Pupil registration practices - Estyn

Pupil registration practices

Thematic Report


Schools and governing bodies should:

  • R1 ensure that pupils repeat Year 10 only under exceptional circumstances
  • R2 routinely review registration practices and pupil movements as part of the school’s evaluation and improvement arrangements
  • R3 ensure that governors monitor pupil movements between Years 10 and 11
Local authorities should:
  • R4 monitor the registration practices of schools to provide assurance that schools are always acting in the best interests of individual pupils
  • R5 ensure that both local authorities and schools have clear criteria and protocols for allowing schools to register pupils as repeating Year 10
  • R6 monitor and investigate any instances where pupils are repeating Year 10 or progressing from Year 10 into a school year other than Year 10 or Year 11
Welsh Government should:
  • R7 review the registration of EOTAS pupils and consider using destination data to measure the effectiveness of EOTAS provision
  • R8 work with local authorities to set up databases of compulsory age pupils in their area
  • R9 review arrangements for PLASC to ensure greater transparency of pupil movement 

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