Peer Inspector Memorandum of Understanding for Local Government Education Services - Estyn

Peer Inspector Memorandum of Understanding for Local Government Education Services

This document outlines the roles, responsibilities and expectations of the three parties (peer inspector, employer and Estyn) in respect of the participation of peer inspectors in initial and update training as well as inspection activities.

Peer inspectors who successfully complete their training and initial assessment will be placed on a list that will contain information including email addresses, names, addresses, details of current employer and specialisms. It is important that peer inspectors inform Estyn of any changes in relation to their address or employment. They can do this through Estyn’s online inspector profile system. If the peer inspector changes employment, they must update their profile with their new organisation and update their preclusions. The peer inspector must also complete a new Employer
Endorsement form (EEF) and return this to Estyn.

Estyn will only use the information in the list to deploy peer inspectors and to share information with peer inspectors about inspection developments and opportunities for professional learning. Reporting inspectors can view email addresses, names, addresses, and specialisms for each peer inspector on their personal Inspector Profiles for inspection purposes only.

The parties acknowledge Estyn’s duty to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) and understand that Estyn may be required to disclose certain information to third parties. The employer and the peer inspectors shall support Estyn in complying with the Act.

The parties acknowledge that peer inspectors shall remain an employee of the employer and shall not be deemed to be an employee of Estyn. Peer inspectors shall not present themselves as being an employee or agent of or spokesperson for Estyn.