Peer-on-peer sexual harassment among 16 to 18-year-old learners in further education

Thematic Report

The report has been written in response to a request from the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language in the annual remit letter from March 2022. It also reflects a similar request from the Children, Young People and Education Committee. This review is of relevance to learners, parents and colleges as well as to the Welsh Government, statutory services and third sector organisations directly involved with young people. It follows on from the similar review of the culture and processes in maintained and independent secondary schools to protect and support young people (Estyn, 2021).


Further education colleges should:

  • R1 Ensure that all learners benefit from opportunities to take part in learning activities and discussions about forming and maintaining healthy relationships
  • R2 Develop strategies to prevent and tackle misogynistic attitudes and cultures developing among groups of learners
  • R3 Ensure that all relevant staff members undertake professional learning that enables them to confidently recognise and respond to sexual harassment as well as help learners develop their understanding of healthy relationships
  • R4 Ensure that all learners feel safe and comfortable in all areas of college buildings, grounds, virtual spaces, and transport
  • R5 Record, categorise and analyse instances of sexual harassment, assault and abuse in a consistent way that enables leaders to identify trends and take appropriate measures in response

The Welsh Government should:

  • R6 Make clear which aspects of Welsh Government education guidance relating to sexual harassment apply to further education colleges and clarify any differences between requirements in schools and further education colleges
  • R7 Provide appropriate guidance to colleges to help them adopt a co-ordinated and consistent approach to recording and categorising instances of sexual harassment

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