The new Additional Learning Needs system

Thematic Report

This thematic report is written in response to a request for advice from the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language in his remit letter to Estyn for 2022-2023. It is the first of at least two reports. The report provides an overview of how well the maintained primary and secondary schools that participated in the review are implementing key aspects of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (ALNET) and the accompanying ALN Code. It also considers how well participating local authorities have supported schools.


Schools should:

R1      Improve the quality of information provided to, for example, parents, and clearly state what the school regards as additional learning provision

R2      Ensure that ALNCos have sufficient time and resource to carry out their duties

R3      Ensure that the professional learning of school staff has a sufficient focus on high quality teaching for pupils with ALN

Local authorities should:

R4      Ensure that all schools are aware of their duties under the ALNET Act

R5      Provide clear, accurate and up-to-date information to stakeholders, in particular in relation to:

  • what constitutes additional learning provision in its schools
  • those IDPs that are to be maintained by the local authority and those to be maintained by schools

R6      Continue to quality assure and review practice and additional learning provision to ensure funding and professional learning supports roll out effectively for:

  • person centred practices
  • individual development plans
  • Welsh-medium services, resources and provision

R7      Develop and publish their strategy for post-16 learners with ALN

The Welsh Government should:

R8      Ensure that all settings have a clear understanding of the legal definitions contained in the ALNET Act and the ALN Code and provide practical examples to aid understanding

R9      Fully evaluate the impact of additional funding allocated to local authorities

R10    Ensure that future guidance and funding is provided in a timely fashion to allow both local authorities and schools to plan sufficiently

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