Managing money: Financial education in primary and secondary schools in Wales - Estyn

Managing money: Financial education in primary and secondary schools in Wales

Thematic Report


Schools should:

  • R1 Plan and deliver meaningful opportunities for pupils to develop and apply their financial skills across the curriculum
  • R2 Monitor and evaluate the quality of learning and teaching for financial education
  • R3 Provide staff with appropriate training to improve provision for financial education

Local authorities / Consortia should:

  • R4 Facilitate effective arrangements for schools to share best practice and resources for financial education
  • R5 Review their training programmes for numeracy to ensure that they enable teachers to develop a sound knowledge and understanding of financial education

The Welsh Government should:

  • R6 Review and promote its guidance material for the effective delivery of financial education, to include a database of useful resources and organisations for schools
  • R7 Support the development of bilingual digital financial education resources
  • R8 Ensure that financial education is included in the development of the new area of learning and experience for health and wellbeing as well as mathematics and numeracy

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