Pre-inspection questionnaire - parents and carers - schools - Estyn

Pre-inspection questionnaire – parents and carers – schools

As a parent/carer, please tell us what you think about the school your child attends. Read each statement considering your own experiences and tick the box that best fits with what you think. For some questions, you will have an opportunity to explain why you have chosen that answer, if you want to.

Your opinion matters to us. We will use your answers to help us understand what you think about your child’s school.  We may use your answers and the responses of other parents/carers to help us understand what parents/carers think about schools across Wales.

The views of parents and carers are a valued part of our school inspection process. We would like to encourage all parents/carers to share your views about your child’s school/PRU through our parent/carer questionnaire. The reporting inspector will have time before the inspection to read your comments and this information is shared with the inspection team.

Questionnaires are available in multiple languages and there is an open text box for you to share more specific feedback. Please be assured that your feedback is confidential to Estyn and is only made available to the inspection team. 

We will also hold a brief face-to-face meeting for parents/carers on the first day of the inspection. If you are unable to share your views via the questionnaire you are welcome to join this brief meeting.

The questionnaire is anonymous. Your responses are confidential, and we do not ask for your name.

Estyn inspectors will:

  • Read your answers
  • Never disclose your individual responses to your child’s school or anyone outside of Estyn. The only time we may share information with other people is if we have concerns about the safety of pupils.

Your answers will be stored securely on our databases in line with our data retention policy.