Money matters

Effective Practice

Pembrey C.P. School


Pembrey Primary School is located in the centre of the village of Pembrey, approximately five miles to the west of Llanelli. It serves the village itself and the surrounding area which is described as being neither particularly prosperous nor economically disadvantaged. There are currently 209 learners on roll, with approximately 13% entitled to free school meals.


All staff at the school developed a strategy to develop learners’ understanding of financial matters and their skills to make independent financial decisions. The school has a designated member of staff to co-ordinate the provision of financial education who is wellsupported by the headteacher and senior leadership team. The school has a financial education policy highlighting explicit tasks, approaches, methods, resources and assessments linked to financial education. The policy also identifies whole school and pupil-led projects.


The co-ordinator has mapped activities linked to other whole-school priorities including pupil voice and education for sustainable development. The school has produced extensive schemes of work for each year group and lesson plans and shared these with all members of staff. There are specific objectives linked to financial education. All staff have received training and are all aware of the school’s vision to promote and extend learners’ financial capability.


As a result, learners’ understanding of financial matters and relevant skills has improved considerably. Learners can now confidently discuss a range of financial issues, using a range of accurate, subject-specific vocabulary.

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