Federated schools - Common features of effective federation - Estyn

Federated schools – Common features of effective federation

Thematic Report

The report examines the features of effective federation. It identifies the conditions, processes and arrangements that lead to and maintain effective federations. It also considers the possible pitfalls for federations and explores the reasons why federations are not always successful. It identifies examples of effective practice where governing bodies and local authorities have achieved successful federation.


Federated schools should:

  • R1 Work with stakeholders from the outset to establish a clear vision for the federation that focuses on improving outcomes for pupils
  • R2 Develop leadership structures for the federation, including some non-teaching time for a senior leader on each site, to support effective day-to-day operation and good communication within and between schools
  • R3 Use self-evaluation processes to identify how the skills and expertise of staff may be deployed to improve learning experiences for pupils across the federation
  • R4 Develop the use of ICT to support collaboration by staff and pupils

Schools considering federation should also:

  • R5 Evaluate the potential impact of federation on pupil standards and wellbeing
  • R6 Identify the extent and effectiveness of any pre-existing collaboration
  • R7 Identify and evaluate the potential impact of any barriers to effective federation, such as geographical remoteness

Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R8 Provide relevant professional learning opportunities for senior leaders of federated schools
  • R9 Review their funding arrangements so as to allow federated schools the flexibility to pool their resources more easily
  • R10 Share good practice of effective federation with schools as they consider embarking on the federation process
  • R11 Ensure consistency of support for all schools within a federation by, for example deploying the same challenge adviser to each school

The Welsh Government should:

  • R12 Explore arrangements to help federated schools pool their resources

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