Partnerships with employers in secondary and special schools

Thematic Report

The report examines the range of partnerships and links that secondary and special schools across Wales have with employers. It considers the range of learners’ experiences and the characteristics of effective links between schools and employers. The report also examines how senior leaders in schools are starting to consider how to plan for the cross-cutting theme of careers and work-related experiences in the new Curriculum for Wales.


Schools should:

  • Consider carefully the cross-cutting theme of careers and work-related experiences, and how learners can develop as enterprising, creative contributors, when they design their new curriculum
  • Consider how they can enhance learners’ understanding of the work place by providing a wider range of real experiences in partnership with employers
  • Evaluate the impact of partnerships with employers and of work-related experiences on learners’ understanding of the world of work


Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • Ensure that local curriculum planning takes good account of careers and work-related experiences and involves employers


The Welsh Government should:

  • Evaluate the impact of the Education Business Exchange, Business Class, and Big Ideas Wales programmes
  • Produce guidance to support school staff in making links with employers

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