Inspection myths – and the facts – post 16 sectors

Senior leaders will be required to support the inspection team in the co ordination of the visit to ensure that the inspection incorporates a range of activity and representatives across the setting. During the inspection week  however, we want to see a true reflection of what your setting is like day in, day out. We want to highlight what you are doing well and explore areas that can be improved. We don’t want staff and learners to change what they do just because we are visiting. 

We ask for very few documents ahead of inspection. You do not have to produce documentation especially for inspection week – and you don’t have to tidy up any documents. We know that documents in your settings are working documents. Click here to see a full list of required documents for inspections in the post 16 sectors.

We want to see your setting as it actually is and our lesson observations focus primarily on the progress of learners, the quality of teaching and how well learners respond. We don’t require individual lesson plans and will make judgements based on our observations and the discussions we have with learners and staff throughout the inspection period.

We want inspection to contribute to improving education and training. We have designed inspection with many opportunities for improvement focused discussions with providers. We will always concentrate on the quality of delivery and the impact on outcomes for learners. We’re here for the same reason you are – to help learners get the best out of their time in education and training.