Curriculum innovation in primary schools - Estyn

Curriculum innovation in primary schools

Thematic Report

The report is aimed at the Welsh Government, local authorities and regional consortia. The report’s findings and the associated case studies will also be of interest to headteachers and staff in primary schools when they reflect on their current curriculum provision and plan for curriculum change. The four stages of curriculum development will be of interest to headteachers and staff in other school sectors.
The report draws on evidence from a sample of primary schools visited between January and July 2017. Inspectors considered how the schools are adapting their curriculum in the light of current curriculum and education reforms. It provides an overview of how primary schools currently evaluate, plan, deliver, monitor and refine their curriculum and teaching approaches.
The report links to 20 case studies from individual primary schools across Wales.
  • How are schools evaluating their curriculum to determine what needs to change to realise a new Curriculum for Wales?
  • How are schools responding to evaluation outcomes to plan and develop a curriculum that is engaging and attractive, one that develops an ability and enthusiasm to apply knowledge and skills independently?
  • How are leaders monitoring change and taking their work to the next step?

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