Consultation responses

We share our expertise and knowledge in our responses to external consultations.

You can find our responses to a range of consultations below:

Our responses

Education Workforce Council Investigating Committee and Fitness to Practise Committee membership
Education Workforce Council (Additional Categories of Registration) (Wales) Order 2024
Curriculum for Wales – continuing the journey
Anti-racist Wales
Proposed lists of unions and bodies eligible to nominate associate members of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research
Draft Child Poverty Strategy for Wales 2023
Regulating special school residential services
Proposed changes to the suite of Regulations under which independent schools in Wales operate
Proposals for the Welsh Language Education Bill
Belonging, engaging and participating
Full 14 to 16 Qualifications Offer in Wales
Women’s safety and gender-based violence
Consultation on the Outdoor Education (Wales) Bill
Changes to school admission appeal arrangements
Refresh of the ‘Criteria for accreditation of initial teacher education in Wales’
New registration categories for the Education Workforce Council second consultation on draft statutory instrument
Food (Wales) Bill
Promoting and facilitating Welsh-medium qualifications
Post-16 achievement consistent measures – Programme transfers
Curriculum for Wales – Clarifying the Humanities area in relation to the history of Wales and the world
Call for further evidence on the implications of the Census data for the legislative framework that supports Welsh-medium Education Provision
Draft assessment arrangements for funded non-maintained nursery settings
ICO consultation on prioritising access to information complaints

Consultation response – LGBTQ+ Action Plan
Using national milestones and indicators to measure our nation’s progress
Assessment arrangements: subordinate legislation resultant of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021
Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings – September 2021
Curriculum for Wales guidance and code for Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) – September 2021
Guidance on the design and delivery of mandatory Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) – September 2021
Statements of what matters code – September 2021
Curriculum for Wales Enabling Pathways guidance – September 2021
Draft progression code – September 2021
Cross-curricular skills frameworks – September 2021
Race Equality Action Plan: An Anti-racist Wales – June 2021
Future of adult inspections – Part two – June 2021
Consultation on the draft code of practice for bodies that are subject to the Welsh Language Standards (Number 2) Regulations 2016
Education Workforce Council (Interim Suspension Orders) (Additional Functions) (Wales) Order 2021
Qualifications Wales: Qualified for the Future
Curriculum for Wales: Guidance for education other than at school
School categories according to Welsh-medium provision
School improvement guidance
HMI Prisons: Statutory Consultation on the Draft Inspection Programme 2021-22 and Concomitant Inspection Framework
Curriculum for Wales guidance: British sign language
Relaxation of school reporting requirements 2021
Criminal Justice Joint Inspection programme – 2021-2023
Alternative arrangements for the award of VTQs and other general qualifications in 2021
Draft Tertiary, Education and Research (Wales) Bill
Code of practice on provision of autism services
Performance and governance of local authorities: draft guidance

Education Workforce Council: interim suspension orders
Consultation on the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate
Representatives for young people, and parents of children, lacking mental capacity
Estyn response Embedding a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing
QAA Handbook for the review of Degree Apprenticeships
Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill
Proposed amendments to school governance procedures in Wales
Consultation on the future of adult inspections
FE and WBL Professional Standards in Wales
Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales
Legislative proposals for religion, values and ethics
Consultation by Social Care Wales on the development of apprenticeship frameworks at level 4 and 5 in Health and Social Care (HSC) and Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (CCPLD)
Relaxation of school reporting requirements
SICI questionnaire
Consultation on the Draft Public Audit (Amendment) (Wales) Bill
Inquiry into Degree Apprenticeships
Local Government and Elections (Wales) Bill
Consultation on standards and ratings for inspecting youth offending
WJEC Stakeholder Survey 2020
Consultation arrangements for summer 2020
Qualified for the future
Independent special post-16 institutions (ISPIs)
Exceptional arrangements for assessment and grading in 2020
Speech, language and communication delivery plan 2020 to 2021
National policy on Welsh language transmission and use in families
Guidance on reducing restrictive practices in childcare, education, health and social care settings
Local authority education databases
Public consultation with hard to reach groups on Estyn’s inspection arrangements from September 2021
Responses to the consultation on Estyn’s new inspection arrangements
Mandatory reporting of online National Reading and Numeracy Test results
Responses to the consultation on Estyn’s proposed transition year 2020–2021 (academic year)