Initial teacher education in the post-compulsory education and training sectors

Thematic Report


The Welsh Government should:

  • R1 Undertake a structural review of PCET ITE provision which considers the emerging themes identified in this report and the wider workforce development needs
  • R2 Ensure that data relating to the number, outcomes and destinations of trainees in PCET ITE programmes is regularly collected and published
  • R3 Broker opportunities for course leaders and delivery staff in both FEIs and HEIs to develop professional learning networks focussed on PCET ITE pedagogy
  • R4 Develop incentives to encourage trainees to teach and study through the medium of Welsh

Providers should:

  • R5 Improve the provision of mentoring for ITE trainees
  • R6 Increase the opportunities for trainees to carrying out their teaching experience and complete aspects of their training programme through the medium of Welsh
  • R7 Ensure that all trainees have high quality teaching experience placements which allow them opportunities to observe strong teaching practice and develop comprehensive teaching skills
  • R8 Ensure that PCET ITE programmes are flexible enough to meet the needs of the full range of trainees
  • R9 Ensure that programmes are co-constructed, taking into account the needs of trainees at HEIs and FEIs, and with consultation with PCET employers

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