What we inspect - Youth work - Estyn

What we inspect – Youth work

This handbook sets out what inspectors need to consider when evaluating the five inspection areas in youth work services. It explains ‘What we inspect’. It should be read in conjunction with the document ‘How we inspect’.

The guidance is essential reading for reporting inspectors and all other members of the inspection team, including the nominee. It may also be useful for providers to support their understanding of the inspection guidance. There is a separate handbook that explains the inspection process and methodology, ‘How we inspect’.

The three inspection areas are set out below.

Inspection areas
1 – How does youth work help young people achieve their potential?
1.1 Educative
1.2 Expressive
1.3 Participative
1.4 Inclusive
1.5 Empowering

2 – What young people can expect from youth work provision
2.1 The quality of youth work
2.2 The Universal Offer (youth work provision for all young people)
2.3 Support for vulnerable young people

3 – Leading and improving
3.1 Quality and effectiveness of leaders and managers
3.2 Self-evaluation processes and improvement planning
3.3 Professional learning
3.4 Safeguarding