Leaders strategically implementing an ambitious vision while aiming for excellence.

Effective Practice

Dysgu Cymraeg Caerdydd/Learn Welsh Cardiff

Information about the provider/partnership

Learn Welsh Cardiff was established in 2016 as a result of sectoral restructuring and establishing the National Centre for Learning Welsh. Learn Welsh Cardiff is one of 11 of the Centre’s providers and is responsible for providing Welsh for Adults courses in the City and County of Cardiff. Learn Welsh Cardiff is situated within the School of Welsh, Cardiff University and the Director of LWC is accountable to the Head of the School of Welsh. All of the provider’s staff are employed by the university.

The Director is responsible for producing and implementing the provider’s strategy and business plan and the Director leads a culture of continuous self-evaluation to ensure excellence.

Identify how the area of excellent practice/sector-leading practice identified during the inspection relates to a key question, quality indicator and/or a particular aspect

The vision and ambition of the leadership team are at the heart of all of the provision’s activity and success. There are high expectations of the whole team and a bold strategy is produced to reach goals, provide opportunities and secure jobs. Change is introduced in a positive manner and this change is managed effectively by assessing risk and seeking views and information. As a result, excellence and continuous improvement are ensured.

Context and background to the best practice/sector-leading practice

Following a significant restructuring of provision, quality needed to be ensured in all aspects of work. An Excellence Framework was implemented for Management and Monitoring, which focused on raising standards and changing mindset. This framework has now been embedded and the work has borne fruit. 

Rather than making arbitrary decisions, data is used purposefully. Feedback is analysed continuously to develop and grow and procedures are implemented for measuring improvement and progress. 

The principles of a specific methodology of working are followed within provision, namely operating in a continuous cycle of planning, checking, implementing and learning. To complement this method, the dashboards of another methodology are used, namely visual, proactive action which records all activity and, in particular, the progress of that activity. By using these dashboards, a functional workflow and effective teamwork are ensured which, in turn, lead to success and progress.

A description of the nature of the strategy or activity identified as excellent practice/sector-leading practice

In order to excel, a vision of changing culture and practices that hindered progress was key to the strategy. Establishing a culture that focused on continuous excellent performance was the priority. Providing experiences for learners that were completely positive and led to satisfaction and the continuation of their learning journey was at the heart of it all. 

The root of each problem was analysed following the ‘five whys’ method, seeing challenges or failures as opportunities to improve. Development and growth were supported and encouraged as a routine part of the work. Continuous sharing of best practice was facilitated, embracing diversity of opinion and experience. 

Priority was given to a mindset of taking risks and expanding provision. As a result, it was possible to provide a host of opportunities for staff to develop professionally and apply for full-time and senior posts. Throughout it all, attempts were made to ensure transformative and innovative leadership, in addition to a sustainable long-term vision.

What impact has this work had on provision and learners’ standards

When the new provider was established, there were challenges in relation to completion rates, lack of income and lack of a career path. 

Later in 2022/23: 

High enrolments – 117% of the target 

High completion rates – 94% (50%+) / 76% (85%+) 

Progression – 77% 

Meaningful progress – 95% 

50% increase in annual income 

As a result, a comprehensive service is offered that meets the needs of the community, in addition to national policy priorities such as Cymraeg 2050: A million Welsh speakers.