Thematic report | 20/10/2020

pdf, 1.93 MB Added 20/10/2020

Effective practice | 05/10/2020

Learn Welsh North East is a partnership between Coleg Cambria and Popeth Cymraeg. Its formation was part of the reorganisation of the Welsh for adults sector.

Thematic report | 21/06/2017

pptx, 170.17 KB Added 21/06/2017

Thematic report | 21/06/2017

pdf, 753.14 KB Added 21/06/2017

Effective practice | 21/05/2020

Staff at Learn Welsh Gwent encourage learners to continue with lessons to become fluent Welsh speakers.

Effective practice | 09/08/2018

At learners’ request Dysgu Cymraeg Morgannwg has extended their range of Welsh language courses to help develop skills outside the classroom.

Document | 24/09/2019

pdf, 321 KB

Document | 01/04/2019

pdf, 338.03 KB

Document | 26/10/2018

pdf, 126.13 KB