Effective practice | 14/08/2018

A Cabinet of pupils with representatives from the school council and other committees successfully share information and drive initiatives across the school.

Effective practice | 14/08/2018

Rhosybol Primary School has developed pupils’ skills and independence within key stage 2 by planning and teaching more creatively.

Effective practice | 11/07/2018

Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn encourage pupils to voice their opinions about the school in regular meetings.

Effective practice | 10/07/2018

Ysgol Plascrug identified that the self-evaluation process for their learners’ independence was critical to the successful development of the proposed curriculum changes.

Effective practice | 17/05/2018

In Radnor Valley Primary, the creativity of teachers in relation to the curriculum extends to the way that pupil assessment is recorded.

Effective practice | 17/05/2018

Senior leaders developed a plan for professional learning, enabling staff to engage in international curriculum research.

Effective practice | 17/05/2018

Kitchener Primary has adapted its curriculum to focus more on what pupils want to learn, using more local contexts for learning.

Effective practice | 17/05/2018

In reviewing the curriculum, Ysgol y Dderi resolved to adapt its planning to develop literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum.

Effective practice | 06/04/2018

The creation of a ‘village’ at Cadoxton Primary School encourages children in the foundation phase to develop many skills by providing experiences in a real-life context.

Effective practice | 05/02/2018

Staff and pupils at Hendy County Primary School overhauled their anti-bullying policies, achieving a zero-tolerance environment in which all pupils feel safe and heard.