Environmental report - Estyn

Environmental report

Estyn has identified that our main impacts on the environment arise from the consumption of energy, normally transport, and the generation of waste. We will seek to minimise our impact on the environment, including seeking to maintain and enhance biodiversity and promote the resilience of ecosystems through a commitment to a comprehensive set of environmental objectives:

1. To continue to use energy efficiently and to monitor CO2 generation with the aim of further reducing our emissions contributing to the Welsh public sector net zero target by 2030.
2. In line with the Welsh Government (WG) “Towards Zero Waste” commitment, to maintain zero waste going to landfill.
3. In line with the WG “Towards Zero Waste” commitment, to reduce waste arisings by 1.2% year on year until 2050 (based on 2013-2014 figures).
4. To minimise the organisation’s transport impact contributing to the CO2 reduction target (objective 1).
5. Communicate environmental initiatives and our commitment to wider sustainability to the public and staff.
6. Continue to embed environmental considerations into purchasing procedures