts
Business and social studies subjects at A level
Business and social studies subjects at A level - training materials
Careers - The implementation of the careers and world of work framework in secondary schools
Careers - The implementation of the careers and world of work framework in secondary schools - Training materials
Celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion - Good practice in supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) learners in schools and colleges
Celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion - training materials
Community schools - training materials
Community schools: families and communities at the heart of school life
Curriculum innovation in primary schools
Delivery of Essential Skills Wales qualifications in apprenticeship programmes
Developing pupils’ English reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Developing pupils’ English reading skills from 10-14 years of age - training materials
Developments in remote and blended learning practice
Digital and online learning in further education colleges - autumn 2022 insights
Educational visits in further education colleges - autumn 2022 insights
Effective approaches to assessment that improve teaching and learning
Effective management of school workforce attendance in primary schools
Effective management of school workforce attendance in primary schools - Training materials
Effective school support for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils - training materials
Effective school support for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils – case studies of good practice
Engagement work: Further education and adult learning in the community sectors update – autumn 2021
Engagement work: Non-maintained sector update Autumn term 2021
English language and literacy in settings and primary schools
English language and literacy in settings and primary schools - training materials
Equity of curriculum experiences for pupils who are educated other than at school (EOTAS)
Equity of curriculum experiences for pupils who are educated other than at school (EOTAS) - training materials
Evolving approaches to blended learning in independent schools
Federated schools - Common features of effective federation
Federated schools - Common features of effective federation - training materials
Good practice in the humanities
Good practice in the humanities - Training materials
Healthy and happy - training materials
Healthy and happy – school impact on pupils’ health and wellbeing
Higher Apprenticeships in work-based learning
How schools and colleges used the RRRS and catch-up grants for post-16 learners
Impartial careers advice and guidance to young people aged 14-16 years provided by Careers Wales advisers
Improving attendance in secondary schools
Improving attendance in secondary schools - training materials
Improving teaching
Improving teaching
Initial Teacher Education reform in Wales - emerging strengths and areas for consideration
Initial teacher education in the post-compulsory education and training sectors
Insights into how independent schools and specialist colleges have responded during the COVID-19 pandemic
Involving parents - Communication between schools and parents of school-aged children
Involving parents - Communication between schools and parents of school-aged children - Training materials
Jobs Growth Wales+ youth programme: Autumn 2023 insights
Knowing Your Children - Support for pupils with Adverse Childhood Experiences - training materials
Knowing your children – supporting pupils with adverse childhood experiences (ACES)
Leadership and primary school improvement
Leadership development – case studies of professional learning for school leadership
Learner progress and destinations in independent living skills learning areas in further education colleges
Learner progress and destinations in independent living skills learning areas in further education colleges - Training materials
Learner resilience - building resilience in primary schools, secondary schools and pupil referral units
Learner resilience - building resilience in primary schools, secondary schools and pupil referral units - training materials
Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans
Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans - Training materials
Local authority and regional consortia support for schools and PRUs in response to COVID-19
Managed moves: Effective use of managed moves by local authorities and schools
Managed moves: Effective use of managed moves by local authorities and schools - Training materials
Managing money: Financial education in primary and secondary schools in Wales
Managing money: Financial education in primary and secondary schools in Wales - Training materials
Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency
Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency - Training materials
New qualifications
Partnerships with employers in secondary and special schools
Partnerships with employers in secondary and special schools - training materials
Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among 16 to 18-year-old learners in further education
Post-16 partnerships - Shared planning and provision between schools, and between schools and colleges
Post-16 partnerships - training materials
Preparing for the Curriculum for Wales – case studies and cameos from secondary, all-age and special schools
Preparing for the Curriculum for Wales – training materials
Preparing for the Digital Competence Framework (DCF)
Prevent – how well maintained schools implement their duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
Prevent – how well maintained schools implement their duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 - training materials
Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils
Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils - training materials
Provision for young carers in secondary schools, further education colleges and pupil referral units across Wales
Provision for young carers in secondary schools, further education colleges and pupil referral units across Wales - training materials
Pupil Referral Unit management committees
Pupil Referral Unit management committees training materials
Pupil participation: a best practice guide
Pupil participation: a best practice guide - Training materials
Pupil registration practices
Pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools - A good practice report
Pupils with special educational needs in mainstream schools - training materials
Rapid review of child protection arrangements - Interim findings
Readiness for additional learning needs reforms
Religious education at key stage 2 and key stage 3
Religious education at key stage 2 and key stage 3 - Training materials
School Governors - Acting as critical friends and the impact of governor training
School Governors - training materials
School-to-school support and collaboration – a summary and discussion paper
Science and design and technology at key stage 2
Science and design technology at key stage 2 - Training materials
Science at key stage 3 and key stage 4
Science at key stage 3 and key stage 4 - Training materials
Summary of engagement calls and visits to schools and PRUs – autumn 2021
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2016
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2017
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2018
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2019/2020
Summary of findings from our national thematic reviews 2020/2021
Support for Welsh in Initial Teacher Education: How initial teacher education partnerships support student teachers to improve their Welsh language skills, including teaching through the medium of Welsh
Support for learners’ mental health and emotional wellbeing
Supporting Resources: We don’t tell our teachers - Experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales
Supporting more able and talented pupils - How best to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils: Key stages 2 to 4
Supporting more able and talented pupils - Training Materials
Test thematic report
The Curriculum for Wales - How are regional consortia and local authorities supporting schools?
The Curriculum for Wales - how are regional consortia and local authorities supporting schools?
The Value of Youth Work Training - A sustainable model for Wales
The Value of Youth Work Training - training materials
The impact of the Learning and Skills Measure on vulnerable learners
The impact of the Learning and Skills Measure on vulnerable learners - Training materials
The new Additional Learning Needs system
The new additional learning needs system - training materials
The professional learning continuum: mentoring in initial teacher education
The quality of education and training for young people engaged with youth offending teams
The teaching of Welsh history including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture
Thematic Report: Developing pupils’ Welsh reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Thematic Report: Impact of poverty on educational attainment, support, provision and transition for early education
Thematic Report: Transition and pupil progression
Thematic report - The additional learning needs system
We don’t tell our teachers - Experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales
We don’t tell our teachers, but schools need to know – a report for learners
Welsh Immersion Education - Strategies and approaches to support 3 to 11-year-old learners
Welsh in key stage 2 and key stage 3 in Welsh-medium or bilingual schools
Welsh in key stage 2 and key stage 3 in Welsh-medium or bilingual schools - Training materials
Welsh language acquisition - How Welsh-medium and bilingual settings and primary schools develop learners’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
Welsh-medium and bilingual teaching and learning in further education
Welsh-medium and bilingual teaching and learning in further education - Training materials
Youth Engagement and Progression Lead Worker Review
Youth Support Services in Wales
Youth support services - Training materials
‘We don’t tell our teachers’– experiences of peer-on-peer sexual harassment among secondary school pupils in Wales
Effective Practices
A Bespoke and Collaborative Curriculum Journey
A Journey Towards an Anti-Racist Curriculum
A caring school
A collaborative approach to developing creative activities
A collaborative approach to supporting positive behaviour
A curriculum that engages all pupils
A different approach to ALN
A flexible curriculum that responds to the needs of individual learners
A highly effective graduated response that promotes inclusion successfully
A holistic approach to learner well-being, health & safety
A holistic approach to supporting college learners
A knowledge-rich approach to Curriculum for Wales
A philosophy of inclusion
A preventative approach to support wellbeing
A programme to help pupils in their ‘First 50’ days of secondary school
A school environment that benefits pupil wellbeing
A school farm that helps improve pupils’ numeracy and literacy skills
A science, technology, engineering and mathematics enrichment program that drives curriculum development
A skills-based curriculum with more local contexts
A stimulating and enriching exterior that inspires children's curiosity as well as exceptional physical and creative experiences.
A systematic approach to learning
A whole school approach to well-being using a scientific model
A whole school programme to raise reading standards
A whole-school approach to developing pupils as effective writers
A whole-school approach to securing high standards of teaching and learning
Achieving high standards through pupil wellbeing
Aligning attainment and wellbeing to track pupils’ progress
All For One
Ambition is the key to achievement
An inclusive and nurturing environment for all children
An inclusive ethos and culture promotes effective pupil participation
An innovative Welsh programme to challenge more able pupils
An innovative approach to support pupils from Occupational Traveller families
An integrated approach to specialist provision
Anticipating labour market developments and meeting the workforce needs of regional projects
Application of skills in the outdoor environment
Assessment for Learning and thinking skills
Big Bocs Bwyd – a recipe for success!
Broadening pupils’ horizons and developing a culture of belonging
Building a rich learning environment
Building an ethos based on mutual respect
Building bridges: using employer boards to develop innovative apprenticeship provision.
Building effective links with parents to support equity in pupil learning
Building effective partnerships to improve learning outcomes and wellbeing
Building partnerships to improve aspirations and outcomes in science and technology
Building positive relationships with parents and families
Business enterprise improving skills
Celebrating diversity to support well-informed, responsible and tolerant pupils
Challenging pupils’ learning, challenging outcomes
Championing a new curriculum through a school cluster
Championing a new curriculum through a school cluster
Championing a new curriculum through a school cluster
Changing the structure of the school council
Children’s interests lead learning activities
Clear purpose and direction = success
Cluster co-operation when planning Curriculum for Wales in the catchment area of Ysgol Uwchradd Brynrefail
Co-ordinated planning to develop pupils’ literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills
Co-ordinated planning to develop pupils’ literacy, numeracy and digital competence skills
Co-ordinated work to strengthen the Welsh language
Cohesive work to safeguard and improve learners’ well-being.
Coleg Cambria - building a new identity
Collaboration across cluster schools
College supports individual learning needs
Communicating openly to help staff work more effectively with each other
Connecting generations
Consistent approach to continual improvement and how it involves all staff.
Context and background to practice – Cohesive work to safeguard and improve learners’ well-being
Creating a culture of belonging
Creating a culture of improvement to ‘do even better’.
Creating a culture of professional reflection and learning
Creating a digital platform for the Welsh for Adults sector
Creating a learning plaza leads to positive changes in pupil engagement
Creating a nurturing environment
Creating a nurturing environment to promote children’s development
Creating a nurturing school through an inclusive approach to wellbeing
Creating a professional culture of consistently high expectations
Creating a pupil support network
Creating a rich and stimulating reading environment that instils a love of books amongst children.
Creating a strategic framework
Creating a strong culture and appreciation of Welsh language and heritage.
Creating a vision for continuous improvement
Creating an innovative curriculum using the expressive arts
Creating dementia awareness through pupil interaction and community outreach
Creating family links between home and school
Creating links with the local community
Creating strategies to develop pupils’ independence
Creating strong foundations to support learners’ growth
Creating the Conditions to Thrive - Creating a Culture of Professional Learning
Creating the culture for achievement
Creating the right atmosphere to talk about teaching
Creating working relationships to support pupils’ needs
Creative and stimulating activities through pupil immersion days
Creative strategies that encourage thinking and high attainment
Creativity in the recording of pupil assessment
Cyngor Gwynedd’s work in developing Welsh medium resources for pupils with additional education needs and their families, and for language immersion.
Designing a pupil-led curriculum
Develop and promote the Welsh language across the school
Develop and promote the Welsh language across the school
Developing Welsh language skills for early years learning
Developing a Creative Curriculum
Developing a culture of a school as a self-improving organisation
Developing a culture of self-evaluation and continuous professional learning at Blackwood Comprehensive School
Developing a culture that supports staff well-being.
Developing a curriculum that improves pupils' skills and enthusiasm for learning
Developing a flexible curriculum
Developing a programme to provide targeted support for vulnerable learners to improve their attendance, behaviour, attainment and well-being
Developing a rich and stimulating environment that promotes the curiosity and enthusiasm of the youngest pupils.
Developing a rich curriculum and effective teaching that meets the needs of all learners and promotes strong attitudes to learning
Developing a rich curriculum and effective teaching that meets the needs of all learners and promotes strong attitudes to learning
Developing a school community
Developing a skills-based curriculum in primary school
Developing a specialist language support programme for a local authority
Developing a strategic vision for improving education
Developing additional expertise within school to support pupils’ wellbeing
Developing an effective culture for learning
Developing an outdoor curriculum in preparation for Curriculum for Wales that develops pupils’ knowledge and skills as well as supporting their well-being
Developing an outdoor education programme
Developing and improving learners’ digital competence skills at Blackwood Comprehensive School
Developing children's independence by supporting their well-being
Developing children’s social and emotional skills through community links
Developing creative and work skills in an online marketplace
Developing creative and work skills in an online marketplace
Developing early communication skills with predominantly pre verbal pupils.
Developing effective partnerships with parents and the wider community to support pupils’ learning and raise their aspirations.
Developing effective provision for learning languages
Developing good reading habits
Developing independence at an early age through managed risk taking
Developing leadership and supportive relationships to enhance staff wellbeing and children's outcomes
Developing leadership at all levels to improve the quality of provision, pupil progress and well-being and to ensure resilience of leadership in the future
Developing leadership skills
Developing leaders’ capacity to improve teaching in a small school
Developing learners' transferable skills
Developing learners’ skills through real life experiences
Developing links with schools and college councils
Developing oracy through self-assessment and new teaching strategies
Developing outdoor activities that focus on providing pupils with experiences of vocational careers.
Developing people and practice: beyond professional learning
Developing people and processes to secure effective school improvement
Developing principled, knowledgeable pupils
Developing pupils as independent learners
Developing pupils’ Welsh language oracy skills
Developing pupils’ Welsh oracy skills
Developing pupils’ digital skills
Developing pupils’ financial skills makes economic sense
Developing pupils’ independence and life skills
Developing pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Developing pupils’ skills and enthusiasm towards learning by creative planning and teaching
Developing pupils’ skills through nurturing
Developing pupils’ social and emotional skills
Developing pupils’ speaking and listening skills through a bespoke whole school oracy framework supported by an explicitly taught behaviour curriculum.
Developing pupils’ understanding of the Welsh language and Welsh culture
Developing strong personal values at school
Developing the Curriculum for Wales at Ysgol Penglais
Developing the culture, ethos and language of Wales across the school
Developing well-rounded, respectful Welsh citizens
Developing whole school systems to bring about rapid improvement
Digital Fridays, an initiative that refers learners into provision, supports existing learners, promotes independence, supports tutors, and allows ongoing learning and the development of skills
Digital technology in primary school life
Discussion sessions identify opportunities for radical reform
Distributed leadership that supports school improvement
Distributed leadership that supports school improvement
Drama and Health Intervention Project
Driving effective performance development through action research, collaboration and professional learning for all staff.
Driving improvement through professional development
ESOL Cancer Awareness - reducing barriers to healthcare for ESOL learners
Early identification and support of learners at risk of disengaging
Effective distribution of staff responsibilities to promote professional learning and shared responsibility
Effective feedback to support independent learners
Effective immersion: supporting learners to make swift progress when supporting them to learn about and appreciate Welsh history and culture.
Effective leadership for seamless school amalgamation
Effective partnership working between schools supports pupils’ transition between key stage 2 and key stage 3
Effective partnerships that engage children and enrich the curriculum
Effective planning across a federation
Effective planning across a federation
Effective planning across a federation
Effective provision for pupils who have additional learning needs
Effective strategies support the social and emotional wellbeing of pupils
Effective strategies to support Gypsy Traveller pupils
Effective support for pupils with English as an additional language
Effective support helps learners become fluent Welsh speakers
Effective use of PDG and support for vulnerable pupils
Effective use of the outdoor areas to develop pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Effective use of the outdoor areas to develop pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Effective use of the outdoor environment to promote high quality well-being and learning
Effectively engaging the school community
Effectively supporting pupils with social, emotional and behavioural needs
Embedding assessment processes into school life so that the feedback ensures that pupils make strong progress in their learning.
Embedding links with the community/local area in the school’s new curriculum
Embedding pupil voice into the school ethos
Embedding targeted youth work within schools
Embracing children’s interests to inspire mathematical development
Empowering all staff to be leaders
Empowering learners to contribute meaningfully to making decisions about how and what they learn, their well-being and how to keep themselves safe.
Empowering students to explore different education pathways
Empowering students to make a positive difference in the world
Empowering tutor development through strong and collaborative partnership working
Enabling parents to support their children’s learning
Enabling pupils to become independent learners
Encouraging creative and physical skills in children
Encouraging independent and inquisitive learners in the Foundation Phase
Encouraging independent learners
Encouraging learners to achieve more than they expect of themselves
Encouraging learning as a family
Encouraging teachers to talk and learn from each other
Engaging all pupils in the Welsh language
Engaging and supporting parents and families
Enhancing Apprenticeships – Meeting the needs of community and employers
Enhancing curriculum experience through film skills
Enhancing family engagement and learner well-being
Enhancing literacy skills through partnership working and specialist teaching
Enhancing pupils’ entrepreneurial skills and improving standards
Ensuring consistency during change
Ensuring effective support for vulnerable learners
Ensuring high-quality Foundation Phase teaching
Ensuring the best provision for pupils with additional learning needs
Establishing a cohesive team for a successful federation
Establishing a cohesive team for a successful federation
Establishing a new adult learning in the community partnership in Wrexham and Flintshire
Establishing a whole school approach to teaching
Establishing behaviour groups
Establishing behaviour management and reward methods, as a result of pupils’ responsibility.
Establishing partnerships to help students with additional learning needs develop independent living skills
Evolving foundation phase practices at key stage 2 generates a pioneering curriculum
Expanding participation and ensuring that everyone in Wales has an opportunity to learn the language, whatever their background
Family learning
Formal and informal learning approaches that enable learners to assimilate into the Welsh-speaking community
Fostering pupils’ pride in the Welsh language and deepening their knowledge of local history and national traditions while developing the Curriculum for Wales
From special measures to success: an improvement journey
GROWing through coaching
Getting the climate right
Getting to know you
Giving pupils a say in improving their school
Giving pupils a voice benefits attitudes to learning and helps school improvement
Giving pupils ownership of their learning
Giving pupils the power to learn
Giving pupils, staff and stakeholders an equal voice in the formation of a new school
Going for Gold!
Governing body help strengthen school improvement
Governor Improvement Groups- The impact on governors’ capacity to support senior leaders.
Greenhill school’s approach to ensuring equity
Growing leaders through middle leadership development and training
Harnessing pupil enthusiasm
Harnessing pupil voice to build effective anti-bullying strategies
Helping learners with their Welsh language skills outside the classroom with additional provision
Helping pupils achieve qualifications
Helping young people to manage emotions and relationships
High quality induction and professional development helps staff understand children’s needs
High quality learning experiences
High quality outdoor learning and experiences
How Adamsdown Primary designed a curriculum to meet the needs of its learners.
How Adamsdown Primary used distributed leadership to support successful self evaluation processes and implement whole-school changes
How Llanishen High School works to ensure equitable access to learning experiences for all pupils
How St. Gwladys Bargoed School develops pupils' independence in the early years and how this continues as pupils move through the school.
How To Facilitate a Child Centred Approach Using Loose Parts To Enhance Creativity, Resilience And Collaborative Skills.
How Ysgol Pont y Gof, in response to the community’s aspirations, plans learning experiences to reflect the nature, context and economy of the local area to encourage pupils to become full members of their community and succeed locally.
How an inquiry based curriculum can support a diverse community school to prepare pupils for life as citizens in modern Wales.
How compassionate leadership supports the learning and well-being of pupils and the wider school community
How teaching and the curriculum develops creative skills
How the Learn Welsh sector influences pedagogy and language acquisition in other sections in Wales and beyond
How the school has developed an effective, responsive approach to teaching and learning
How the school plans creative experiences to deepen pupils’ learning about the history and culture of their local community.
How the school uses the wider outdoor environment and community (Cynefin) to enhance pupils’ learning experience
How the setting develops independence and resilience in the younger children so effectively and successfully
Identifying pupil needs
Implementing a new leadership model
Implementing a personalised curriculum
Improving attendance - Why pupils want to attend Pontarddulais Comprehensive School.
Improving family engagement to develop pupil wellbeing within the school community
Improving learner retention and success through progress monitoring
Improving learning outcomes through inspiring leadership
Improving literacy through creative learning
Improving marking and assessment through pupil participation
Improving oracy skills using challenging texts
Improving outcomes for pupils receiving free school meals
Improving professional development
Improving pupil outcomes and wellbeing through a creative curriculum
Improving pupil outcomes through highly effective nurture provision
Improving pupils’ emotional wellbeing
Improving pupils’ wellbeing and attitudes to learning through curriculum enrichment
Improving science skills and engagement through local partnerships
Improving skills for young people with learning difficulties
Improving staff and learner wellbeing
Improving teaching and learning
Improving teaching through an emphasis on professional learning
Improving teaching through an emphasis on professional learning
Improving the evaluation, planning and co ordination of provision for learners with special educational needs (SEN) and other pupils who may require extra support
Improving the quality of teaching through professional learning
Improving the safeguarding process
Improving the skills of middle leaders to bring about improvements in teaching
Improving the ‘iLearn’ curriculum through planning and evaluation
Improving writing skills
Including all staff in the self-evaluation process
Incorporating information and communication technology seamlessly into all lessons
Increasing the number of Welsh-speakers in the education workforce
Individual learning programmes are tailored to support learners’ needs
Individualised and tailored curriculum offers to remove barriers to learning and enable all pupils to achieve
Innovation through teamwork
Innovative approach to supporting more able and talented pupils
Innovative interventions that lead to improvement in attainment
International partnerships that broaden the curriculum and provide stimulating learning experiences
Involving all stakeholders in identifying priorities for school improvement
Involving parents in education
Involving parents, pupils, and teachers to create a rich, innovative curriculum
Junior Apprentices at Bridgend College
Keeping pupils at the centre of teaching and learning
Leaders and teachers set a good example
Leaders securing improvement in a local authority
Leaders strategically implementing an ambitious vision while aiming for excellence.
Leading learners across Wales by example
Leading professional learning across cluster schools to develop the bilingualism of pupils.
Leading the way online
Leading the way to new strategies
Learn and develop through play
Learner Voice in Pembrokeshire College
Learning Support Assistants lead on intervention programmes
Learning in the outdoors: providing a wide range of learning experiences.
Learning through play in a real-life context
Learning through play to support independent learning
Living and Learning Together: Supporting and Learning from Families Seeking Sanctuary
Local authority creates fully integrated Education and Children’s service
Local community visits provide opportunities to enrich children’s learning experiences
Local visits nurture pride in the community and an understanding of the world
Maintaining a clear focus to improve the consistency of teaching
Making all staff accountable for the quality of teaching
Making better use of observations to support teachers
Making learning experiential
Matching the curriculum for Wales to school values and teacher aspirations
Measuring small steps of progress through the achievement continuum
Meet the emotional needs of pupils to ensure that they are in a good place to learn
Meeting employer needs with a skills-focused curriculum
Meeting pupils’ communication needs
Meeting the needs of a diverse community
Meeting the needs of all children, especially those with additional learning needs
Meeting the needs of the individual children whilst making them a part of the Cylch
Money matters
Monitoring learner experience
Motivating pupils to speak Welsh
Music therapy helps emotional and behavioural development
New model for delivery of the Welsh BAC
Nurturing Independence through Reggio-Inspired Environments at Homestead Nursery
Nurturing independence amongst pupils
Nurturing pupils’ learning journeys drives resilience and celebrates originality
Opportunities that are available for pupils to influence aspects of the school
Our journey developing Curriculum for Wales
Parent council helps to raise standards and attainment levels
Parental engagement sessions promote continuity in children’s learning experiences
Parental involvement placed at the heart of school life
Partnership working is vital to learners’ success
Partnership working provides wide range of learning opportunities
Partnerships pay off for pupils with special educational needs
Pathways of curiosity
Physical well-being, nutritional well-being and holistic wellbeing lessons
Placing children at the centre of learning
Placing the rights of the child at the heart of curriculum development
Planning a more flexible and adaptable creative curriculum to engage pupils' interest
Planning and listening to pupils’ needs improves standards
Planning for improvement to ensure the best experiences for pupils
Planning for improvement to ensure the best learning experiences for pupils
Planning for improvement to ensure the best learning experiences for pupils
Planning for the Curriculum for Wales
Planning the curriculum to ensure creative experiences for pupils
Planning to develop pupils’ multilingual skills
Poverty Proofing the School Day
Preparing students for their next step after college
Preparing to implement the new curriculum through involving pupils
Priority sector skills academies – enabling learners to gain employment in priority sectors
Proactive approach to the identification and support for future school leaders, including sectors where recruitment is challenging
Professional Learning
Professional Learning and Sharing Good Practice in Work Based Learning
Professional Learning at Heronsbridge School
Professional learning enhances the quality of education and helps improve outcomes
Professional learning opportunities that raise standards
Promoting a strong Welsh culture
Promoting enthusiasm for using Welsh language
Promoting parents as partners supports school improvement
Promoting pupils’ multicultural and moral development
Promoting the use of the Welsh language
Providing a whole-school approach and ethos to working in partnership with parents and carers.
Providing an engaging learning environment for youngest learners
Providing authentic and engaging experiences in the nursery provision to inspire children’s love of learning and develop their independent skills
Providing effective support for apprentices with additional learning needs
Providing enriched experiences to develop skills
Providing opportunities for more able and talented learners
Provision for pupils with Additional Learning Needs
Provision of high-quality experiential play opportunities
Provision to improve pupils’ Welsh language skills
Pupil voice leads the way on evaluating a successful curriculum
Pupil voice plays an important part planning a creative and exciting curriculum
Pupil voice shapes the curriculum
Pupils as learning coaches
Pupils bringing history alive through school’s partnership with museum
Pupils evaluate the quality of provision at their school
Pupils help develop school strategic direction
Pupils influence and improve the curriculum
Pupils lead their own learning experience
Pupils work with staff to influence what they learn
Pupils’ Cabinet promotes independence and supports school life
Pupils’ life skills develop from their community work
Pupils’ voices matter
Putting digital learning at the heart of the curriculum
Putting outside play at the heart of learning
Putting pupil voices at the centre of planning to develop independent learning
Raising Welsh language standards
Raising aspirations for Muslim girls’ education by removing perceived barriers
Raising attainment through monitoring pupil progress
Raising standards in literacy and numeracy
Raising standards of wellbeing among pupils and staff
Raising the attendance of vulnerable pupils through highly effective individual well-being support
Rapid development of pupils’ oracy skills
Rebuilding professional trust to improve the quality of teaching
Recognising the rights of Young Carers
Reducing anti-social behaviour in the community
Reducing challenging behaviour through positive management strategy
Reducing inequalities caused by poverty through strong community partnerships
Reducing the impact of poverty on educational attainment
Regular evaluation to drive change and raise standards
Removing barriers to learning by providing pupils with the language and strategies to discuss their emotions
Research that underpins teaching and learning strategies
Reshaping the school vision
Resources and assessments to support the development of pupils’ numeracy skills
Responsive planning and ensuring children can lead play
Review and reflect – the impact of self-evaluation
Review and reflect – the impact of self-evaluation
Reviewing approaches in meeting the needs of more able and talented pupils in response to curriculum reform in Wales
Rising to the literacy challenge
School Improvement - How an inclusive cycle of school improvement processes continually improves provision and pupil outcomes.
School council developing pupils' welfare and setting a strategic direction
School develops innovative learning experience for pupils
School develops the pupil voice
School encourages caring and inclusive learning environment
School helps pupils develop independent IT skills
School offers a flexible approach to learning
School support for children with adverse childhood experiences
School’s culture is focused on children’s rights
Science initiative inspires pupils
Sector Leading within Food Drink & Hospitality Sectors
Securing effective collaboration across a federation of schools
Securing high quality teaching through professional development
Self-evaluation and Improvement planning securing a strong impact on provision and pupil progress
Self-evaluation for improved pupil outcomes
Setting leader supports staff to ensure consistently high standards
Sharing excellence in teaching
Sharing expertise with parents, carers and schools
Skills building at snack time
Skills for life
Sport for all
Strategies for increasing the use of Welsh language by learners at all levels
Strengthening opportunities for pupil leadership
Strengthening the pupil voice
Striving for independent learning for all pupils
Strong leadership and strategic plans for school improvement
Strong leadership supports exciting early education
Structured approach to communication helps promote an inclusive learning environment
Success with online individual learning plans
Successful behaviours through reward-based programme
Successful transition to further education for pupils with additional learning needs
Successfully addressing shortcomings in teaching
Support for families
Support for families in order to raise standards in learning.
Support for wellbeing during transition from primary to secondary
Support sessions help behaviour and learning
Supported internships and work experience, leading to paid employment for young people with additional learning needs and disabilities.
Supporting NQTs using mentoring and coaching by school staff
Supporting families through the cost of living crisis
Supporting governors to fulfil their role more effectively
Supporting learners in pupil referral units to return to mainstream school
Supporting learners to make informed choices for the future
Supporting learners with additional learning needs
Supporting parental engagement through workshops
Supporting professional learning
Supporting professional learning through action research
Supporting pupil wellbeing
Supporting pupils and families to develop positive financial literacy skills
Supporting pupils with English as an additional language to help them integrate
Supporting pupils with Speech, Language and Communication Needs to improve oracy and wellbeing
Supporting pupils with additional needs through change
Supporting pupils’ attitudes to learning and the sharing of curriculum and learning experiences through dissemination events
Supporting pupils’ emotional wellbeing
Supporting pupils’ individual learning needs
Supporting the development of pupils’ learning and well-being through support from the Pastoral Hub and Learning Hub
Supporting the learning of children and young people of asylum-seeking families and refugees
Supporting the mental health of the school ‘community’
Supporting the needs of pupils from the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Supporting the well-being of pupils through self-referral to the school’s highly effective nurturing ‘Nest’ provision
Supporting vulnerable groups of pupils
Supporting vulnerable young people through integrated service working
Supportive nurture programme increases levels of pupils’ self-esteem
Sustaining excellence in teaching
Swansea Secondment Project
Tackling the impact of poverty on educational attainment, including the development of the community school
Tailoring apprenticeship training to learner needs
Taking teaching outdoors
Talking and reflecting about teaching
Targeted research helps develop innovative teaching practices
Teacher observation and AoLE review stimulates a rich curriculum
Teachers as Researchers
Teachers work together to ensure strategies develop learners’ core skills
Teachers’ knowledge and pupils’ learning opportunities improved by research projects
Teaching communication skills
Teaching in a challenging environment
Technology plays a significant role in helping pupils to achieve their potential
The Cardiff Commitment – Raising the aspirations, ambitions and outcomes for children and young people
The Development of student teachers’ Welsh Language skills
The Effects of Drama both on the Spoken and Written Language
The Impact of Being Trauma Informed
The Leadership Role of Sixth-form Pupil
The development and use of an effective virtual learning environment.
The development of future leaders in education through a strong professional learning offer and effective succession planning
The digitally-enabled college
The effect of distributed and specialised professional development on the quality of provision.
The effect of leadership methods on the design of a masterful and innovative curriculum at Ysgol Gymraeg Bryn y Môr
The effect of the wide provision of interventions to support the development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy, motor, personal, emotional and behavioural skills
The effect of the wide provision of interventions to support the development of pupils’ literacy, numeracy, motor, personal, emotional and behavioural skills
The fast-track to success
The impact of cross directorate working on education services in the Vale of Glamorgan
The impact of interventions on pupils’ communication, emotional and behavioural development
The impact of professional development
The impact of professional learning on improving the quality of teaching in Radyr Comprehensive School
The impact of professional learning on teaching and learning, curriculum development, and leadership
The impact of strong partnerships.
The impact of the whole school approach to remove barriers to learning.
The impact of the work of the Well-being Centre on pupils, staff and families.
The impact of working in partnership to support children’s development and well-being.
The leadership of effective school support for disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils
The learning support screening process
The planning and co-ordination for the progressive development of pupils’ skills
The process of change management at St Christopher’s
The progress of learners as a result of robust assessment strategies and monitoring of pupils’ achievements and next steps in learning.
The provision of a broad and purposeful curriculum to meet the needs of all learners and its impact on pupil engagement and aspirations
The range of opportunities that pupils receive in order to develop their leadership skills and get their voice heard.
The rationale for and impact of the school’s provision and support panel
The role of the enabling adult to support effective environments and engaging experiences
The role of the research champions and their development as effective facilitators of research-informed practices in their contexts
The schools use of outdoor learning to meet the complex and sensory needs of pupils.
The school’s work in relation to provision to develop pupils as responsible and informed citizens
The sound of success - using music to develop literacy skills
The strength of working together
The use of data across the local authority to inform planning, decision making and support for schools
The use of effective self-evaluation supported by robust monitoring, review and evaluation (MRE) processes to develop leadership and lead school improvement.
The use of the outdoor learning environment to support pupils learning and well-being
The way in which the school ignites a sense of belonging to the school and how this influences the high levels of well-being and attendance.
The work of the ‘prynhawniau prysur’ (‘busy afternoons’) and the four purpose groups in providing opportunities for develop independence and apply their skills in different interesting contexts
The world is their Oyster
The ‘Y Pant Way’
Thorough planning and clearly defined roles improve quality
Tracking progress to support pupils’ additional learning needs
Tracking pupils’ progress to improve standards of wellbeing and attainment
Tracking system helps pupils to achieve targets
Transforming Cardiff and Vale Adult Community Learning Partnership
Transforming lunchtime helps improve children’s behaviour and self-esteem
Transforming youth work provision: young person led digital innovation
Trusting staff to lead on improving pedagogy and practice
Turning learners into users of the Welsh language
Universal wrap-around support for apprentices
Use of snack time to develop children’s skills and understanding
Using Digital learning innovatively
Using Person Centred Planning across the school
Using a bespoke coaching and mentoring system to improve teaching
Using a nurturing approach to manage conflicts
Using activities to promote independence skills
Using an enrichment programme to improve skills
Using assessment for learning to close gaps in pupils’ learning
Using distributed leadership for school improvement
Using distributed leadership to drive improvement
Using effective assessment strategies to improve pupils’ engagement, outcomes and understanding of how they learn.
Using effective observations to inform planning to improve the impact on children’s learning and development
Using enterprise activity to develop pupils’ as enterprising contributors
Using evidence to refine self-evaluation
Using evidence-based teacher led professional development sessions to improve teaching at a whole school level
Using games to improve pupils’ literacy skills
Using local employers for work-related education
Using male role models to improve boys’ writing skills
Using professional learning to raise standards of Welsh for pupils across the school
Using pupil opinions in the classroom
Using pupil voice to shape learning
Using puppets to promote children’s emotional understanding
Using real-life situations to develop children’s skills
Using research findings and action research to improve teaching
Using school programmes to support equality and diversity
Using self-evaluation to challenge and nurture more able and talented pupils
Using self-evaluation to drive improvement
Using shared leadership to create an inclusive environment
Using stimulating learning activities
Using technology and developing pupils’ ICT skills
Using the Lead creative Schools Scheme to extend mathematical and creative skills
Using the Welsh language: purposeful and unique extra-curricular activities that support learners to speak Welsh increasingly spontaneously on the Nant site and in the local community
Using the outdoor area to improve children’s skills
Using the outdoors to develop important life skills
Using the outdoors to develop pupils’ imagination and role play.
Using the outdoors to develop pupils’ skills
Using video technology for professional development
Using wellbeing activities to nurture pupils
Using yoga to raise standards of behaviour and improve concentration skills
Valuing learner voice
Video: Leadership – Active and experiential learning
Video: Provision for literacy and numeracy – Active and experiential learning
Video: Pupil voice and independence - Active and experiential learning
Video: Standards in literacy and numeracy - Active and experiential learning
Video: Teaching and assessment – Active and experiential learning
We Give Them Wings, Our Herons Will Fly: Our Curriculum Reform Journey
Welcoming families from overseas
Wellbeing at Cylch Meithrin Hill Street
Welsh for adults partnership plays key role in promoting bilingualism
Welsh language opportunities for fluent Welsh speakers, learners, and the local community
Whole school approach to self-evaluation
Whole-school planning for developing pupils' skills across the curriculum
Working collaboratively on school improvement
Working in partnership to promote investment in skills and access to post-16 education
Working in partnership to promote learning experiences and children's wellbeing.
Working in partnership with a range of agencies to support families and promote pupils’ well-being
Working in partnership with parents and the community
Working in partnership with sectors to design and build new facilities
Working together to improve wellbeing for work-based learning
Working together to recognise strengths and plan an effective curriculum
Working with external partners to develop pupils’ skills and talents
Working with local businesses to enrich the Welsh Baccalaureate
Working with partners to support the provision and enrich learning experiences.
Working with pupils to plan a better curriculum
Y Cartref: Beyond the doors of Tredegar Park Primary School – Developing Pupils’ Life Skills
reducing the impact of poverty and disadvantage on pupils’ learning
‘Finding my element’, providing pupils with opportunities to engage in new and exciting activities to build resilience and self-confidence
‘Literally everything’ – realising the full potential of a school’s library.
“Creating a culture of creativity” – sharing practice on how the school develops pupils’ creative skills through a worthwhile programme of professional learning and highly effective curriculum provision.
Additional Resources
Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
Ieuenctid Bro Morgannwg/Vale of Glamorgan Youth
Munchkins@ Ysgol Llanbedr
3 @ Cradoc
Abacus Day Nursery
Abbey Primary School
Abbeyfield Day Nursery
ABC Day Nursery Ltd
ABC out of school club
Aberbargoed Primary School
Abercanaid Community School
Abercarn Primary School
Abercerdin Primary School
Abercynon Community Primary School
Aberdare Community School
Aberdare Park Primary School
Aberdare Town C.I.W. Primary School
Abergele Playgroup
Abermorddu C.P. School
Abermule Busy Bees Childcare Ltd
Abermule Primary School
Abernant C.P. School
Abernant Primary School
Aberporth Bilingual Playgroup
Abersychan Comprehensive School
Abersychan Under Fives
Abertillery Learning Community
Abertysswg Primary School
Aberystwyth Partnership of Initial Teacher Education
Abracadabra Playgroup
Acorn Learning Solutions (ALS) Limited
Acorns Nursery
Acorns Playgroup
ACT Schools
Acton Childcare
Acton Childcare
Acton Park Primary School
Adamsdown Primary School
Addysg Oedolion Cymru Adult Learning Wales
Adult Learning Partnership Swansea
Afon Taf High School
Afon-Y-Felin Primary School
Agincourt Nursery
Al-Falah Girls' School
Alaw Primary School
Albany Primary School
Albert C.P. School
Alderman Davies C.I.W. School
Alexandra School
All Saints C.I.W. Primary School
All Saints C.I.W. Primary School
All Saints Primary School
All Saints R.C. Primary School
Allensbank Primary School
Allsorts Nursery C.I.C
Alltwen Primary School
Alphabet Playgroup
Alternative Learning Company
Alternative Tuition Ty Glyn PRU
Alun School Mold
Alway Primary
Amberleigh Therapeutic School, Golfa Hall
Amlwch Playgroup
Angle V.C. School
Aran Hall School
Archbishop Mcgrath Catholic School
Archbishop Rowan Williams CIW School
Archdeacon Griffiths C.I.W. Primary School
Archdeacon John Lewis
Archway Court Day Nursery
Arcville Playgroup & Toddlers
Arddleen C.P. School
Ardwyn Nursery & Infant School
Arfon Dwyfor Training Ltd
Argoed High School
Argoed Playgroup
Arnold House Residential College
Ashfield School
Aspiration Training Ltd
Aspris College North Wales
Aspris College South Wales
Associated Community Training (ACT) Ltd
Awel Y Môr Primary
B-WBL at Pembrokeshire College
Babes in the Wood Llanmartin
Babes in the Woods Langstone
Baden Powell Primary School
Bagillt Playgroup
Baglan Primary School
Banana Moon at Coity
Banana Moon Day Nursery Bridgend
Bancyfelin C.P. School
Bangor Independent School
Bangor On Dee Childcare
Banw C.P. School
Barker's Lane C.P. School
Barker's Lane Playgroup
Barry Comprehensive School
Barry Island Primary
Bassaleg School
Beach House Fun Club
Beaufort Hill Primary School
Beaumaris Playgroup (Little Puffins)
Bechan Bach
Bedlinog Community Primary School
Bedwas High School
Bedwas Infant School
Bedwas Junior School
Beechwood College
Belle Vue Nursery Ltd
Bellevue Playgroup Ltd
Benllech Playgroup
Berriew C.P. School
Berriew Pre-school
Berriew Preschool
Bettws Lifehouse
Betws C.P. School
Betws Gwerfil Goch School
Betws Primary School
Betws Yn Rhos Primary School
Bevan College
Bigyn County Primary
Birchgrove Comprehensive School
Birchgrove Primary
Birchgrove Primary School
Birchwood School
Bishop Childs C.I.W. Primary School
Bishop Gore School
Bishop Hedley High School
Bishop Vaughan R.C. School
Bishopston Comprehensive School
Bishopston Primary School
Bizzi Day
Bizziday Nursery
Black Lane C.P. School
Blackwood Comprehensive School
Blackwood Primary School
Blaen-Y-Cwm C.P. School
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Blaenavon Heritage Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Blaenbaglan Primary School
Blaendulais Primary School
Blaengarw Primary School
Blaengwawr Primary School
Blaengwrach Primary School
Blaenhonddan Primary School
Blaenymaes Primary School
Blenheim Road Community Primary School
Blessed Carlo Acutis Catholic School
Blessed Edward Jones R.C. School
Blessed William Davies Playclub
Blessed William Davies School
Bloomfield Day Nursery
Bodfari C.P. School
Bodnant Bach Fun Club
Bodnant Community School
Bodringallt Primary School
Borderbrook AVC School
Borras Park Community Primary School
Borras Park Infants School FDC
Borthyn Bunnies and BB Club
Borthyn V.C. Primary School
Brackla Primary School
Bradley Playgroup
Brambles Day Nursery
Brambly Hill Day Nursery and Early Years Academy
Brecon High School
Bridge Achievement Centre
Bridgend ACL Partnership
Bridgend College
Bridgend College Day Nursery and Playscheme
Bright Beginnings
Bright Beginnings at Tythegston
Bright Beginnings Nursery
Bright Buds Playgroup
Bright Start Day Nursery
Broad Haven C.P. School
Broad Haven Playgroup
Bronington Voluntary Aided Primary School
Bronllys C.P. School
Brookfield Day Nursery
Broughton Playgroup
Broughton Primary School
Bryn Awel Primary School
Bryn Bach County Primary School
Bryn C.P. School
Bryn Celyn Primary School
Bryn Coch Primary Out of School Club
Bryn Deri Primary School
Bryn Deva C.P. School
Bryn Hafod Primary School
Bryn Hafren Comprehensive School
Bryn Primary School
Bryn Teg Primary
Bryn Tirion Hall School
Bryn Y Deryn Pupil Referral Unit
Brynamman Primary School
Bryncelynnog Comprehensive School
Bryncethin Primary School
Bryncoch C.I.W. School
Brynford C.P. School
Brynhafren C.P. School
Brynhyfryd Primary School
Brynhyfryd Primary School
Brynllywarch Hall School
Brynmawr Foundation School
Brynmenyn Primary School
Brynmill Primary School
Brynmorgan Villa
Brynnau Primary School
Brynteg Comprehensive School
Brynteg County School
Brynteg Nursery School
Bryntirion Comprehensive School
Bryntirion Infants School
Building Blocks Day Nursery
Building Blocks Too
Builth Wells C.P. School
Builth Wells High School
Bumble Bees (Bronington) Pre-school Playgroup
Bumble Bees at Bronington Playgroup
Bumble Bees Playgroup
Burlais Primary School
Burleigh House Nursery
Burry Port Community Primary
Busy Bees Nursery
Busy Bees Playgroup
Busy Bees St David's Park Day Nursery
Busy Bodies Playgroup
Busy Bods @ Ysgol Bodfari
Bute Cottage Nursery School
Buttercups Day Nursery
Buttington Trewern C.P. School
Buttington Trewern Playgroup
Buttons Nursery
Buzzy Bees
Buzzy Bees Nursery School
Bwlchgwyn C.P. School
Caban Aur
Caban Cae'r Nant
Caban Cegin
Caban Enfys
Caban Kingsland
Caban y Faenol
Cadle Primary School
Cadoxton Community Primary
Cadwgan Playgroup
Caedraw Primary School
Caegarw Primary School
Caego Day Nursery
Caerau Primary School
Caereinion High School
Caergeiliog Out of School Club
Caerleon Cherubs Playgroup
Caerleon Comprehensive School
Caerleon Lodge Hill Primary School
Caerphilly and Blaenau Gwent YOT
Caersws C.P. School
Caldicot School
Camau Bach / Little Steps
Camau Cyntaf - First Steps Ynysybwl
Camau Cyntaf - First Steps Cylch Meithrin Rhydyfelin
Camau Cyntaf - First Steps Gruffalo's Den
Camau Cyntaf - First Steps Pentre Penguins
Camau Cyntaf - First Steps Rainbow Rooms
Camau Cyntaf - First Steps Treforest
Camau Cyntaf -First Steps Penrhiwceibr
Camau Cyntaf Llanhari
Cambrian Training Company
Camrose and Roch Playgroup
Canal Playgroup
Canolfan Addysg Conwy
Canolfan Addysg Nant-y-Bryniau Education Centre
Canolfan Addysg Penmaenrhos
Canolfan Addysg Y Bont
Canolfan Bro Tywi
Canolfan Deulu Dolgellau Cyf
Canolfan Deulu y Bala
Canolfan yr Afon Bach
Cantonian High School
Cantref Primary
Capcoch Primary School
Caradog Primary School
Cardiff & Vale College Apprenticeships
Cardiff & Vale Community Learning Partnership
Cardiff Academy
Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre
Cardiff and Vale College
Cardiff High School
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff Montessori School
Cardiff Muslim Academy
Cardiff Muslim High School
Cardiff Muslim Primary School
Cardiff Partnership of Initial Teacher Education
Cardiff Sixth Form College
Cardiff Steiner School
Cardiff West Community High School
Cardiff YOT
Cardigan Primary School / Ysgol Gynradd Aberteifi
Cardinal Newman R.C. Comprehensive School
Careers South Central
Careers Wales North
Careers Wales South East
Careers Wales West
Carla House School
Carmarthenshire ACL Partnership
Carmarthenshire Secondary Teaching and Learning Centre
Carmarthenshire Teaching & Learning Centre
Carmarthenshire YOT
Carmel Preschool Playgroup
Carreghofa C.P. School
Carway C.P. School
Casllwchwr Primary School
Castell Alun High School
Castle Caereinion C.I.W.
Castle Park Primary School
Castle School
Castleton Preschool and Nursery
Catch22 Include Wales
Cathays High School
Catwg Primary School
Cefn Cribwr Primary School
Cefn Fforest Primary School
Cefn Glas Infant School
Cefn Hengoed Community School
Cefn Mawr Bright Stars Playgroup
Cefn Mawr Playgroup Bright Stars Playgroup
Cefn Mawr Primary School
Cefn Primary School
Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School
Cefneithin C.P.
Central Primary School
Central South Consortium
Centre for Vulnerable Learners PRU
Ceredigion County Council Adult Community Education Partnership
Ceredigion Pupil Referral Unit
Ceredigion YOT
Cewri Bach
Charles Williams Church In Wales Primary School
Chepstow Leisure Centre Playgroup
Chepstow School
Cherry Hill Nursery
Chestnut Hill School
Childsplay Nursery at Marsh Street
Chirk Pre-School Playgroup
Christ College
Christ The King R.C. Primary School
Christ The Word School
Christchurch (C.I.W.) Voluntary Aided Primary School
Chuckles Day Care Wales Ltd
Chunky Monkeys Day Nursery
Churchstoke C.P. School
Churchstoke Little Explorers
Cila Primary School
Cilcennin C.P. School
Cilddewi Uchaf
Cilfan Playgroup
Cilffriw Primary School
Cilfynydd Primary School
Cilgerran V.C.P. School
Clarbeston Road Playgroup
Clase Primary School
Clawdd Offa Bach
Clebran Day Nursery
Cleddau Reach VC Primary School
Clever Clogs Nursery
Clwb Caban Rhoscolyn
Clwb Penmorfa Community Interest Company
Clwyd Community Primary School
Clydach Primary School
Clyro C.I.W. School
Clytha Primary School
CM Creigiau
Coastlands County Primary
Coed -y- Garn Primary School
Coed Eva Primary School
Coed Glas Primary School
Coed Hirwaun Primary School
Coed-Y-Brain Primary School
Coed-y-Lan Primary School
Coedcae School
Coedffranc Primary School
Coedpenmaen County Primary School
Coety Primary School
Cogan Nursery School
Cogan Primary School
Colcot Primary School
Coleg Cambria
Coleg Cambria
Coleg Cambria
Coleg Ceredigion
Coleg Cymunedol Y Dderwen
Coleg Elidyr
Coleg Gwent
Coleg Llanymddyfri
Coleg Plas Dwbl
Coleg Sir Gâr a / and Coleg Ceredigion
Coleg Trigonos
Coleg Ty'r Eithin
Coleg y Cymoedd
Connah's Quay High School
Conwy & Denbighshire ACL Partnership
Conwy and Denbighshire YOT
Corneli Primary School
Cornist Park C.P. School
Corpus Christi Catholic High School
Corwen Day Nursery
Coryton Primary School
Cosheston V.C.P. School
Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Cowbridge School
Coychurch (Llangrallo) Primary School
Cradoc C.P. School
Craig Y Parc School
Craig-y-Don Playschool
Craig-Yr-Hesg Primary School
Craigcefnparc Primary School
Craigfelen Primary School
Creunant Primary School
Crickhowell C.P. School
Crickhowell High School
Crindau Primary School
Croco-Doco-Dile Playgroup
Croeserw Primary School
Croesty Primary School
Croesyceiliog Primary School
Croesyceiliog School
Cross Ash C.P. School
Cross Ash Play Group
Cross Ash Under Fives
Cross Hands C.P. School
Crossgates C.P. School
Crossway Nursery
Crownbridge Special Day School
Crumlin High Level Primary School
Crwys Primary School
Crymlyn Primary School
Crynallt Primary
Curious World Day Nursery
Cwm Glas Infant School
Cwm Ifor Primary School
Cwm Primary School
Cwm Taf YOT
Cwmaber Infant School
Cwmaber Junior School
Cwmafan Primary School
Cwmaman Infants School
Cwmaman Primary School
Cwmbach C.I.W. Primary School
Cwmbach Community Primary School
Cwmbran High School
Cwmcarn High School
Cwmcarn Primary School
Cwmclydach Primary
Cwmdar County Primary School
Cwmfelin Primary School
Cwmfelinfach Primary School
Cwmffrwdoer Primary School
Cwmffrwdoer Under Fives and After School Club
Cwmglas Primary School
Cwmlai Primary School
Cwmnedd Primary School
Cwmrhydyceirw Primary School
Cwmtawe Community School
Cwrt Henri
Cwrt Rawlin Primary School
Cwtsh Caersws
Cyfarthfa High School
Cyfarthfa Park Primary
Cylch Bwcle
Cylch Chwarae Gellifor
Cylch Dechrau'n Deg Garden City
Cylch Gellifor
Cylch Llanelwy
Cylch Meithirn Hen Golwyn
Cylch Meithrhin Y Gorlan Fach
Cylch Meithrin a Grwp Ti a Fi Waunfawr
Cylch Meithrin a Ti a Fi Llan-y-pwll
Cylch Meithrin Aberclwyd - Rhyl
Cylch Meithrin Abercynon
Cylch Meithrin Aberdar
Cylch Meithrin Aberffraw
Cylch Meithrin Abergwaun
Cylch Meithrin Aberhonddu @ Cymryd Rhan
Cylch Meithrin Alltcafan
Cylch Meithrin Amlwch
Cylch Meithrin Arberth
Cylch Meithrin Awel y Mynydd
Cylch Meithrin Bae Cinmel
Cylch Meithrin Bae Colwyn
Cylch Meithrin Bae Penrhyn
Cylch Meithrin Bancffosfelen
Cylch Meithrin Bancyfelin
Cylch Meithrin Beddgelert
Cylch Meithrin Bethel
Cylch Meithrin Betws Yn Rhos
Cylch Meithrin Blaenau Ffestiniog
Cylch Meithrin Blodau Bach
Cylch Meithrin Bodawen
Cylch Meithrin Bodedern
Cylch Meithrin Bodffordd
Cylch Meithrin Bodorgan
Cylch Meithrin Bontnewydd
Cylch Meithrin Borras
Cylch Meithrin Borth
Cylch Meithrin Bro Alun
Cylch Meithrin Bro Cernyw
Cylch Meithrin Bro Dysynni
Cylch Meithrin Bro Elfed
Cylch Meithrin Bronllwyn
Cylch Meithrin Bronwydd
Cylch Meithrin Bryn Tabor
Cylch Meithrin Brynaerau
Cylch Meithrin Brynglas
Cylch Meithrin Bryngwran
Cylch Meithrin Brynsiencyn
Cylch Meithrin Buan
Cylch Meithrin Bwlchygroes
Cylch Meithrin Bysedd Bach
Cylch Meithrin Caban Ogwen
Cylch Meithrin Carmel
Cylch Meithrin Carreg Hirfaen
Cylch Meithrin Carreglefn
Cylch Meithrin Carwe
Cylch Meithrin Casmael
Cylch Meithrin Cefneithin Gorslas
Cylch Meithrin Cefnfaes
Cylch Meithrin Cei Newydd
Cylch Meithrin Cemaes
Cylch Meithrin Cerrigydrudion
Cylch Meithrin Chwilog
Cylch Meithrin Clocaenog
Cylch Meithrin Coed Mawr
Cylch Meithrin Coedpoeth
Cylch Meithrin Corris
Cylch Meithrin Creigiau
Cylch Meithrin Criccieth
Cylch Meithrin Croesgoch
Cylch Meithrin Crymych
Cylch Meithrin Cwm Derwen
Cylch Meithrin Cwmbran
Cylch Meithrin Cwmdar
Cylch Meithrin Cwrt Henri
Cylch Meithrin Cybi
Cylch Meithrin Cynwyd
Cylch Meithrin Cynwyd Sant
Cylch Meithrin Deiniolen
Cylch Meithrin Dinas/Llanwnda
Cylch Meithrin Dinbych Ucha
Cylch Meithrin Dolybont
Cylch Meithrin Drefach Felindre
Cylch Meithrin Dyffryn Banw
Cylch Meithrin Dyffryn yr Enfys
Cylch Meithrin Efail Isaf
Cylch Meithrin Eglwys Newydd
Cylch Meithrin Eglwysbach
Cylch Meithrin Eglwyswrw
Cylch Meithrin Evan James
Cylch Meithrin Felinfoel
Cylch Meithrin Ffairfach
Cylch Meithrin Ffestiniog
Cylch Meithrin Ffrindiau Bach
Cylch Meithrin Ffynnonwen
Cylch Meithrin Garn Fach Tryweryn
Cylch Meithrin Garndolbenmaen
Cylch Meithrin Gellilydan
Cylch Meithrin Glan Morfa
Cylch Meithrin Glan y Mor
Cylch Meithrin Glanrafon
Cylch Meithrin Glantwymyn
Cylch Meithrin Glyn Ceiriog
Cylch Meithrin Grangetown A'r Bae
Cylch Meithrin Grangetown Ar' Bae
Cylch Meithrin Gwalchmai
Cylch Meithrin Gwdi Hw (Brynithel)
Cylch Meithrin Gwennog
Cylch Meithrin Gwynfryn / Meinciau
Cylch Meithrin Harlech
Cylch Meithrin Hendy
Cylch Meithrin Henllan
Cylch Meithrin Hermon
Cylch Meithrin Hirael
Cylch Meithrin Hywel Dda
Cylch Meithrin ID Hooson
Cylch Meithrin Llaingoch
Cylch Meithrin Llanarth
Cylch Meithrin Llanbedr
Cylch Meithrin Llanbedrog
Cylch Meithrin Llanberis
Cylch Meithrin Llanbrynmair
Cylch Meithrin Llanddarog a Drefach
Cylch Meithrin Llanddoged
Cylch Meithrin Llandegfan
Cylch Meithrin Llandrindod
Cylch Meithrin Llanelwy
Cylch Meithrin Llanengan
Cylch Meithrin Llanerch
Cylch Meithrin Llanfair Caereinion
Cylch Meithrin Llanfair-ym-Muallt
Cylch Meithrin Llanfairfechan
Cylch Meithrin Llanfairpwll
Cylch Meithrin Llanfarian
Cylch Meithrin Llanfawr
Cylch Meithrin Llanfechell
Cylch Meithrin Llanfyllin
Cylch Meithrin Llangadog
Cylch Meithrin Llangeitho
Cylch Meithrin Llangelynnin
Cylch Meithrin Llangennech
Cylch Meithrin Llangoed
Cylch Meithrin Llangollen
Cylch Meithrin Llangwyryfon
Cylch Meithrin Llangyndeyrn
Cylch Meithrin Llanilar
Cylch Meithrin Llanllwni
Cylch Meithrin Llanllyfni - Flying Start
Cylch Meithrin Llannerch-y-Medd
Cylch Meithrin Llanrhaeadr
Cylch Meithrin Llanrhaeadr Ym Mochnant
Cylch Meithrin Llanrug
Cylch Meithrin Llansannan
Cylch Meithrin Llansawel
Cylch Meithrin Llanuwchllyn
Cylch Meithrin Llanybydder
Cylch Meithrin Lle-chi
Cylch Meithrin Llechryd
Cylch Meithrin Machynlleth
Cylch Meithrin Maenclochog
Cylch Meithrin Maesincla
Cylch Meithrin Min y Ddol
Cylch Meithrin Morfa Nefyn
Cylch Meithrin Morfa Rhianedd
Cylch Meithrin Mornant
Cylch Meithrin Mwy Abergele
Cylch Meithrin Mynydd Llandegai
Cylch Meithrin Nant Dyrys / Ynyswen
Cylch Meithrin Nefyn
Cylch Meithrin Nelson
Cylch Meithrin Parcyrhun
Cylch Meithrin Pencader
Cylch Meithrin Pencarnisiog
Cylch Meithrin Pencoed
Cylch Meithrin Penllwyn
Cylch Meithrin Penmaenmawr
Cylch Meithrin Penparc
Cylch Meithrin Penrhosgarnedd
Cylch Meithrin Penrhyndeudraeth
Cylch Meithrin Pentraeth
Cylch Meithrin Pentre Bach
Cylch Meithrin Pentrebaen
Cylch Meithrin Pentreuchaf
Cylch Meithrin Penybontfawr
Cylch Meithrin Penygroes
Cylch Meithrin Penygroes
Cylch Meithrin Penysarn
Cylch Meithrin Pili Pala
Cylch Meithrin Plant Bach Sarn
Cylch Meithrin Plas Coch
Cylch Meithrin Plws Treffynnon
Cylch Meithrin Ponthenri
Cylch Meithrin Pontllanfraith
Cylch Meithrin Pontrhydfendigaid
Cylch Meithrin Pontrobert
Cylch Meithrin Pontsenni
Cylch Meithrin Pontyberem
Cylch Meithrin Porth Tywyn
Cylch Meithrin Porthaethwy
Cylch Meithrin Porthcawl
Cylch Meithrin Porthmadog
Cylch Meithrin Prion
Cylch Meithrin Pum Hewl
Cylch Meithrin Pwllheli
Cylch Meithrin Rhaeadr
Cylch Meithrin Rhiwbina
Cylch Meithrin Rhoscolyn
Cylch Meithrin Rhosneigr
Cylch Meithrin Rhostryfan
Cylch Meithrin Rhosybol
Cylch Meithrin Rhuddlan
Cylch Meithrin Rhyd y Llan
Cylch Meithrin Ruthin
Cylch Meithrin Santes Fair
Cylch Meithrin Sarnau a Llandderfel
Cylch Meithrin Saron and Hendre
Cylch Meithrin Seiont A Pheblig
Cylch Meithrin Seren Fach
Cylch Meithrin Shotton
Cylch Meithrin Stryd y Bont
Cylch Meithrin Summerhill
Cylch Meithrin Tal y Bont A Llandygai
Cylch Meithrin Talgarreg
Cylch Meithrin Talhaiarn
Cylch Meithrin Talsarnau
Cylch Meithrin Talwrn
Cylch Meithrin Talybont
Cylch Meithrin Talysarn
Cylch Meithrin Tedi Twt
Cylch Meithrin Terrig
Cylch Meithrin Thomas Ellis
Cylch Meithrin Tonyfelin
Cylch Meithrin Trannon
Cylch Meithrin Trawsfynydd
Cylch Meithrin Tre Ficer
Cylch Meithrin Trefeurig
Cylch Meithrin Tregarth
Cylch Meithrin Trelai Playgroup
Cylch Meithrin Trelech
Cylch Meithrin Tremeirchion
Cylch Meithrin Treorci
Cylch Meithrin Twtil
Cylch Meithrin Twyncarmel
Cylch Meithrin Tynewydd
Cylch Meithrin Y Bala
Cylch Meithrin y Bontfaen
Cylch Meithrin Y Diwlith
Cylch Meithrin Y Drenewydd
Cylch Meithrin Y Fali
Cylch Meithrin Y Fenni
Cylch Meithrin Y Ffôr
Cylch Meithrin Y Garnedd a Clwb FFrindiau Y Garnedd
Cylch Meithrin Y Gelli
Cylch Meithrin Y Goedwig
Cylch Meithrin Y Graig
Cylch Meithrin Y Groeslon
Cylch Meithrin Y Gromlech - Dyffryn Ardudwy
Cylch Meithrin Y Parc
Cylch Meithrin Y Sger
Cylch Meithrin Y Tonnau
Cylch Meithrin Ynys Y Plant Felinfach
Cylch Meithrin Ynyshir / Wattstown
Cylch Meithrin Yr Eifl
Cylch Meithrin Yr Enfys
Cylch Meithrin Yr Wyddgrug
Cylch Meithrin Ysgol Dewi Sant
Cylch Meithrin Ysgol y Llys
Cylch Meithrin Ysgol Yr Hendy
Cylch Methrin Y Fflint
Cylch Ti a FI Llanddaniel
Cylch y Dderwen
Cylch Y Felin
Cylch Yn Yr Ysgol
Cymer Afan Comprehensive School
Cymer Afan Primary School
Cymmer Primary School
Cynffig Comprehensive School
Cynfran Pre-School
Cyngor Bro Morgannwg/Vale of Glamorgan Council
Cyngor Bro Morgannwg/Vale of Glamorgan Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Caerffili/Caerphilly County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Caerffili/Caerphilly County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot/Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr/Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr/Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr/Bridgend County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr/Bridgend County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Tâf/Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Tâf/Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Torfaen/Torfaen County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Torfaen/Torfaen County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Wrecsam/Wrexham County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeisdref Sirol Wrecsam/Wrexham County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy/Conwy County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy/Conwy County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful/Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful/Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council
Cyngor Caerdydd/Cardiff Council
Cyngor Caerdydd/Cardiff Council
Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd/Newport City Council
Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd/Newport City Council
Cyngor Gwynedd/Gwynedd Council
Cyngor Gwynedd/Gwynedd County Borough Council
Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin/Carmarthenshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin/Carmarthenshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion/Ceredigion County Council
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion/Ceredigion County Council
Cyngor Sir Dinbych/Denbighshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Dinbych/Denbighshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Fynwy/Monmouthshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Fynwy/Monmouthshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Penfro/Pembrokeshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Penfro/Pembrokeshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Powys/Powys County Council
Cyngor Sir Powys/Powys County Council
Cyngor Sir y Fflint /Flintshire County Council
Cyngor Sir y Fflint /Flintshire County Council
Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council
Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn/Isle of Anglesey County Council
Dafen Primary School
Daisy Chains At Bodnant
Daisy Chains Day Nursery
Dan y Coed
Danescourt Primary School
Danygraig Primary School
Darland High School
Darran Park Primary School
Darrenlas Primary School
Dean Close Little Trees St Arvan's
Dechrau Disglair
Deeside Kiddy Kabin
Deganwy Playgroup
Deighton Primary School
Deiniol C.P. School
Denbigh High School
Denbighshire PRU
Deri Primary School
Deri View Primary
Derw Bach Preschool
Derwendeg Primary School
Dewi Sant
Dewin Disglair
Dewstow Primary School
Dinas a Sir Abertawe/City and County of Swansea
Dinas a Sir Abertawe/City and County of Swansea
Dinas Powys Primary School
Dolafon Ducklings
Dolau County Primary School
Dolau Playschool
Dolerw Children's Centre
Dowlais Primary School
Dragon's Daycare
Dreigiau Bach y Bannau
Drury C.P. School
Duffryn Infant School
Duffryn Junior School
Dunvant Primary
Durand Primary School
Dwr-Y-Felin Comprehensive School
Dyffryn School
Dyffryn Taf School
Dylan Thomas Community School
Dylan's Den
Dysgu Cymraeg Ardal Bae Abertawe/Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region
Dysgu Cymraeg Caerdydd/Learn Welsh Cardiff
Dysgu Cymraeg Ceredigion - Powys - Sir Gâr / Learn Welsh Ceredigion - Powys - Carmarthenshire
Dysgu Cymraeg Gogledd Ddwyrain/Learn Welsh North East
Dysgu Cymraeg Gogledd Orllewin/Learn Welsh North West
Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent/Learn Welsh Gwent
Dysgu Cymraeg Morgannwg/Learn Welsh Glamorgan
Dysgu Cymraeg Sir Benfro/Learn Welsh Pembrokeshire
Dysgu Cymraeg Sir Gar/Learn Welsh Carmarthenshire
Dysgu Cymraeg Y Fro/Learn Welsh The Vale
Dysgu Cymraeg/Learn Welsh Nant Gwrtheyrn
Early Learners Day Nursery
EAS Consortium
Eastern High School
Eastern Primary School
Eastward House School
Ebbw Fawr Learning Community
Educ8 Training Group Ltd
Edwardsville Primary School
Eirias High School
Elfed High School
Ely and Caerau Integrated Children's Centre
Ely Presbyterian Church School
Enfys Fach Nursery
Evenlode C.P. School
Eveswell Primary School
Ewloe Green C.P. School
Ewloe Green Playgroup
Eyton CIW Voluntary Controlled Primary School
F0038 The Oaks Federation
Faenol Playgroup CIC
Fairfield Primary School
Fairholme Prep. School
Fairoak Nursery School
Fairwater Primary School
Fenton C.P
Ferndale Community School
Ferryside V.C.P. School
Ffaldau Primary School
Ffrindiau Bach Tegryn
Ffynnon Taf Primary School
Ffynone House School Trust
Fingers & Thumbs Day Nursery
First Foundations Day Nursery (Camau Tirion)
First Steps Day Nursery (Rhos on Sea) Limited
First Steps Day Nursery Ltd
First Steps Nursery
Fitzalan High School
Fleur-De-Lys Primary School
Flint High School
Flintshire Adult Learning in the Community Partnership
Flintshire YOT
Fochriw Primary School
Focus Ltd
Footsteps Nursery
Forden C.I.W. School
Forden Playgroup
Franksbridge C.P. School
Froncysyllte C.P. School
Fun Days Day Nursery
Funhouse Playgroup
Funtazia Day Nursery (Cwm Golau)
Gabalfa Primary School
Gaer Primary School
Garden City Childcare
Garden Village Playgroup
Garnteg Primary School
Garth C.P. School
Garth Primary School
Gelli Primary School
Gellifaelog Primary School
Gellifor C.P. School
Gelliswick Church in Wales Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Gendros Primary School
Genus Education
George Street Primary School
Georgetown C.P. School
Giggles Daycare
Giggles Playgroup
Gilfach Fargoed Primary School
Gilwern C.P. School
Gladestry C.I.W. School
Gladstone Primary
Gladstone Primary School
Glais Primary School
Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre
Glan Llyn Primary School
Glan Usk Primary School
Glan-Yr-Afon Primary
Glanhowy Primary School
Glanynant Learning Centre (PRU)
Glasllwch C.P. School
Glenboi Primary School
Glyn Derw High School
Glyn-Gaer CP School
Glyncoed Primary School
Glyncoed Primary School
Glyncollen Primary School
Glyncorrwg Primary School
Glyndwr University
Glynhafod Junior School
Gnoll Primary School
Godre'rgraig Primary School
Goetre Primary School
Gofal Maelog Pencarnisiog
Gofal Plant ABC Childcare
Gofal Plant Cwtch Pentrebaen
Gofal Plant Mês Bach-Little Acorns Childcare
Gofal Plant Pandy Corn Hir
Golden Manor Nursery
Golftyn C.P. School
Gors Community Primary School
Gorseinon Primary School
Gorwelion Newydd / New Horizons
Gower College Swansea
Gower College Swansea
Gowerton Primary School
Gowerton School
Goytre Fawr Primary School
Grace House
Graig-Y-Rhacca Primary and Nursery Community School
Grange Primary School
Grangetown Nursery School
Grangetown Primary
Greenfield Playgroup
Greenfield Special School
Greenfields Nursery
Greenfields School
Greenhill Primary School
Greenhill Special School
Greenmeadow Primary School
Greenway Primary School
Gresford Playgroup Ducks and Ducklings
Griffithstown Primary
Groes Primary School
Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
Grŵp Llandrillo Menai
Grwp NPTC Group
Guilsfield C.P. School
Guilsfield Preschool Playgroup
Gungrog C.I.W. Infant School
Gurnos Nursery School
Gwauncelyn primary
Gwaunfarren Primary School
Gwaunmeisgyn Primary School
GwE Consortium
Gwenfo C.I.W. Primary
Gwenfro Community Primary School
Gwenfro Playgroup
Gwenllian Education Centre
Gwent Five Counties Partnership
Gwent Welsh for Adults Centre
Gwernyfed High School
Gwernymynydd C.P. School
Gwersyllt Community Primary School
Gwynedd & Mon Community Education Partnership
Gwynedd and Ynys Mon YOT
Gwyrosydd Primary
Gyffin Education Centre
Haberdashers' Monmouth School
Hafod - y - Wern Community Primary School
Hafod Primary School
Hafod Primary School
Hafren C.P. Junior School
Hakin Community Primary School
Halfway C.P. School
Hanmer Playgroup
Hannah's House Day Nursery
Happy Days Child Care
Happy Days Day Nursery Ltd
Happy Days Full Day Care
Haverfordwest High VC School
Haverfordwest Junior V.C. School
Hawarden High School
Hawarden Village Voluntary Aided Church In Wales Primary School
Hawkesbury Playgroup (Buckley)
Hawthorn High School
Hawthorn Primary School
Hawthorn Primary School
Hay-On-Wye C.P. School
Headlands School
Hendre Infants School
Hendre Junior School
Hendredenny Park Primary School
Hendrefoilan Primary School
Hendreforgan Community Primary School
Hengoed Primary School
Henllys C.I.W. Primary School
Henllys Village Nursery
Heol Goffa School
Heol-Y-Celyn Primary School
Heolddu Comprehensive School
Heolgerrig Community School
Herbert Thompson Primary
Heronsbridge School
High Cross Primary
High Street Primary School
Highway Playdays Nursery, Ewloe
Hillgrove School
Hillside Secure Unit
Hiraddug Childcare
Hirwaun Primary School
HIT Education
HMP Berwyn
HMP Cardiff
HMP Parc
HMP Prescoed & HMP Usk
HMP Swansea
Holt Community Primary School
Holt Under Fives Playgroup and Toddlers
Holton Primary School
Holy Family R.C. Primary School
Holy Name V.R.C. School
Holywell Child Care Ltd
Homely Learning
Homestead Day Nursery Ltd
Hook C.P. School
Hope Day Nursery C.I.C.
Hope Green Nursery
Hope Pre-School Playgroup
Hopscotch Nursery
Horizons Educare
Howardian Primary School
Howell's School
Hubberston V.C. School
Hywel Dda Primary School
Idris Davies School
Ieuenctid Abertawe/Swansea Youth
Ieuenctid Blaenau Gwent/Blaenau Gwent Youth
Ieuenctid Caerdydd/Cardiff Youth
Ieuenctid Caerffili/Caerphilly Youth
Ieuenctid Caerfyrddin/Carmarthenshire Youth
Ieuenctid Casnewydd/Newport Youth
Ieuenctid Castell Nedd/Neath Port Talbot Youth
Ieuenctid Ceredigion/Ceredigion Youth
Ieuenctid Conwy/Conwy Youth
Ieuenctid Dinbych/Denbighshire Youth
Ieuenctid Fflint/Flintshire Youth
Ieuenctid Fynwy/Monmouthshire Youth
Ieuenctid Gwynedd/Gwynedd Youth
Ieuenctid Merthyr/Merthyr Youth
Ieuenctid Pen-Y-Bont/Bridgend Youth
Ieuenctid Penfro/Pembrokeshire Youth
Ieuenctid Powys/Powys Youth
Ieuenctid Rhondda Cynon Taf/Rhondda Cynon Taf Youth
Ieuenctid Torfaen/Torfaen Youth
Ieuenctid Wrecsam/Wrexham Youth
Ieuenctid Ynys Môn/Isle Of Anglesey Youth
Inspired Learners
Irfon Valley C.P. School
Irfon Valley Rainbow Tots Pre-School
ISA Training
Islwyn High School
ITEC Training Solutions Ltd
ITEC Training Solutions Ltd
Jelly Totz Childcare Limited
Jenner Park Primary
Jigsaw Pre School Playgroup Ltd
Jigsaw Preschool
John Summers High School
Johnston C.P. School
Johnstown Playgroup
Johnstown School
Jubilee Park Primary School
Jumping Jacks
Kate's Day Nursery
Kelsterton Playgroup
Kerry Playgroup
Kiddies Corner Day Nursery
Kiddies World Playgroup
Kimberley Nursery School
Kimnel Bay under 5s
King Henry VIII 3-19 School
King Henry VIII Comprehensive School
Kingfisher House Day Nursery
Kings Monkton School
Kinnerton Little Acorns
Kinnerton Under 5's Playgroup
Kitchener Primary School
Kites Nursery Caerleon
Kites Nursery Newport
Knelston Primary School
Knighton C.I.W. School
Knighton Children's Centre
Kymin View Primary
Ladybirds at Llanvihangel Limited
Ladybirds at OLSM
Ladywell Green Infants School
Lakeside Primary School
Lamphey C.P. School
Landsker Education
Langstone Playgroup
Langstone Primary School
Lansdowne Primary School
Laugharne Pre School
Laugharne V.C.P. School
Learning Pembrokeshire
Learnkit Ltd
Leeswood under Five's
Leighton C.P. School
Lewis Girls' Comprehensive School
Lewis School Pengam
Li'l Angels Day Nursery
Libanus Primary School
Lighthouse Nursery
Litchard Primary School
Little Acorns - Crossgates
Little Acorns / Mes Bach
Little Acorns / Mes Bach - Ysgol Dyffryn Trannon
Little Acorns at Christ the Word
Little Acorns at the Oak Tree Centre
Little Acorns Day Care Nursery Ltd
Little Acorns Day Care Nursery Ltd - Pyle
Little Acorns Day Nursery & Childcare
Little Acorns Llandyrnog
Little Acorns Playgroup
Little Acorns Preschool (Caerphilly) Ltd
Little Angels
Little Angels Day Nursery
Little Angels Playgroup
Little Bryn Nursery
Little Einsteins Academy Limited
Little Explorers Nursery
Little Ferns Day Nursery Ferndale
Little Footsteps Day Nursery
Little Footsteps Nursery at Blakedown House
Little Friends Nursery
Little Inspirations
Little Inspirations Day Nursery Penywaun
Little Inspirations Day Nursery Tonyrefail
Little Inspirations Nursery Llantrisant
Little Inspirations Nursery Rhydyfelin
Little Lambs Day Nursery
Little Lambs Emmanuel
Little Lambs Pre-School
Little Learners
Little Learners Playgroup, Gronant
Little Learning Tree
Little Oaks Pre-school
Little People's Nursery
Little Rascals
Little Rascals Nursery
Little Rascals Playgroup
Little Rascals Playgroup
Little Rascals Pre-School
Little Scholars Nursery
Little Sparks at Llangattock C in W School
Little Stars (Deeside) Ltd
Little Stars Daycare
Little Stars Nursery LLP
Little Stars Playgroup
Little Stars Pre-school - Clyro
Little Stars Pre-School, Hay
Little Stars Under 5's
Little Stars, Maesyrhandir
Little Steps Childcare Centre Ltd
Little Sunflowers
Little Teds Day Nursery
Little Tigers Daycare
Little Trees Celtic Springs (formerly Teddies Day Nursery)
Littlefolk Playgroup
Lixwm C.P. School
Lixwm Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School
Llanbedr C.I.W. (Aided) School
Llanbister C.P. School
Llancaeach Junior School
Llandaff City C.I.W. Primary School
Llanddulas Playgroup
Llandegfan Playgroup
Llandeilo C.P. School
Llandinam C.P. School
Llandogo C.P. School
Llandogo Early Years
Llandough Primary School
Llandrillo Yn Rhos Primary School
Llandrindod High School
Llandudno Junction Playgroup
Llandybie C.P. School
Llandysilio C.I.W. School
Llanedeyrn Primary School
Llanelwedd C.I.W. School
Llanelwedd Little Learners
Llanerfyl C.I.W. Foundation School
Llanfabon Infants School
Llanfaes C.P. School
Llanfair C.P. School
Llanfair Caereinion C.P.
Llanfairfechan Playgroup
Llanfechain C.I.W. School
Llanfihangel Rhydithon C.P.
Llanfoist Fawr Primary School
Llanfyllin C.P. School
Llanfyllin High School
Llanfyllin Preschool Playgroup
Llangadog C.P. School
Llangain C.P. School
Llangan C.P. School
Llangattock CIW Voluntary Aided
Llangattock School Monmouth
Llangatwg Community School
Llangedwyn C.I.W. School
Llangennech Infants School
Llangennech Junior School
Llangewydd Junior School
Llangiwg Primary School
Llangollen Playgroup
Llangors C.I.W Primary School
Llangunnor C.P. School
Llangyfelach Primary School
Llangynidr C.P. School
Llangynidr Pre- School
Llangynwyd Primary School
Llanharan Primary School
Llanhari Primary School
Llanidloes C.P. School
Llanidloes High School
Llanilltud Faerdref Primary
Llanishen Fach Primary School
Llanishen High School
Llanishen Village Pre-school Playgroup
Llanmartin Primary School
Llanmiloe C.P. School
Llanrhidian Primary School
Llansadwrn C.P. School
Llansannor C.I.W. Primary School
Llansantffraid C.I.W.A. School
Llansantffraid Ladybirds Nursery
Llansawel Primary School
Llantarnam Community Primary School
Llantilio Pertholey C.V. Primary School
Llantrisant Primary School
Llantwit Major School
Llanvihangel Crucorney Primary School
Llanwern High School
Llanybydder C.P. School
Llanyrafon Nursery and Playgroup
Llanyrafon Primary School
Llechan Lan Centres
Lliswerry High School
Lliswerry Primary School
Llwydcoed Primary
Llwyncelyn Infants School
Llwyncrwn Primary School
Llwynypia Primary School
Llysfaen Primary School
Llyswen Ladybirds
Lullabyz Nursery Ltd
Machen Primary School
Machynlleth Community Children's Project Ltd
Madras Primary School
Maendy Primary School
Maerdy Community Primary School
Maes Derw PRU
Maes Ebbw School
Maes Werdd
Maes Y Morfa Community Primary School
Maes yr Haul Primary School
Maes-Y-Coed Primary School
Maesglas C.P. School
Maesgwyn Special School
Maesmarchog Primary School
Maesteg School
Maesybont C.P. School
Maesybryn Primary School
Maesycwmmer Primary School
Maesyrhandir C.P. School
Magor V.A. Primary School
Maindee C.P. School
Maldwyn Nursery & Family Centre
Malpas C.I.W. Infant School
Malpas C.I.W. Junior School
Malpas Church in Wales Primary School
Malpas Court Primary School
Malpas Park Primary School
Manorbier V.C.P. School
Marford Playgroup Little Explorers
Margaret Barnard Preschool
Markham Playgroup Ltd
Markham Primary School
Marlborough Primary School
Marlowe St David's Education Unit
Marshfield Primary School
Martine's Child Care Ltd
Mary Immaculate R.C. High School
Mary Immaculate V.R.C. School
Mathern Day Nursery
Mathern Day Nursery at Caerwent
Mayals Primary School
Meadowbank Day Nursery
Meadowbank Special School
Meadowlane Primary School
Meidrim C.P. School
Meifod Pre School
Meithrin Ysgol Hen Heol / Old Road School Nursery
Meithrinfa Cae'r Ffair Ltd
Meithrinfa Camau Bach (Aberystwyth)
Meithrinfa Ddydd Hapus Dyrfa
Meithrinfa Do Re Mi
Meithrinfa Garth Olwg
Meithrinfa Gwdihws
Meithrinfa Medra
Meithrinfa Miri Mawr
Meithrinfa Pontnewydd
Meithrinfa Sêr Môr Beaumaris
Meithrinfa Seren Fach
Meithrinfa Silwli Nursery Ltd
Meithrinfa Siwgr Plwm Dwynwen
Meithrinfa Siwgwr Plwm Henblas
Meithrinfa Twtlol
Meithrinfa Ysgolheigion Bach Little Scholars' Nursery
Melin Primary School
Merllyn C.P. School
Merthyr Tydfil ACL Partnership
Mes Bach - Ysgol Dyffryn Trannon
Mes Bach Pre School
Michaelston Community College
Mid Wales Work Based Learning Consortium
Mid-Wales Welsh for Adults Centre
Milford Haven Community Primary
Milford Haven Junior School
Milford Haven School
Mill Haven School
Millbank Primary School
Millbrook Primary School
Milton Infants School
Milton Junior School
Milton Primary School
Minera Aided Primary School
Mini Miners Hall
Miri Melyd
Miri Melyd @ Clawdd Offa
Miri Morswyn
Miskin Primary School
Mitchel Troy Pre-school
Mochdre Playgroup
Model C.I.W. School
Monkton Priory CP School
Monmouth Comprehensive School
Monmouth Day Nursery
Monmouth Montessori Nursery
Monmouth Preparatory School
Monmouth Schools Pre-Prep and Nurser
Monmouthshire Pupil Referral Service
Monnow Primary school
Montgomery C.I.W. School
Montgomery Pre-School
Moorland Primary School
More Than Education
Morriston Comprehensive School
Morriston Primary School
Mother Goose Nursery
Mount Airey C.P.
Mount Pleasant Primary
Mount Street C.P. Infants
Mount Street C.P. Junior
Mount Stuart Primary
Mountain Ash Comprehensive School
Mountain Lane C.P. School
Mounton House Special School
Mudiad Ysgol Feithrin Y Felinheli
Myddelton College
Mynydd Cynffig Primary School
Mynydd Haf
Myrddin C.P. School
Myrtle House Day Nursery
Myrtle House Nursery @ Pentip
Nannerch Primary School
Nant Celyn Primary School
Nant Y Cwm Steiner School
Nant Y Parc Primary School
Nantmel C.I.W. School
Nantyffyllon Primary School
Nantymoel Primary School
Narberth C.P. School
National Star in Wales - Mamhilad
Neath Port Talbot College
Nercwys CIW Voluntary Aided Primary School
Network Training Services Ltd
Nevill Hall Creche
New Broughton Full Day Childcare
New Hedges Nursery
New Independent School: Cardiff
New Inn Primary School
Newbridge on Wye 3 Year Old Setting
Newbridge School
Newbridge-on-Wye CIW School
Newport High School
Newport Nursery School
Newport YOT
Newry @ St Mary's
Newton Primary School
Newton Primary School
Newtown High School
Neyland Community School
Ninian Park Primary School
Noah's Ark Day Nursery
Norfolk House Nursery
North and Mid Wales Centre for Teacher Education and Training
North Cornelly Community Playgroup
North East Wales ACL Partnership
North Wales Childcare
North Wales Training
North Wales Welsh for Adults Centre
Northop Hall C.P. School
Northop Hall Playgroup
Nottage Primary School
NPTCBC Lifelong Learning Skills and Training Unit
Oak Field Primary School
Oakdale Comprehensive School
Oakfield Primary School
Oaklands Primary School
Oaklea Grange
Oakleigh House
Oakmont School
Oaktree Childcare Centre
Ogmore Vale Primary
Olchfa School
Old Road C.P. School
Oldcastle Primary School
Oldford Infant School
Once Upon A Time Day Nursery
OneSchool Global UK Newtown Campus
OneSchool Global UK Swansea Campus
Open Door Family Centre
Orielton C.P. School
Osbaston CIW Primary School
Osbourne Lodge Day Nursery
Our Lady & St Michael's School
Our Lady of the Angels R.C School
Our Ladys R.C. Primary School
Overmonnow C.P. School
Overton Playcentre
Oystermouth Primary School
Padre Pio RC Primary
Palmerston Primary School
Pantside Primary School
Pantysgallog Primary School
Parc Primary School
Parc Y Tywyn School
Parclewis Primary School
Park Community Primary School
Park Lane Day Nursery
Park Lane Special School
Park Primary School Bargoed
Parkfields Playgroup (Mold)
Parkland Primary School
Partneriaeth Cwm Elai
Pembrey C.P. School
Pembroke Dock CP School
Pembroke Primary School
Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire College
Pembrokeshire Learning Centre
Pembrokeshire YOT
Pen Afan Primary School
Pen y Bryn Pre Nursery
Pen Y Fro Primary
Pen-Y-Bryn Primary School
Pen-Y-Cwm Special School
Pen-Y-Dre High School
Pen-Y-Fai C.I.W. Primary
Penarlag C.P. School
Pencaerau Primary School
Penclawdd Primary School
Pencoed Comprehensive School
Pencoed Pavilion Playgroup
Pencoed Playgroup LCDP
Pencoed Primary School
Pencoedtre High School
Penderyn Primary School
Pendoylan C.I.W. Primary School
Pengam Primary School
Pengelli Primary School
Pengeulan Primary School
Pengwern College
Penllergaer Primary School
Penllwyn Primary School
Penmorfa Playmates
Pennar Community School
Pennard Primary School
Penpych Community Primary School
Penrhiw Day Nursery
Penrhiw Nursery Limited
Penrhiwceibr Primary
Penrhos Ave Alternative Education Service
Penrhyn Church in Wales Voluntary Controlled School
Penrhys Primary School
Pentip V.A. C.I.W. Primary School
Pentre Church in Wales Controlled Primary School
Pentre'r Graig Primary School
Pentrebane Primary School
Pentrechwyth Primary School
Pentredwr Under Fives Playgroup
Pentrehafod School
Pentrepoeth C.P. School
Pentwynmawr Primary School
Pentyrch Nursery
Pentyrch Primary School
Penybont Primary School
Penycae Childcare
Penycae Childcare Playgroup
Penycae Community Primary School
Penycae Playgroup
Penyffordd & Penymynydd Playgroup
Penygaer Primary School
Penygarn Primary School
Penygawsi Primary School
Penygelli primary
Penygloddfa C.P. School
Penygraig Infants School
Penygraig Junior School
Penygroes C.P. School
Penyrenglyn Community Primary School
Penyrheol Comprehensive School
Penyrheol Primary School
Penywaun Primary School
Perthcelyn Community Primary School
Peter Lea Primary School
Peter Pan Nursery
Peterston Super Ely C.I.W. Primary
Phillipstown Primary School
Pil Primary School
Pillgwenlly C.P. School
Pips Bach- Cefnllys
Pitter Patter Day Nursery and One Step Holiday Club
Plas Derwin Flintshire Portfolio PRU
Plas Gogerddan Nursery
Plasmarl Primary School
Plasnewydd Primary School
Plasyfelin Primary
Play & Learn
Play Tots Playgroup LCDP
Playdays Child Care
Playdays Childcare
Playdays Nursery
Playdays Playgroup
Playland Nursery
Podlings Day Nursery
Pontarddulais Comprehensive School
Pontarddulais Primary School
Pontfadog C.P. School
Ponthir Church in Wales School
Pontiets C.P. School
Pontllanfraith Comprehensive School
Pontllanfraith Primary School
Pontlliw Primary School
Pontlottyn Primary School
Pontnewydd Primary School
Pontprennau Primary School
Pontrhondda Primary School
Pontyberem C.P. School
Pontybrenin Primary School
Pontyclun Primary School
Pontygwaith Primary School
Pontymoile Under Fives and Holiday Club
Pontypridd High School
Poppies Day Nursery Limited
Portfield Pre-school Pennar
Portfield School
Porth Community School
Porth County Community School
Porth Infants School
Porth Junior School
Porthcawl Comprehensive School
Porthcawl Primary School
Portmead Primary School
Powys Adult Learning in the Community Partnership
Powys Neath Port Talbot Adult Learning Community
Powys Pupil Referral Unit
Powys YOT
Prendergast Community School
Prestatyn High School
Presteigne C.P. School
Presteigne Little People
Princess Road Pre-school Nursery
Priory C.I.W. School
Priory Tots Pre-School
Prospects School
PRP Training
Puddle Ducks (South Wales) Limited
Puddle Ducks Pre-School
Puddleducks All Day Care
Puffins Preschool
Puncheston CP School
Pwll C.P. Mixed School
Queen Elizabeth High
Queensferry CP School
Rabbit Hill
Rachael's Playhouse
Radnor Primary School
Radnor Valley C.P. School
Radnor Valley Little Dragons
Radnor Valley Rainbows
Radyr Comprehensive School
Radyr Primary School
Raglan V.C. Primary School
Rainbow Kindergarten
Rainbow Sunbeams
Rathbone Training
Red Robins Nursery
Red Rose School
Redbrook Day Nursery
Redhill High School
Redhill Montessori Nursery
Redhill Preparatory School
Rhayader C.I.W. School
Rhayader Under 5's Pre-School
Rhewl C.P. School
Rhewl Playgroup (Pili Pala)
Rhigos Primary School
Rhiw Syr Dafydd Primary
Rhiwbeina Primary School
Rhiwderin Village Meithrin
Rhondda Cynon Taf ACL Partnership
Rhos on Sea Methodist Playgroup
Rhos Primary School
Rhos Street C.P. School
Rhos Y Fedwen
Rhosddu Primary School
Rhosneigr Playgroup
Rhostyllen Playgroup
Rhosymedre Community Primary School
Rhuddlan Playgroup Plus
Rhws Primary School
Rhydri Primary School
Rhydyfro Primary School
Rhydypenau Primary School
Rhyl High School
Rhymney Comprehensive School
Richmond Park Primary School
Ringland Primary
Risca Community Comprehensive School
Risca Primary School
Rise and Shine Day Nursery
Rise and Shine Day Nursery - Mold
River Centre 3-16 Learning Community
Roath Park Primary School
Roch C.P. School
Rogerstone Primary School
Rogiet C.P. School
Romilly Community Primary School
Rossett House Nursery
Rossett Pre-School Playgroup
Rougemont School
Rumney Primary School
Ruthin School
Rydal Penrhos
Rydal Penrhos Pre-School Wraparound Care & Holiday Playscheme
S4YC@Rocking Horse Day Nursery
Sageston C.P. School
Saltney Ferry C.P. School
Saltney Small Steps Playgroup and Playgroup Plus
Saltney Wood Memorial C.P. School
Sandfields Primary School
Sandycroft C.P. School
Saplings Private Day Nursery
Saundersfoot C.P. School
Scallywags Private Day Nursery
School Lane Pre-School
Schoolhouse Day Nursery
Sea View Community Primary School
Sealand C.P. School
Selca Day Nursery
Sennybridge Nursery/Meithrinfa Pontsenni
Ser Bach Y Cwm
Seren Fach Nursery
Seren Super Stars Preschool
Severn Primary School
Shirenewton Playgroup
Shirenewton Primary School
Sir Thomas Picton School
Sketty Primary School
Skills Academy Wales
Snuggles Day Nursery
Sofrydd C.P. School
Solva C.P. School
Somerton Primary School
South East Wales Centre for Teacher Education and Training
South Point Primary School
South West Wales Centre for Teacher Education
South-West Wales Welsh for Adults Centre
Southdown C.P.
Sparkles Day Nursery
Spittal Playgroup
Spittal V.C.P. School
Sporting Chance
Springfield @ Conwy
Springwood Primary School
St Aidans V.A.P. School
St Alban's R.C. High School
St Alban's R.C. Primary School
St Aloysius Primary School
St Andrew's Primary School
St Andrews Major C.I.W. Primary School
St Anne's R.C. Primary School
St Anthony's R.C. Primary School
St Asaph Community Playgroup
St Asaph V.P. Infants
St Athan Primary School
St Aubins (English) Romilly Rd
St Bernadette's R.C. Primary School
St Brides Major C.I.W. Primary School
St Brides Playgroup
St Brigid's School
St Cadoc's Primary School
St Cenydd School
St Chad's Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School
St Christopher's School
St Clare's School
St Clare's School
St Cuthbert's R.C. Primary School
St Cyres Comprehensive School
St David's C.I.W. Primary School
St David's C.I.W. Primary School
St David's Catholic College
St David's Catholic Primary School
St David's Catholic Primary School
St David's College
St David's High School
St David's Playgroup
St David's R.C. Jnr. & Inf. School
St David's RC Primary School
St Donats Nursery School
St Elfod Junior School
St Ethelwold's Primary School
St Fagans C.I.W. Primary School
St Florence V.C. School
St Francis R.C. Primary School
St Francis V.R.C. School
St Gabriel & Raphael R.C.P. School
St Gabriel's R.C. Primary School
St George Controlled Primary School
St Gerard's School Trust
St Giles VC Church in Wales Primary School
St Gwladys Bargoed School
St Gwynan's Pre-school
St Helen's Catholic Primary School
St Helen's Catholic Primary School
St Helen's Primary School
St Helen's R.C. Infant & Nursery School
St Helen's R.C. Junior School
St Illtyd Primary School
St Illtyd's Primary School
St Illtyd's R.C. Primary School
St Illtyd's Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided Primary School
St Illtyds R.C. High School
St James Primary
St John Baptist C.I.W. High School
St John Lloyd Catholic Comprehensive School
St John Lloyd R.C. Primary School
St John's College
St Johns the Baptist V.A. Primary School
St Joseph's Cathedral Primary School
St Joseph's Catholic and Anglican Secondary School
St Joseph's Catholic School and 6th form Centre
St Joseph's Infant School
St Joseph's Junior School
St Joseph's R.C.
St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
St Joseph's R.C. Primary School
St Joseph's R.C.High School
St Josephs Catholic Primary School
St Josephs R.C.Primary School Neath
St Julian's Primary School
St Julian's School
St Margaret's R.C. Primary School
St Marks V.A.P. School
St Martin School
St Mary The Virgin C.I.W. Primary School
St Mary's & St Patrick's Catholic Primary School
St Mary's Aided Primary School
St Mary's C in W Voluntary Aided School
St Mary's C.I.W. Aided School
St Mary's Catholic Primary School
St Mary's Catholic Primary School
St Mary's Childcare
St Mary's Pre-School
St Mary's Primary (Ruabon) School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's R.C. Primary School
St Mary's Roman Catholic - Brynmawr
St Mary's V.R.C. School
St Mellons C.I.W. Primary School
St Michael's C.I.W. School
St Michael's R.C. Primary School
St Michael's R.C. Primary School
St Michael's School
St Monica's C.I.W. Primary School
St Nicholas C.I.W. Primary
St Oswalds VA School
St Padarn's Playgroup
St Patrick's R.C. Primary School
St Patrick's R.C. Primary School
St Paul's C.I.W. Primary School
St Paul's Nursery (Playgroup)
St Pauls Church Nursery
St Pauls Voluntary Aided Primary School
St Peter's CIW Voluntary Controlled Primary School
St Peter's R.C. Primary School
St Philip Evans R.C. Primary School
St Richard Gwyn R.C. High School
St Richard Gwyn Roman Catholic High School
St Robert's Primary Catholic School
St Teilo's C.I.W. High School
St Teilo's V.R.C. School
St Therese's R.C. School
St Thomas Community Primary School
St Winefride's Preschool
St Winefrides R.C. School
St Woolos Primary School
St. Giles Early Education
St. Joseph's Playgroup
St. Mary's Catholic Primary School
Stacey Primary School
Stackpole V.C.P. School
Standing To Grow Playgroup
Stanwell School
Stebonheath C.P. School
Stepaside C.P. School
Stepping Stones - Pre School - Magor
Stepping Stones Day Nursery
Stepping Stones Day Nursery, Penymynydd
Sticky Fingers Under 5's
Sully Primary School
Summergil House School
Summerhouse Out of School Club Ltd
Sunbeams playgroup + Gwernaffield
Sunflower Tots
Sunflowers Nursery (Usk) Limited
Sunnybank Childrens Nursery (Chepstow) Limited
Sunnybank Childrens Nursery Limited
Sunray Day Care Ltd
Sunshine's Pre-School
Swallow Playgroup
Swansea ITEC Ltd
Swansea Metropolitan University
Swansea Sixth Form College
Swansea University Schools' Partnership
Swiss Valley C.P. School
Swn y Don Playgroup
Sychdyn C.P. School
Sychdyn Playgroup
Tabernacle Kindergarten
Tai Educational Centre
Tairgwaith Primary School
Talbot Green Playgroup
Talgarth C.P. School
Talocher School
Talycopa Primary School
Tanyfron C.P. School
Tanyfron Nursery
Tarren school
Tasker-Milward V.C. School
Tavernspite C.P. School
Tavernspite Playgroup
Teddy Bear Towers Day Nursery
Templeton C.P. School
Templetots Playgroup
Tenby Church In Wales Voluntary Controlled School
Teresa House
Terrace Road Primary School
The Awen Project
The Bishop Of Llandaff C.I.W. High School
The Boys' and Girls' Clubs of Wales
The Branas School
The Bridge Alternative Provision Portfolio PRU
The Burrows Daycare Nursery (Porthcawl) Ltd
The Cathedral School
The Children's Day Nursery
The College Merthyr Tydfil
The Court Special School
The Dell Primary School
The Greenhill School
The Haven
The Highway Day Nursery
The Hollies
The Hollies Daycare Nursery
The Hollies Special School
The John Frost School
The Lily Pad
The Lily Pad, Y Tywyn
The Maelor School
The Meads C.P. Infant & Nursery School
The Mill Child Care Centre Ltd
The Mill Day Nursery, Mold
The Oaks Day Nursery
The Old School House Nursery
The Open University
The Osborne Children's Nursery
The Owl & Pussycat Nursery
The Park Pre-school Nursery
The Potteries
The Rofft C.P. School
The Treehouse Day Nursery
The Twyn School
The Wendy House Day Nursery
Thornhill Primary School
Thornwell Primary School
Tiddlers Wrap Around
Tiny Tots Clytha Square
Tiny Tots Day Care Nursery - Malpas
Tiny Tots Day Nursery
Tiny Tots Playgroup
Tiny Tots Premier Childcare Services
Tir na n-Og Daycare and Child Reasearch Centre
Tiryberth Primary School
Ton Pentre Infants School
Ton Pentre Junior School
Ton Tiddlywinks
Ton-Yr-Ywen Primary School
Tondu Primary School
Tongwynlais Primary School
Tonnau Primary
Tonypandy Community College
Tonypandy Primary School
Tonyrefail Community School
Tonyrefail Comprehensive School
Tonyrefail Primary School
Tonysguboriau Primary School
Torfaen and Monmouthshire YOT
Townhill Community Primary School
Towyn Fun Club
Towyn Under 5's Playgroup
Toy Box Nursery
Toybox Day Nursery
Traed Bach Tywyn
Traed Bach Tywyn
Trallwn Primary School
Trallwng Infants School
Tre Uchaf Primary School
Trealaw Primary School
Treasure Chest
Tredegar Comprehensive School
Tredegar Park Primary School
Tredegarville C.I.W. Primary School
Tref-Y-Rhyg Primary School
Treffos School
Trefnanney School
Trehafren Children's Centre
Trehopcyn Primary School
Trelai Primary School
Trelales Primary School
Trelawnyd V.A. School
Trelewis Primary School
Trellech C.P. School
Tremains Primary School
Tremoilet V.C.P.
Tremorfa Nursery School
Treorchy Comprehensive School
Treorchy Primary School
Treowen 3 Plus Setting
Treowen C.P. School
Trerobart Primary School
Treuddyn Under 5's Pre-School Playgroup
Trimsaran C.P. School
Trinant Primary School
Trinity College
Trinity Fields School & Resource Centre
Troedyrhiw Primary School
Trowbridge Primary School
TSW Training Ltd
Tudno Playschool
Two Counties Creche CIC
Twynyrodyn Community School
Ty Bronllys
Ty Cariad
Ty Du Playgroup
Ty Dysgu Homfrey
Ty Gwyn Education Centre
Ty Isaf Infants & Nursery School
Ty Sign Primary School
Ty Trafle School
Ty'r Cymry
Tylorstown Primary School
Tyn - y - Wern Primary
Tynewydd Primary School
Tynyrheol Primary School
Tywyn Primary School
Ummul Mumineen Academy
Undy C.P. School
United World College of the Atlantic Ltd
University of South Wales
University of South Wales Behaviour Analysis Clinic
University of South Wales Initial Teacher Education Partnership
Upper Colwyn Bay Playgroup
Upper Rhymney Primary School
Usk CIW Primary School
Usk Nursery
Vale of Glamorgan YOT
Ven. Edward Morgan R.C. Primary School
Victoria Gems, Jewels and Treasures
Victoria Primary School
Victoria Primary School
Victoria Primary School
Village Playgroup
Village Playgroup Ynysawdre
Vocational Skills Partnership (VSP)
Wadham College of Science
Waldo Williams Primary School
Wat's Dyke C.P. School
Waun Wen Primary School
Waunarlwydd Primary School
Waunceirch Primary School
Waunfawr Primary School
Wellies Farm and Garden CIC
Welshpool Church in Wales Primary School
Welshpool High School
Wepre C.P. School
West Monmouth Comprehensive School
West Park Primary School
Westbourne School
Western Bay YOT
Western Learning Federation Riverbank Special School
Western Learning Federation Ty Gwyn Special School
Western Learning Federation Woodlands High School
Weston House
Westward House School
Westwood Community Primary School
Whitchurch High School
Whitchurch Primary School
White Rose Primary
Whitestone Primary School
Whitmore High School
Wibli Wobli
Wick & District Playgroup
Wick Marcross C.I.W. Primary School
Williamstown Primary School
Willowbrook Primary School
Willows High School
Willowtown Primary School
Windsor Clive Primary School
Wolfscastle C.P. School
Woodland Imps Playgroup
Woodlands Community Primary School
Woodlands School
Wrexham Adult Learning in the Community Partnership
Wrexham YOT
Wriggles and Giggles Nursery
Wyclif Independent Christian School
Wyngarth at Tan-y-Marl
Wyngarth Meithrinfa Menai
Y Bont Faen Primary School
Y Bont Nursery
Y Bwthyn Bach
Y Cam Cyntaf
Y Daith
Y Gamfa Wen
Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol/The National Centre for Learning Welsh
Y Pant Comprehensive School
Y.G. Cwm Gwyddon
Y.G. Cynwyl Elfed
Y.G. Llanaelhaearn
Y.G. Maenclochog
Y.G. Nantgaredig
Y.G. Rhostryfan
Y.G.G. Blaendulais
Y.G.G. Bryn-Y-Mor
Y.G.G. Cwmnedd
Y.G.G. Pont Sion Norton
Y.G.G. Pontardawe
Y.G.G. Tyle'r Ynn
YGG Llwynderw
YGG Tan-y-Ian
YGGD Gwauncaegurwen
YGGD Trebannws
YGGG Llantrisant
Ynys Hywel Learning Community
Ynysboeth Community Primary School
Ynysddu Primary School
Ynysfach Primary School
Ynyshir Primary School
Ynysmaerdy Primary School
Ynysowen Community Primary School
Ynystawe Lodge
Ynystawe Primary School
Yr Athrofa Professional Learning Partnership
Yr Hafan Dyfodol Disglair
Ysgol Abercaseg
Ysgol Aberconwy
Ysgol Aberporth
Ysgol Acrefair
Ysgol Afon Wen
Ysgol Ardudwy
Ysgol Awel y Mynydd
Ysgol Babanod Coed Mawr
Ysgol Babanod Llanfairfechan
Ysgol Babanod Mochdre
Ysgol Bae Baglan
Ysgol Baladeulyn
Ysgol Beca
Ysgol Betws-y-Coed
Ysgol Beulah
Ysgol Beuno Sant Y Bala
Ysgol Bod Alaw
Ysgol Bodafon
Ysgol Bodfeurig
Ysgol Bodhyfryd
Ysgol Borthygest
Ysgol Botwnnog
Ysgol Bro Aled Llansannan
Ysgol Bro Alun
Ysgol Bro Banw Community Primary School
Ysgol Bro Brynach
Ysgol Bro Caereinion
Ysgol Bro Carmel
Ysgol Bro Cernyw
Ysgol Bro Cinmeirch
Ysgol Bro Cynfal
Ysgol Bro Cynllaith
Ysgol Bro Dewi V.A.
Ysgol Bro Dinefwr
Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy
Ysgol Bro Eirwg
Ysgol Bro Elwern
Ysgol Bro Famau
Ysgol Bro Gwaun
Ysgol Bro Gwydir
Ysgol Bro Hedd Wyn
Ysgol Bro Helyg
Ysgol Bro Hyddgen
Ysgol Bro Idris
Ysgol Bro Ingli
Ysgol Bro Lleu
Ysgol Bro Llifon
Ysgol Bro Pedr
Ysgol Bro Penfro
Ysgol Bro Plenydd
Ysgol Bro Preseli
Ysgol Bro Preseli
Ysgol Bro Sannan
Ysgol Bro Sion Cwilt
Ysgol Bro Taf
Ysgol Bro Tawe
Ysgol Bro Tegid
Ysgol Bro Teifi
Ysgol Bro Tryweryn
Ysgol Bryn Alyn
Ysgol Bryn Castell
Ysgol Bryn Clwyd
Ysgol Bryn Coch C.P.
Ysgol Bryn Collen Llangollen
Ysgol Bryn Derw
Ysgol Bryn Elian
Ysgol Bryn Garth
Ysgol Bryn Gwalia C.P.
Ysgol Bryn Hedydd
Ysgol Bryn Onnen
Ysgol Bryn Pennant C.P.
Ysgol Bryn Tabor
Ysgol Brynaerau
Ysgol Bryngwyn School
Ysgol Brynhyfryd
Ysgol Brynrefail
Ysgol Cae'r Gwenyn
Ysgol Cae'r Nant
Ysgol Caer Drewyn
Ysgol Caer Elen
Ysgol Caergeiliog Foundation School
Ysgol Calon Cymru
Ysgol Calon y Dderwen
Ysgol Capel Garmon
Ysgol Capelulo
Ysgol Carreg Emlyn
Ysgol Carreg Hir
Ysgol Carreg Hirfaen
Ysgol Carreghofa Owlets
Ysgol Cedewain
Ysgol Cefn Coch
Ysgol Cefn Meiriadog
Ysgol Cefnllys
Ysgol Cenarth
Ysgol Christchurch
Ysgol Ciliau Parc
Ysgol Clawdd Offa
Ysgol Clydau
Ysgol Clywedog
Ysgol Comins Coch
Ysgol Corn Hir
Ysgol Craig Y Deryn
Ysgol Craig Y Don
Ysgol Craig Yr Wylfa
Ysgol Croes Atti
Ysgol Crud Y Werin
Ysgol Crug Glas
Ysgol Cwm Banwy
Ysgol Cwm Brombil
Ysgol Cwrtnewydd
Ysgol Cybi
Ysgol Cymerau
Ysgol Cynddelw
Ysgol Cynwyd Sant
Ysgol Cystennin
Ysgol Dafydd Llwyd
Ysgol David Hughes
Ysgol Deganwy
Ysgol Deiniol Playgroup Plus
Ysgol Derwen
Ysgol Derwenfa
Ysgol Dewi Sant
Ysgol Dewi Sant
Ysgol Dial Pren
Ysgol Dihewyd
Ysgol Dinas Bran
Ysgol Dinas Mawddwy
Ysgol Dolafon
Ysgol Dolbadarn
Ysgol Dolgarrog
Ysgol Dyffryn Aman
Ysgol Dyffryn Ardudwy
Ysgol Dyffryn Cledlyn
Ysgol Dyffryn Cledlyn VC CiW
Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy
Ysgol Dyffryn Ial
Ysgol Dyffryn Nantlle
Ysgol Dyffryn Ogwen
Ysgol Dyffryn Trannon
Ysgol Dyffryn yr Enfys
Ysgol Edmwnd Prys
Ysgol Eglwysbach
Ysgol Eifion Wyn
Ysgol Eifionydd
Ysgol Ein Harglwyddes
Ysgol Emmanuel
Ysgol Emrys Ap Iwan
Ysgol Esgob Morgan Voluntary Controlled Primary
Ysgol Estyn C.P.
Ysgol Feithrin Conwy
Ysgol Feithrin Glan Conwy
Ysgol Feithrin Gymraeg Benllech
Ysgol Feithrin Moelfre a'r Cylch
Ysgol Feithrin Pontyclun
Ysgol Feithrin Pontypwl
Ysgol Feithrin Rhydaman/ Ammanford Nursery School
Ysgol Feithrin Sant Aubin
Ysgol Feithrin y Trallwng Ltd
Ysgol Felinfach
Ysgol Ffordd Dyffryn
Ysgol Ffridd Y Llyn
Ysgol Ffrwd Win
Ysgol Foel Gron
Ysgol Friars
Ysgol Frongoch
Ysgol G. G. Llwyncelyn
Ysgol G. Llanpumsaint
Ysgol G. Mynyddygarreg
Ysgol G.G. Aberdar
Ysgol G.G. Bodringallt
Ysgol G.G. Bronllwyn
Ysgol G.G. Caerffili
Ysgol G.G. Castell Nedd
Ysgol G.G. Castellau
Ysgol G.G. Evan James
Ysgol G.G. Llyn Y Forwyn
Ysgol G.G. Tonyrefail
Ysgol G.G. Ynyswen
Ysgol Garndolbenmaen
Ysgol Garth Olwg
Ysgol Gelli Aur Golden Grove
Ysgol Ger y Llan V.C. School
Ysgol GG Rhos-Afan
Ysgol GGD Cwmllynfell
Ysgol Glan Aber C.P.
Ysgol Glan Ceubal
Ysgol Glan Cleddau
Ysgol Glan Conwy
Ysgol Glan Gele
Ysgol Glan Morfa
Ysgol Glan Morfa
Ysgol Glan Y Mor
Ysgol Glan-Y-Mor School
Ysgol Glanadda
Ysgol Glancegin
Ysgol Glannau Gwaun
Ysgol Glanrafon
Ysgol Glantwymyn
Ysgol Glanwydden
Ysgol Godre'r Berwyn
Ysgol Golwg Pen y Fan
Ysgol Golwg Y Cwm
Ysgol Goronwy Owen
Ysgol Griffith Jones
Ysgol Gronant
Ysgol Gwaun Gynfi
Ysgol Gwynedd
Ysgol Gyfun Aberaeron
Ysgol Gyfun Bro Edern
Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhondda
Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni
Ysgol Gyfun Dyffryn Teifi
Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn
Ysgol Gyfun Garth Olwg
Ysgol Gyfun Gwent Is Coed
Ysgol Gyfun Gwyr
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Myrddin
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bryn Tawe
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Llangynwyd
Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Plasmawr
Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni
Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig
Ysgol Gyfun Rhydywaun
Ysgol Gyfun Y Strade
Ysgol Gyfun Ystalyfera
Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw
Ysgol Gymraeg Abercynon
Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth
Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Allta
Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Morgannwg
Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Ogwr
Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Teyrnon
Ysgol Gymraeg Brynsierfel
Ysgol Gymraeg Casnewydd
Ysgol Gymraeg Coed-Y-Gof
Ysgol Gymraeg Cwm Derwen
Ysgol Gymraeg Cwmbrân
Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant
Ysgol Gymraeg Dewi Sant
Ysgol Gymraeg Dyffryn y Glowyr
Ysgol Gymraeg Ffwrnes
Ysgol Gymraeg Garth Olwg
Ysgol Gymraeg Gilfach Fargoed
Ysgol Gymraeg Gwenffrwd
Ysgol Gymraeg Gwenllian
Ysgol Gymraeg Ifor Hael
Ysgol Gymraeg Llangennech
Ysgol Gymraeg Melin Gruffydd
Ysgol Gymraeg Mornant
Ysgol Gymraeg Morswyn
Ysgol Gymraeg Nant Caerau
Ysgol Gymraeg Nant Gwenlli
Ysgol Gymraeg Penalltau
Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch
Ysgol Gymraeg Rhyd-Y-Grug
Ysgol Gymraeg Rhydaman
Ysgol Gymraeg Teilo Sant
Ysgol Gymraeg Trefynwy
Ysgol Gymraeg Treganna
Ysgol Gymraeg Trelyn
Ysgol Gymraeg y Cwm
Ysgol Gymraeg Y Fenni
Ysgol Gymraeg Y Ffin
Ysgol Gymraeg Y Gwernant Welsh Medium Primary
Ysgol Gymraeg y Trallwng
Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera - Bro Dur
Ysgol Gymuned Bodffordd
Ysgol Gymuned Bodorgan
Ysgol Gymuned Bryngwran
Ysgol Gymuned Cylch Y Garn
Ysgol Gymuned Dwyran
Ysgol Gymuned Fali
Ysgol Gymuned Garreglefn
Ysgol Gymuned Llanerch-y-medd
Ysgol Gymuned Llanfechell
Ysgol Gymuned Moelfre
Ysgol Gymuned Penisarwaun
Ysgol Gymuned Pentraeth
Ysgol Gymuned Rhosybol
Ysgol Gymuned Y Ffridd
Ysgol Gymunedol Bancffosfelen
Ysgol Gymunedol Cae'r Felin Community school
Ysgol Gymunedol Cei Newydd
Ysgol Gymunedol Croesgoch
Ysgol Gymunedol Peniel
Ysgol Gymunedol Tal-y-Bont
Ysgol Gynradd Aberaeron
Ysgol Gynradd Abererch
Ysgol Gynradd Abersoch
Ysgol Gynradd Amlwch
Ysgol Gynradd Beaumaris
Ysgol Gynradd Beddgelert
Ysgol Gynradd Bethel
Ysgol Gynradd Blaenau
Ysgol Gynradd Bodedern
Ysgol Gynradd Bontnewydd
Ysgol Gynradd Brithdir
Ysgol Gynradd Brynconin
Ysgol Gynradd Brynsaron
Ysgol Gynradd Brynsiencyn
Ysgol Gynradd Bynea
Ysgol Gynradd Cae Top
Ysgol Gynradd Carno
Ysgol Gynradd Carrog
Ysgol Gynradd Cemaes
Ysgol Gynradd Cerrigydrudion
Ysgol Gynradd Chwilog
Ysgol Gynradd Coed y Dderwen
Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Cwm-y-Glo
Ysgol Gynradd Cynfran
Ysgol Gynradd Dolgellau
Ysgol Gynradd Dolwyddelan
Ysgol Gynradd Drefach
Ysgol Gynradd Dyffryn Dulas
Ysgol Gynradd Edern
Ysgol Gynradd Eglwyswrw
Ysgol Gynradd Esceifiog
Ysgol Gynradd Felinwnda
Ysgol Gynradd Ffairfach
Ysgol Gynradd Gorslas
Ysgol Gynradd Groeswen
Ysgol Gynradd Gwaelod-Y-Garth Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Gwaun y Nant
Ysgol Gynradd Gwynfryn
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Awel Taf
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Bryniago
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Calon y Cymoedd
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Felindre
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Gellionnen
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Hamadryad
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Lôn Las
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pen-y-Groes
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Pontybrenin
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Santes Tudful
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tirdeunaw
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tregeles
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Y Castell
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Y Login Fach
Ysgol Gynradd Hafodwenog
Ysgol Gynradd Henllan
Ysgol Gynradd Hirael
Ysgol Gynradd Kingsland
Ysgol Gynradd Llanbedr
Ysgol Gynradd Llanbedrgoch
Ysgol Gynradd Llanddarog Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru
Ysgol Gynradd Llandegfan
Ysgol Gynradd Llandudoch
Ysgol Gynradd Llandwrog
Ysgol Gynradd Llanedi
Ysgol Gynradd Llanelltyd
Ysgol Gynradd Llanfachraeth
Ysgol Gynradd Llangoed
Ysgol Gynradd Llanllechid
Ysgol Gynradd Llannon
Ysgol Gynradd Llanrhaeadr Ym Mochnant
Ysgol Gynradd Llanrug
Ysgol Gynradd Llanwrda
Ysgol Gynradd Maesincla
Ysgol Gynradd Nebo
Ysgol Gynradd Nefyn
Ysgol Gynradd Niwbwrch
Ysgol Gynradd Parc Y Bont
Ysgol Gynradd Parcyrhun
Ysgol Gynradd Pencarnisiog
Ysgol Gynradd Pennal
Ysgol Gynradd Pentrecelyn
Ysgol Gynradd Pentrefoelas
Ysgol Gynradd Penysarn
Ysgol Gynradd Ponthenri
Ysgol Gynradd Pum Heol
Ysgol Gynradd Rhiwlas
Ysgol Gynradd Rhosgadfan
Ysgol Gynradd Rhosneigr
Ysgol Gynradd Santes Gwenfaen
Ysgol Gynradd Saron
Ysgol Gynradd Sirol Wdig
Ysgol Gynradd Tal-Y-Bont
Ysgol Gynradd Talsarnau
Ysgol Gynradd Talyllychau
Ysgol Gynradd Talysarn
Ysgol Gynradd Tanygrisiau
Ysgol Gynradd Trelogan
Ysgol Gynradd Tudweiliog
Ysgol Gynradd Tycroes
Ysgol Gynradd Wirfoddol Llanllwni
Ysgol Gynradd Wirfoddol Myfenydd
Ysgol Gynradd Y Felinheli
Ysgol Gynradd Y Ganllwyd
Ysgol Gynradd Y Parc
Ysgol Gynradd Y Talwrn
Ysgol Gynradd Y Tymbl
Ysgol Hafan Y Mor
Ysgol Hafod Lon
Ysgol Harri Tudur/Henry Tudor School
Ysgol Hen Felin
Ysgol Henblas
Ysgol Hendrefelin Special School
Ysgol Henry Richard
Ysgol Heulfan
Ysgol Heulfan Playgroup Plus
Ysgol Hiraddug
Ysgol Hooson
Ysgol Iau Hen Golwyn
Ysgol Ieuan Gwynedd
Ysgol Ifor Bach
Ysgol Iolo Morganwg
Ysgol John Bright
Ysgol Llaingoch
Ysgol Llan-Y-Pwll
Ysgol Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog
Ysgol Llanarth
Ysgol Llanbedr
Ysgol Llanbedrog
Ysgol Llanbrynmair
Ysgol Llanddoged
Ysgol Llanddulas Controlled
Ysgol Llandygai
Ysgol Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd
Ysgol Llanfair Talhaiarn
Ysgol Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
Ysgol Llanfarian
Ysgol Llanfawr
Ysgol Llanfihangel-Y-Creuddyn
Ysgol Llanfyllin
Ysgol Llangaffo
Ysgol Llangelynnin
Ysgol Llangwyryfon
Ysgol Llangybi
Ysgol Llanhari
Ysgol Llanilar
Ysgol Llanllyfni
Ysgol Llannefydd
Ysgol Llannon
Ysgol Llanstephan
Ysgol Llanwenog
Ysgol Llanwnnen
Ysgol Llanychllwydog
Ysgol Llanystumdwy
Ysgol Llechryd
Ysgol Llechyfedach
Ysgol Llwyn Yr Eos
Ysgol Llys Hywel
Ysgol Llywelyn
Ysgol Maenofferen
Ysgol Maes Garmon
Ysgol Maes Hyfryd Special School
Ysgol Maes Owen
Ysgol Maes Y Coed
Ysgol Maes Y Felin
Ysgol Maes Y Gwendraeth
Ysgol Maes Y Llan
Ysgol Maes Y Mynydd
Ysgol Maes-Y-Dderwen
Ysgol Maesglas Greenfield
Ysgol Maesydre
Ysgol Mair Catholic Primary School
Ysgol Mair Playgroup and Playgroup Plus
Ysgol Meifod
Ysgol Melyd
Ysgol Min-Y-Ddol
Ysgol Morfa Nefyn
Ysgol Morfa Rhianedd
Ysgol Morgan Llwyd
Ysgol Mynach
Ysgol Mynydd Bychan
Ysgol Mynydd Isa
Ysgol Nant Y Groes
Ysgol Nant y Groes Playgroup
Ysgol Nantgwyn
Ysgol O.M. Edwards
Ysgol Owen Jones C.P.
Ysgol Padarn Sant
Ysgol Pant Pastynog
Ysgol Pant-Y-Rhedyn
Ysgol Panteg
Ysgol Parc Y Bont
Ysgol Parc Y Llan
Ysgol Pen Barras
Ysgol Pen Coch Special School
Ysgol Pen Rhos
Ysgol Pen Y Bryn
Ysgol Pen Y Garth
Ysgol Pen Y Pil
Ysgol Pen-y-bryn
Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn
Ysgol Pencae
Ysgol Pencae
Ysgol Pendalar
Ysgol Pendref
Ysgol Penglais
Ysgol Penllwyn
Ysgol Penmachno
Ysgol Penmaes
Ysgol Penmorfa
Ysgol Pennant
Ysgol Penparc
Ysgol Penrhyn New Broughton Primary
Ysgol Penrhyncoch
Ysgol Pentreuchaf
Ysgol Penybryn
Ysgol Penyffordd
Ysgol Plas Brondyffryn
Ysgol Plas Coch
Ysgol Plascrug
Ysgol Pont Y Gof
Ysgol Pontrhydfendigaid
Ysgol Pontrobert
Ysgol Pontsenni
Ysgol Porth y Felin
Ysgol Rhiw Bechan
Ysgol Rhiwabon
Ysgol Rhos Helyg
Ysgol Rhos Helyg
Ysgol Rhosnesni
Ysgol Rhostyllen
Ysgol Rhyd Y Llan
Ysgol Rhydygors
Ysgol Rhydypennau
Ysgol Rhys Prichard
Ysgol San Sior
Ysgol Sant Baruc
Ysgol Sant Curig
Ysgol Sant Dunawd
Ysgol Santes Dwynwen
Ysgol Santes Fair, St Mary' s Catholic Primary School
Ysgol Santes Helen
Ysgol Sarn Bach
Ysgol Swn Y Don
Ysgol Syr Hugh Owen
Ysgol Syr John Rhys
Ysgol Syr Thomas Jones
Ysgol T. Gwynn Jones
Ysgol T. Llew Jones
Ysgol Talgarreg
Ysgol Tan y Gaer
Ysgol Tanycastell
Ysgol Terrig
Ysgol Tir Morfa
Ysgol Treferthyr
Ysgol Treffynnon
Ysgol Trefnant
Ysgol Trefonnen Church in Wales Community Primary
Ysgol Trefonnen Early Years
Ysgol Trefriw
Ysgol Tregarth
Ysgol Tremeirchion
Ysgol Trewen
Ysgol Tryfan
Ysgol Tudno
Ysgol Twm o'r Nant
Ysgol Ty Coch
Ysgol Ty Ffynnon
Ysgol Ty Monmouth
Ysgol Uwchradd Aberteifi
Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern
Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi
Ysgol Uwchradd Glan Clwyd
Ysgol Uwchradd Tywyn
Ysgol Waunfawr
Ysgol Wirfoddol Abergwili
Ysgol Wirfoddol Penboyr
Ysgol Y Bannau
Ysgol Y Bannau - Bobl Bach Y Bannau
Ysgol Y Bedol
Ysgol Y Berllan Deg
Ysgol Y Berwyn
Ysgol Y Borth
Ysgol Y Castell
Ysgol Y Castell
Ysgol Y Clogau
Ysgol Y Creuddyn
Ysgol y Cribarth
Ysgol Y Dderi
Ysgol Y Dderwen
Ysgol y Ddraig
Ysgol Y Ddwylan
Ysgol Y Deri
Ysgol Y Faenol
Ysgol Y Faenol
Ysgol Y Felin
Ysgol Y Ferch O'r Sger
Ysgol Y Foel
Ysgol y Foryd
Ysgol y Frenni
Ysgol Y Friog
Ysgol y Fro
Ysgol Y Gader
Ysgol Y Garnedd
Ysgol Y Garreg
Ysgol Y Gelli
Ysgol Y Gogarth
Ysgol Y Gorlan
Ysgol Y Graig
Ysgol Y Graig
Ysgol Y Lawnt
Ysgol Y Llan, Whitford V.P.
Ysgol Y Llys
Ysgol Y Manod
Ysgol Y Moelwyn
Ysgol Y Mynydd Du
Ysgol Y Parc Infants
Ysgol Y Parch Thomas Ellis
Ysgol Y Plas
Ysgol Y Rhos
Ysgol Y Traeth
Ysgol y Tywyn
Ysgol Y Waun
Ysgol y Waun
Ysgol yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Penrhyn Dewi
Ysgol Yr Eifl
Ysgol yr Eos primary
Ysgol Yr Esgob
Ysgol Yr Hafod
Ysgol Yr Hendre
Ysgol Yr Hendy
Ysgol Ysbyty Ifan
Ysgol-Y-Graig Primary School
Ystrad Mynach Primary
Ystruth Primary