Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans - Estyn

Local authority Welsh in Education Strategic Plans

Thematic Report


Local authorities should:

  • R1 ensure that the WESPs are a strategic priority
  • R2 have systematic processes in place to measure the demand for Welsh-medium provision
  • R3 work with schools to explain the advantages to pupils and parents of Welsh-medium education and of following courses through the medium of Welsh
  • R4 work with schools to set targets to increase the proportion of pupils in key stage 4 who continue to study Welsh as a first language and follow specific subject areas through the medium of Welsh
  • R5 make effective use of their Welsh-medium education fora to help to develop their WESP and to monitor progress
  • R6 evaluate their Welsh-medium additional learning needs provision to identify any gaps

The Welsh Government should:

  • R7 ensure that the targets agreed in the WESPs reflect the aspirations in their Welsh-medium education strategy
  • R8 ensure that all local authorities place enough strategic importance on delivering the targets within the WESPs
  • R9 monitor the implementation of the WESPs rigorously

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