Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency - Estyn

Moderation of teacher assessment at key stage 2 and key stage 3: a review of accuracy and consistency

Thematic Report


Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R1 Develop training opportunities for schools to ensure consistency in the judgements for oracy, sufficiency of the evidence base, better application of the ‘best fit’ method, and moderation of work on the borderline between levels
  • R2 Review their role in ensuring consistency of standards across clusters, authorities and regions

Schools should:

  • R3 Take account of a wide range of pupils’ work when assessing and moderating levels
  • R4 Take appropriate account of the level of support, drafting processes, the impact of teachers’ marking and the sufficiency of evidence when awarding a final level
  • R5 Focus on pupils’ work that is on the lower borderline of levels when moderating in schools and in cluster meetings
  • R6 Make sure that all levels are reviewed and adjusted suitably after internal and cluster moderation and before submitting final levels
  • R7 Refer to standardised materials when assessing, moderating and standardising in schools and in cluster meetings

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