Equity of curriculum experiences for pupils who are educated other than at school (EOTAS) - Estyn

Equity of curriculum experiences for pupils who are educated other than at school (EOTAS)

Thematic Report

PRUs and mainstream schools should:

  1. Share practice with each other and work with local authorities, pupils, and parents to strengthen opportunities for pupils to return to mainstream education
  2. Monitor pupils’ attendance closely to ensure they access their full provision and, in particular, to safeguard pupils where they access education part-time in a different provider

Local authorities and their school improvement services should:

  1. Support more pupils to return to mainstream school where appropriate through:
  • strengthening short term intensive support in EOTAS provision
  • ensuring placement decisions are taken promptly and identify an agreed duration, clear roles and responsibilities and a review date
  1. Secure curriculum provision in PRUs which meets the needs of all pupils working with the management committee and teacher in charge
  2. Secure curriculum provision in EOTAS providers other than PRUs
  3. Strengthen the quality assurance and monitoring processes to ensure effective delivery of the curriculum offer in all EOTAS providers
  4. Robustly challenge and monitor the attendance of pupils across EOTAS providers including the appropriate use of part-time timetables and pastoral support programmes

The Welsh Government should:

  1. Update and ensure delivery of the EOTAS Framework for Action including all relevant accompanying EOTAS guidance to reflect the recommendations of this report

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