Oldcastle Primary School

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Local authority
Bridgend County Borough Council
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Parents and carers inspection reports

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Oldcastle Primary School
South Street
CF31 3ED
United Kingdom

Improvement resources from this provider

Effective practice |

Using a bespoke coaching and mentoring system to improve teaching

Oldcastle Primary School has a bespoke approach to coaching and mentoring for teachers based on their individual needs and stage of development, which has resulted in consistently good teaching pra ...Read more
Thematic report |

Improving teaching

pdf, 1.68 MB Added 28/06/2018

Effective practice |

Innovative interventions that lead to improvement in attainment

Oldcastle Primary School’s mathematics intervention has transformed the subject for the lowest achieving learners and raised standards for all. ...Read more
Effective practice |

Building partnerships to improve aspirations and outcomes in science and technology

Oldcastle Primary School has worked with businesses and universities to develop a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) week that has improved pupils’ aspirations and attainment.< ...Read more