Pre-inspection questionnaire - learners (further education) - Estyn

Pre-inspection questionnaire – learners (further education)

Please tell us what you think about your college.

Read each sentence and tick the box that fits with what you think. There are no right or wrong answers. For some questions, you will be able to explain why you have chosen that answer, if you want to.

Think about your own experiences and not the experience of your friends. Please be honest.

We care about your views. We will read your answers and use them to find out more about the college. We may also use these questionnaires to help us understand what learners think of colleges across Wales.

The questionnaire is anonymous. We don’t ask for your name. This means that your answers are secret.

Estyn inspectors will:

  • Read your answers
  • Only tell other people what you have said if they are worried about your safety
    or another learner’s safety.

If you are worried about anything in college, it is important that you speak to an adult at the college or at home.

Your answers will be stored securely on Estyn’s databases in line with our policies.