Provision for young carers in secondary schools, further education colleges and pupil referral units across Wales
Thematic Report
Secondary schools, colleges and PRUs should:
- R1 Ensure that they have sound procedures to identify which of their pupils/learners have a caring role
- R2 Have a named member of staff with lead responsibility for young carers who acts as a point of contact for young carers and champions their needs
- R3 Raise staff awareness of young carers’ needs
- R4 Engage with specialist services to review and improve their provision to meet the needs of young carers
- R5 Track and monitor the progress and outcomes for young carers as they currently do for other groups of vulnerable learners
- R6 Evaluate their provision for young carers with reference to the checklist in Appendix 1 or available toolkits.
Local authorities should:
- R7 Focus carer strategies on increasing the capacity of schools, colleges and PRUs to identify and meet the needs of young carers
The Welsh Government should:
- R8 Produce reliable, nationally-collected data to help identify young carers