Pre-inspection questionnaire - management committee (pupil referral units) - Estyn

Pre-inspection questionnaire – management committee (pupil referral units)

We would like to know about your role within the PRU as a member of the management committee. Read each statement considering your own experiences as a member and tick the box that best fits with what you think.

We hope that responding to these questions could also be used to inform and shape your work as a management committee.

Your opinion matters to us. Your answers and those of others help inform the inspection.  Where appropriate, we may also use these questionnaires to help form a national picture of the work of education providers across Wales.

The questionnaire is anonymous. Your responses are confidential, and we do not ask for your name.

Estyn inspectors will :

  • Read your answers
  • Never disclose your individual responses to the PRU or anyone outside of Estyn. The only time we may share information with other people is if we have concerns about the safety of pupils.

Your answers will be stored securely on our databases in line with our data retention policy.