Science and design and technology at key stage 2 - Estyn

Science and design and technology at key stage 2

Thematic Report


Schools should:

  • R1 Make sure that science lessons challenge all pupils, particularly the more able, and reduce the achievement gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers
  • R2 Make sure that pupils have opportunities to learn about all areas of the design and technology curriculum, particularly ‘systems and control’
  • R3 Ensure that assessment helps pupils know what they need to do to improve
  • R4 Ensure that self-evaluation processes are robust and focus on pupils’ subject knowledge, understanding and skills, and on the quality of teaching
  • R5 Provide teachers with training in the areas of science and of design and technology where they lack knowledge and confidence

Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R6 Provide more subject-specific support for teachers to improve teaching and assessment in science and design and technology and facilitate the sharing of good practice
  • R7 Provide more support for schools to evaluate their curriculum and plan for the development of the science and technology area of learning and experience

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