Supplementary guidance: children with additional learning needs (ALN) in regulated non-school settings eligible for funding for part-time education - September 2022 - Estyn

Supplementary guidance: children with additional learning needs (ALN) in regulated non-school settings eligible for funding for part-time education – September 2022

This guidance supports inspectors in evaluating the outcomes and provision for learners who have additional learning needs (ALN). It includes helpful information to support the inspection of outcomes and provision for learners with ALN.

Inspectors should use this guidance alongside the Joint Inspection Guidance handbook for inspecting care and education in regulated non-school settings eligible for funding for part-time education.

Inspectors should also familiarise themselves with The Additional Learning Needs Code, issued under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 (“the Act”).

The Act, together with this Code and regulations made under the Act, provides the statutory system for meeting the additional learning needs (ALN) of children and young people. It places the children’s views, wishes and feelings at the heart of the process of planning the support required to enable them to develop effectively and achieve their full potential.