Effective practice | 05/02/2018

Mynydd Cynffig Primary School has placed expressive arts at the heart of developing an innovative curriculum.

Effective practice | 05/02/2018

Since 2014, Llanfaes Community Primary School has collaborated with a nearby care home to raise awareness and understanding of dementia amongst its pupils.

Effective practice | 22/01/2018

At Cwmaber Infants School, staff actively promote pupil voice and decision-making. This has led to an increase in pupil confidence and self-esteem.

Effective practice | 05/10/2017

At Ysgol Gymraeg Aberystwyth, experienced teachers from the school worked with pupils, trainee teachers and local organisations to develop a series of activities on the theme of Welsh writer T.Llew

Effective practice | 04/10/2017

Llanrhidian Primary School has developed a culture of continuous self-evaluation focused strongly upon improving outcomes in standards and wellbeing for every pupil.

Effective practice | 17/07/2017

At Ysgol San Sior, the school’s farm provides a range of learning experiences that develop independent learners and improve pupils' literacy and numeracy skills.

Effective practice | 07/12/2016

Ysgol Penmaes focuses on developing varied participation opportunities for the whole-school community and recognises that this has a positive impact on relationships throughout the school.

Effective practice | 07/12/2016

Ysgol Gynradd Llanllechid actively involves pupils in all areas of school improvement and engages them regularly in evaluating the quality of provision across the school.Nearly all pupils feel that

Effective practice | 07/12/2016

Heronsbridge Special School skilfully-organised pupil participation opportunities contribute to developing pupils’ self-confidence and social skills.

Effective practice | 29/07/2020

In 2010, St David’s Catholic College, Cardiff, developed and implemented an online individual learning plan to help learners continuously assess and plan their progress.