Knowing your children – supporting pupils with adverse childhood experiences (ACES)
Thematic Report
Schools should:
- R1 Provide both whole-school and targeted support for vulnerable pupils, in partnership with other services, based on an understanding of the impact of ACEs on children
- R2 Prioritise building trusting and positive relationships with families that encourage them to share important information with the school
- R3 Ensure that there is suitable access to calm, nurturing and supportive spaces for all vulnerable pupils, including those with ACEs, and particularly for older secondary pupils
- R4 Provide training and support all secondary school staff, not just those involved in pastoral work, to understand their role as a potential trusted adult for vulnerable pupils
- R5 Establish mechanisms to share information about vulnerable pupils and families confidentially and sensitively with relevant staff
Local authorities and regional consortia should:
- R6 Share relevant information about vulnerable pupils and families promptly with schools
- R7 Assist schools to develop ACE-informed strategies to support vulnerable pupils
The Welsh Government should:
- R8 Promote the WASPI and encourage the timely sharing of information about vulnerable pupils and families with schools