Thematic Report Archives - Page 6 of 15 - Estyn

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Non-maintained settings, nursery and primary schools should:

  • R1 plan carefully for continuity and progression in the skill development of learners from all linguistic backgrounds as they acquire the Welsh language
  • R2 provide regular listening and speaking activities to develop learners’ vocabulary and syntactic patterns, and encourage them to apply these new skills in formal and less formal activities
  • R3 track rigorously the progress, vocabulary development and language acquisition of specific groups of learners, including the more able

Primary schools should:

  • R4 provide opportunities for learners to listen to, read and appreciate Welsh literature and poetry by Welsh authors, particularly in key stage 2
  • R5 ensure regular opportunities for learners to write freely and independently

Local authorities and regional consortia should: 

  • R6 provide training to deepen practitioners’ understanding of how learners acquire the Welsh language, and in effective language immersion methodology

The Welsh Government should:

  • R7 develop national guidelines on language immersion in order to support teaching and learning in Welsh language acquisition

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Schools and colleges should:

  • R1 Ensure strong partnership working to develop collaborative provision with other providers where this helps to improve quality or expand choice
  • R2 Ensure that post-16 provision delivered in partnership with other providers is underpinned by written agreements of responsibilities, and is included fully within improvement planning processes
  • R3 Ensure that advice and guidance to learners is impartial, focused on learners’ needs, and informed by the provision, standards and support available at all local post-16 education and training providers
  • R4 Share information to support the transition of learners to other providers in line with Welsh Government guidance
  • R5 Submit accurate information about the programmes learners undertake, including the provider of each learning activity, as part of their annual data submissions to the Welsh Government

Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R6 Ensure that strategic planning involves the wider community of local schools and colleges
  • R7 Work together with colleges on joint professional learning activities where appropriate
  • R8 Work with colleges to ensure that a suitable range of post-16 provision is available locally through the medium of Welsh

The Welsh Government should:

  • R9 Review and consolidate legislation, policy and guidance for 16-19 provision to ensure consistency and clarity of expectations in a way that builds on the developments of Curriculum for Wales
  • R10 Apply a consistent approach to the oversight and quality monitoring of post-16 provision, including planning and funding considerations
  • R11 Provide prospective learners and their parents with clear information about learner progress and outcomes for school sixth forms and further education colleges in Wales
  • R12 Ensure that any future Commission for Tertiary Education and Research addresses the findings and recommendations of this thematic review

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Recommendations for the Welsh Government to work with regional consortia, local authorities, and other partners and providers to:

  • R1 Urgently address barriers to learning at home, particularly where this is due to a lack of access to suitable computers or adequate connectivity
  • R2 Improve the quality of the distance and blended learning experiences for pupils by supporting more effective teaching across and within schools and PRUs
  • R3 Develop a coherent approach to improve progress in literacy, numeracy and personal and social skills of vulnerable pupils disproportionally affected by the pandemic, for example pupils eligible for free school meals
  • R4 Establish strategies to monitor and address the long-term impact of the pandemic on the physical and mental health of pupils
  • R5 Create opportunities to take stock and evaluate the impact of policies and practices developed since the start of the pandemic to inform future ways of working and curriculum design

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


The Welsh Government should:

  • R1 Continue to work with all partners in the youth work sector to support the development of youth work and youth work training, including leadership capacity
  • R2 Continue to work with the EWC and ETS to update and improve the registration arrangements for youth workers to ensure that youth work is treated in the same way as other education professions
  • R3 Commission a full skills audit for the sector, to include skills needed by employers and the existing skills of both youth workers and youth support workers registered with the EWC and those who carry out youth work and are not registered
  • R4 Investigate the provision of formal apprenticeship routes for the training of youth workers and youth support workers
  • R5 Work with the providers of youth work training and other relevant organisations to increase the use of the Welsh language in youth work training.

Providers of youth work training should:

  • R6 Make sure that youth workers and students from other professions working with young people have opportunities to train together
  • R7 Improve the availability, variety and quality of work placements

Local authorities should:

  • R8 Encourage schools to recognise the specialist skills and professional knowledge youth workers bring to supporting the development of the new curriculum
  • R9 Support and contribute to the development of courses for the training of statutory and voluntary youth workers, including those in non-education settings

Regional consortia should:

  • R10 Explore ways to include youth workers alongside teachers in professional learning and educational leadership training opportunities

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Schools and colleges should:

  • R1 Review their curriculum and individual course content to consider how well the teaching of diversity and inclusion, including LGBT issues, is integrated into learning experiences
  • R2 Ensure that instances of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying are recorded and that trends are identified and acted upon
  • R3 Ensure that all staff engage in regular training in addressing discrimination and promoting diversity, including issues around LGBT people

Local authorities and consortia should:

  • R4 Work with external partners to deliver relevant professional learning opportunities for staff in schools across primary and secondary sectors
  • R5 Work with primary and secondary schools to ensure progression in relationships and sexuality education between sectors

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report