A Guide to Improvement Resources
About our improvement resources
Here you’ll find resources to support those working in education and training in raising standards for learners.
Our resources consist of thematic reports, effective practice, additional resources, as well as our annual reports.
Effective practice
When we see interesting and innovative practice during an inspection, we’re always keen to share it. We invite schools and other providers to write case studies when we think they have something important to share.
Working with partners to support the provision and enrich learning experiences.
Information about the setting Cylch yn yr Ysgol is a Welsh medium setting situated in the small town of Builth Wells for children aged 3-4 years, Monday to Thursday, term time only. The pre-school has charity status and is led by a voluntary management committee with three practitioners. Children are welcomed from all backgrounds and … Continued
Developing pupils’ speaking and listening skills through a bespoke whole school oracy framework supported by an explicitly taught behaviour curriculum.
Information about the school/provider St. Julian’s School in Newport is a large, diverse, and inclusive comprehensive school serving 1,428 pupils aged 11-18. The school hosts a local authority resource base centre, the Learning Development Centre (LDC), for pupils with moderate to severe learning difficulties. The school has an above national average percentage of pupils receiving … Continued
The use of effective self-evaluation supported by robust monitoring, review and evaluation (MRE) processes to develop leadership and lead school improvement.
Information about the school/provider St. Julian’s School in Newport is a large, diverse, and inclusive comprehensive school serving 1,428 pupils aged 11-18. The school hosts a local authority resource base centre, the Learning Development Centre (LDC), for pupils with moderate to severe learning difficulties. The school has an above national average percentage of pupils receiving … Continued
Developing a rich and stimulating environment that promotes the curiosity and enthusiasm of the youngest pupils.
Information about the school/provider Ysgol Bro Eirwg is a Welsh-medium school situated in Llanrumney, in the east of Cardiff. There are 394 pupils on roll, including 64 in the nursery class. Twenty-eight point nine per cent (28.9%) of pupils are eligible for free school meals. The school is part of the Ffederasiwn y Ddraig federation, … Continued
Creating a culture of improvement to ‘do even better’.
Information about the school/provider Romilly Primary School is in Barry in the Vale of Glamorgan local authority. There are between 680 and 750 pupils on roll aged from 3 to 11 years, throughout the year. The school has 21 single-age classes with an additional 4 part-time nursery classes catering for 130 pupils. There are 22 … Continued
Developing pupils’ understanding of the Welsh language and Welsh culture
Information about the school Dylan Thomas Community School (DTCS) is an 11-16 English-medium school maintained by Swansea local authority. The school is situated in Cockett in Swansea and serves communities that experience significant levels of socio-economic challenge. There are 701 pupils on roll, which represents a three year high and increase of 136 pupils since … Continued
Whole school approach to self-evaluation
Information about the school Evenlode Primary School is a two-form entry school for pupils from Nursery to Year 6. The school has capacity for 510 pupils (nursery has a capacity for 96 part time places and three intakes per year). 2% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, 5% have English as an additional … Continued
Whole-school planning for developing pupils’ skills across the curriculum
Information about the school Ysgol Cwm Banwy is located in the centre of the village of Llangadfan, Mid Wales, and is maintained by Powys Local Authority. It is also under Voluntary Control of the Church in Wales. Ysgol Cwm Banwy opened its doors for the first time during the lockdown in September 2020, as part … Continued
Effective use of the outdoor environment to promote high quality well-being and learning
Information about the setting Little Friends Nursery is a privately run childcare setting, early years education provider and non-maintained flying start setting. It is situated in Ffynnon Taf Primary School, Taff’s Well, Cardiff, and provides high-quality childcare and education that supports children’s development in a safe and stimulating environment. It supports the children to learn … Continued
High quality learning experiences
Information about the school St Mary’s Catholic Primary is a caring school that places the community at the heart of its work. Approximately half the pupils begin school with literacy and numeracy skills below age related expectations, however within a very short time, due to a wide range of rich learning experiences, the youngest pupils … Continued
Thematic reports
Each year, the Cabinet Secretary for Education asks our Chief Inspector for advice on a range of themes in relation to education and training. Our thematic reports help to inform policy development and to monitor progress.
Thematic report – The additional learning needs system
Executive summary This report considers how well the funded non-maintained settings, maintained primary, secondary and all-age schools that participated in the review are implementing and embedding aspects of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (ALNET) and the accompanying Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Code. It also considers how well local authorities have … Continued
Thematic Report: Impact of poverty on educational attainment, support, provision and transition for early education
Executive Summary This report considers how effective the support and provision provided by early years education providers is at addressing the adverse effects of poverty and disadvantage on early years children. It focuses on how well local authorities and school improvement services support these providers in early years pedagogical approaches and how best to support … Continued
Thematic Report: Transition and pupil progression
Executive summary This report considers how well schools work together to support pupils’ transition from primary into secondary school. It focuses on how well schools work together to ensure that their curricula and teaching develop pupils’ knowledge, skills, understanding and learning behaviours effectively across transition. It considers how schools support the well-being of learners at … Continued
Thematic Report: Developing pupils’ Welsh reading skills from 10-14 years of age
Executive summary Following the publication of a report on pupils’ English reading skills from 10-14 years of age by Estyn in May 2023, we set out to produce a report on how Welsh and bilingual schools develop pupils’ Welsh reading skills across the curriculum. In autumn 2023, we visited twenty Welsh-medium and bilingual primary, secondary … Continued
Improving attendance in secondary schools
This report focuses on the strategies and actions that secondary schools were employing in order to improve pupils’ attendance. It also considers the support provided by local authorities. The report identifies strengths and areas for improvement in practice and the barriers school leaders identified to pupils attending school and therefore improving attendance. It also includes cameos and case studies of effective practice.
Improving attendance in secondary schools – training materials
This PowerPoint is a way for providers to share the main findings of the report and review their own performance in a particular thematic area. The presentations summarise the report and include questions which providers can consider when looking to improve.
Delivery of Essential Skills Wales qualifications in apprenticeship programmes
This report considers the delivery of Essential Skills Wales (ESW) qualifications in Welsh Government-funded apprenticeships in Wales. Essential Skills Wales are a suite of qualifications intended to develop and confirm learners’ communication, application of number and digital literacy skills. Apprentices – unless they already have certain qualifications which allow exemption – are required to attain specified ESW qualifications to achieve their full apprenticeship framework.
Jobs Growth Wales+ youth programme: Autumn 2023 insights
This report summarises the findings from four regional Jobs Growth Wales+ monitoring visits conducted between October 2022 and June 2023. The report is based on the information gathered from the Welsh Government, lead and sub-contractor providers, participants, employers, Working Wales, and key staff in local authorities.
The new Additional Learning Needs system
This thematic report is written in response to a request for advice from the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language in his remit letter to Estyn for 2022-2023. It is the first of at least two reports. The report provides an overview of how well the maintained primary and secondary schools that participated in the review are implementing key aspects of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (ALNET) and the accompanying ALN Code. It also considers how well participating local authorities have supported schools.
The new additional learning needs system – training materials
This PowerPoint is a way for providers to share the main findings of the report and review their own performance in a particular thematic area. The presentations summarise the report and include questions which providers can consider when looking to improve.
Additional resources
We also publish additional resources to support the work of education professionals.