Parents and Carers

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The word Estyn means “to reach out” in Welsh. We believe working together with parents and carers offers a great opportunity to drive and shape our work.
This page was updated on 26/06/2024

Our role

We inspect education and training providers and advise Welsh Government about the quality and standards of education in Wales.

We do this through inspections and by writing reports on educational themes, which cover a range of sectors and topics, such as reading skills and the curriculum. Our reports are intended to encourage wider thinking and share effective practice.

Your role in inspection

The views and experiences of parents and carers on education are very important to us. You will have the opportunity to feed into the process when your child’s school is being inspected.

You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire and will be invited to attend a meeting with inspectors as part of the inspection process. We also speak to groups of children in the school to ask questions about their views and experience of the school.

Inspection reports are published on our website 45 days after the start of the inspection. This provides an overview of the findings of the inspection team and highlights strengths as well as areas for improvement.

We no longer give overall summative gradings such as ‘Excellent’, ‘Good’, Adequate’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’ but our reports contain a summary of key findings. We also publish a more concise report specifically for parents and carers alongside the full inspection report.

All About Inspection

Our inspection teams spend time out and about talking to both staff and learners in classrooms, dinner halls, playgrounds and around the site to find out what learners think and feel about their education setting and their learning experience.

Before the inspectors arrive, there is an opportunity for learners to give feedback through an online questionnaire and similarly, parents and carers are invited to share their views through a questionnaire and a face to face parents meeting with inspectors.  

Find out more about what learners, parents and carers can expect from an inspection here:

All About Inspection


Inspection Explained


Join our Parents and Carers' Community!

We’re now developing a new Parents and Carers' Community and welcome parents and carers from a diverse and broad range of backgrounds and experiences to join.

We want to:

  • Understand the experiences of education for families like yours
  • Find out your views on important areas of education such as pupil well-being, the new curriculum and support for pupils with additional learning needs
  • Hear your views on how we inspect, and share our findings with parents and carers
  • Enable parents and carers from all backgrounds and all parts of Wales to feed into our work.

Members of our Parents and Carers' Community will be invited to take part in national surveys and/or join online focus groups.

Your views are important and will help us and education providers like schools and colleges better support pupils and their families.

To register your interest to join the Parents and Carers' Community, please complete this short form:

About you
About you
About your child/children

About your child/children

Please input multiple entries if you have more than
one child attending an education or training setting
in Wales.

About the education or training provider attended by your child/children
About the education or training provider attended by your child/children
Where does your child attend: