Thematic report |

Youth Engagement and Progression Lead Worker Review (PCET)

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Thematic report | 09/07/2024

pdf, 551.64 KB Added 09/07/2024

The report focuses on the risks of disengagement for young people accessing lead worker support at the point of transition into post-16 education, training, and employment.


Welsh Government, Careers Wales, local authorities, and all other partners involved in supporting young people through lead workers should:  

  • Improve post-16 transition support by ensuring continuity of a young person’s lead worker until 31st January following a young person’s move into their post-16 destination, whether this is in school, at college, with a training provider, or employment  
  • Develop ways to measure the success of work to prevent young people becoming NEET that are based on longer-term evaluations and do not over-emphasise the value of initial destination survey data  
  • Support better data sharing about the circumstances of individual young people to facilitate stronger collaboration between all partners, including education and training providers, and enable young people to receive relevant and timely support  
  • Support the professional learning needs of lead workers in all agencies and share effective practice in the provision of lead worker support  
  • Improve practice in line with the effective practice featured in this report and address the shortcomings highlighted in this report  

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