Prevent – how well maintained schools implement their duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
Thematic Report
Schools should:
- R1 Include risks to pupils from radical and extremist ideologies in the school’s policies, in particular policies that cover ICT and online safety
- R2 Record and report all incidents of racist language and racial bullying properly, and offer suitable support and challenge to victims and perpetrators
- R3 Acknowledge that radicalisation and extremism are real risks to pupils in all schools, and ensure that staff training, policies and the curriculum suitably address these risks
- R4 Ensure that all pupils have a voice and can share with the school any concerns they have about behaviours or expressions of radical or extremist ideas
Local authorities should:
- R5 Monitor school safeguarding activity relating to duties under the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 using criteria in the Home Office and Welsh Government self-assessment toolkits
- R6 Work with partners to ensure that schools are included in post-referral action plans in order to best support pupils subject to Channel support
- R7 Work with regional consortia to support schools in developing their curriculum to support pupils in building resilience when confronted with radicalised and extremist influences
- R8 Work with partners to ensure that requests for advice prior to referrals are captured in order to provide intelligence about the issues faced by schools
- R9 Improve the tracking of the take up of training by school leaders, governors and teachers, and ensure that the cascading of training is effective
The Welsh Government should:
- R10 Work with local authorities and regional consortia to support schools to build pupils’ resilience when confronted with radicalised and extremist influences