Provision for secondary school-aged Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils
Thematic Report
Local authorities and schools should:
- R1 Ensure that they evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies to improve the achievement, transition and attendance* of GRT pupils and make improvements when strategies are not bringing about the desired outcomes
R2 Ensure that anti-bullying and equality policies take account of the specific needs of GRT pupils*
- R3 Ensure that schools promote GRT culture throughout the school curriculum*
- R4 Ensure that GRT pupils have opportunities to express their views about their learning experiences
- R5 Work collaboratively to deliver and enhance services for GRT pupils
- R6 Explore ways of building the confidence of GRT pupils and parents to self-ascribe their ethnic identity accurately
The Welsh Government should:
- R7 Update the 2008 guidance ‘Moving Forward – Gypsy Traveller Education’
* Recommendation in the 2005 and 2011 Estyn reports