Bridgend College

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Improvement resources from this provider

Thematic report |

A review of the junior apprenticeship programme in Wales

Our new report, published today, highlights good practice and identifies barriers to the effective delivery of the junior apprenticeship programme introduced in 2017 by further education colleges.  ...Read more
Effective practice |

Junior Apprentices at Bridgend College

Thematic report |

Support for learners’ mental health and emotional wellbeing

Support for learners’ mental health and emotional wellbeing - The work of further education, work-based learning and adult learning in the community providers during the COVID-19 pandemic ...Read more
Thematic report |

Post-16 partnerships - Shared planning and provision between schools, and between schools and colleges

This report on strategic planning and partnership working for the education of 16 to 19-year-olds in school sixth forms and further education colleges, provides an overview of the way that mainstre ...Read more
Effective practice |

Improving learning outcomes through inspiring leadership

At Bridgend College, inspiring leadership has had a positive impact across all areas of the college. ...Read more
Effective practice |

A holistic approach to supporting college learners

At Bridgend College, wellbeing officers, learning coaches and skills coaches holistically support students in all aspects of their college life. ...Read more