Effective practice | 11/02/2020

Coleg Cambria strategically plans its apprenticeship training to closely match employers’ needs. Tutors work closely with businesses to develop a plan for the training.

Effective practice | 11/02/2020

Work-related education is embedded into all vocational courses at Cardiff and Vale College.

Effective practice | 09/10/2019

Headlands School created a new approach to how they support pupils who have experienced early trauma and adverse childhood experiences.

Effective practice | 09/10/2019

Cowbridge Comprehensive School has a professional learning programme. It’s shaped to ensure that all staff are able to address improvement successfully.

Effective practice | 01/10/2019

Investment in learning and teaching has helped Cardiff High School create a new vision for improvement, with emphasis on leadership and professional learning.

Effective practice | 21/08/2019

Somerton Primary School, together with a local school, are on an improvement journey to develop the new curriculum. They support each other by sharing resources and staff expertise.

Effective practice | 29/07/2019

It’s important to school leaders at Clase Primary School to identify staff needs and enable them to take part in professional development activities.

Effective practice | 09/04/2019

Leaders at Little Stars Day Nursery use a skills matrix to identify individual and group training needs. This ensures a consistent approach across the nursery.

Effective practice | 02/10/2018

Pupils at Cogan Primary School benefit from a positive learning environment. It helps pupils to feel secure and enhances their learning.

Effective practice | 16/08/2018

Meithrinfa Seren Fach has a strong focus on continuous improvement. It evaluates and improves quality through well-structured staffing and clear objectives.