Nominee handbook for work-based learning - Estyn

Nominee handbook for work-based learning

This handbook is for nominees who will be the provider’s representative on the inspection team during their organisation’s inspection. The handbook has primarily been developed with the needs of CEOs/principals and senior managers in mind. It tries to provide answers to the question, ‘What do I have to know to be an effective nominee?’ Taking time to read through the handbook will provide you with the information you need to prepare for your inspection and to understand your role as the provider nominee. We hope that you find the handbook informative, supportive and, most of all, easy to use in preparing for your inspection.

The nominee handbook is in four parts.

  • Part 1: Before the inspection
  • Part 2: During inspection
  • Part 3: After the inspection
  • Part 4: Completing the online revision guide

Part 1 and part 2 contain the critical information and actions needed at different times throughout the period of the inspection. Part 3 briefly touches on the role of the nominee after the inspection while part 4 explains in a little more detail about the online revision guide.

It will be helpful to have a copy of the Estyn 2017 inspection guidance handbook for work-based learning to refer to as you go through the handbook. It is very important that you are familiar with the inspection guidance handbook for work-based learning before the inspection.