The quality of education and training for young people engaged with youth offending teams - Estyn

The quality of education and training for young people engaged with youth offending teams

Thematic Report


Local authorities and YOTs should:

  • R1 Assess the progress that young people make in developing soft skills, such as confidence, social skills, and self-esteem, and in improving their literacy and numeracy skills
  • R2 Ensure that all services have a dedicated education, employment or training co-ordinator
  • R3 Ensure that young people receive their entitlement to education in a timely manner, and report to management boards the length of time that young people are not in education, employment or training (NEET)
  • R4 Develop effective strategies that support young people in developing literacy and numeracy skills
  • R5 Evaluate the quality, effectiveness and impact of their service better to improve quality, and inform strategic planning to enhance education, employment or training opportunities for young people
  • R6 Extend the range of non-statutory members of the management board to include key local education and training providers

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