Thematic Report Archives - Page 5 of 15 - Estyn

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


The Welsh Government should:

  • R1 Undertake a structural review of PCET ITE provision which considers the emerging themes identified in this report and the wider workforce development needs
  • R2 Ensure that data relating to the number, outcomes and destinations of trainees in PCET ITE programmes is regularly collected and published
  • R3 Broker opportunities for course leaders and delivery staff in both FEIs and HEIs to develop professional learning networks focussed on PCET ITE pedagogy
  • R4 Develop incentives to encourage trainees to teach and study through the medium of Welsh

Providers should:

  • R5 Improve the provision of mentoring for ITE trainees
  • R6 Increase the opportunities for trainees to carrying out their teaching experience and complete aspects of their training programme through the medium of Welsh
  • R7 Ensure that all trainees have high quality teaching experience placements which allow them opportunities to observe strong teaching practice and develop comprehensive teaching skills
  • R8 Ensure that PCET ITE programmes are flexible enough to meet the needs of the full range of trainees
  • R9 Ensure that programmes are co-constructed, taking into account the needs of trainees at HEIs and FEIs, and with consultation with PCET employers

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Following the events of summer 2020 and the Black Lives Matter movement, Estyn agreed with the Welsh Government that the review take account of Welsh and wider Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture.

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


In the case of future similar grants, leaders in schools and colleges should:

  • R1 Ensure they have a clear vision for the outcomes they desire from additional spending
  • R2 Work with a wide range of partners to develop strategies to support learners’ progress and wellbeing
  • R3 Regularly track and evaluate the impact of additional spending in order to adjust current plans and inform future planning
  • R4 Consider building on successful changes to practice made during the pandemic
  • R5 Ensure that learners’ progress in Welsh is priority, irrespective of the linguistic backgrounds of learners

Regional consortia and local authorities should:

  • R6 Track and evaluate the success of different models of providing additional support to learners across their areas, referring to the indicators suggested in this report

The Welsh Government should:

  • R7 Ensure that conditions for any future catch up grant spending are flexible and are equivalent for schools and colleges

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Further education colleges, work-based learning providers and adult learning in the community partnerships should:

  • R1 Quality assure remote and blended learning provision to ensure that all courses or programmes meet a minimum quality standard so as to reduce the variability in provision
  • R2 Ensure that leaders and teachers have access to professional learning that supports the development of how to design effective remote and blended teaching and learning, as well as further develop teachers’ pedagogical and assessment skills
  • R3 Share emerging and innovative remote and blended learning practice within and across post-16 sectors in Wales and beyond

The Welsh Government should:

  • R4 Continue to support the sector with guidance to enable providers to develop quality remote and blended approaches, particularly in supporting the return to direct teaching and training and the assessment of practical vocational and technical skills
  • R5 Commission professional learning for the post-16 sector, which is free to providers and helps them to develop specific expertise in remote and blended learning design, teaching, training and learning for their sector to reduce variability of quality in provision
  • R6 Enable adult learning in the community partnerships and learners to access a national centralised digital platform to provide remote and blended learning more easily
  • R7 Encourage and support providers to share emerging practice in remote and blended learning within and across post-16 sectors in Wales

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Further education colleges, work-based learning providers and adult learning in the community partnerships should:

  • R1 Target resources to promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing carefully in order to avoid overloading learners and staff with too much information
  • R2 Identify carefully those learners most at risk from disengaging from learning or experiencing mental health and emotional wellbeing issues and monitor their wellbeing on a regular basis
  • R3 Prioritise the provision of support according to need to ensure that all learners requiring urgent help with their mental health and emotional wellbeing receive support as quickly as possible
  • R4 Work as closely as possible with external agencies to make overall support for mental health and emotional wellbeing as seamless as possible and minimise, or ideally avoid, the need for multiple points of contact
  • R5 Make clear how support for mental health and emotional wellbeing can be accessed by all learners, including those studying with subcontractors or partner providers
  • R6 Ensure that all counselling staff, and other staff in similar roles, receive appropriate supervision or mentoring and undertake specific professional learning in how to provide remote support effectively

The Welsh Government should:

  • R7 Ensure that the outcomes of Welsh Government-funded mental health projects are evaluated fully and share the findings across all post-16 sectors

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Non-maintained settings, nursery and primary schools should:

  • R1 ensure that poverty and disadvantage are not barriers to learners developing secure language and literacy skills
  • R2 develop a culture of reading that encourages and enthuses all learners, including boys and those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to read for pleasure and provide opportunities to listen to adults reading aloud
  • R3 develop explicitly learners’ vocabulary knowledge so that it supports the development of their speaking, reading and writing skills

Primary schools should:

  • R4 develop a clear strategy to support the effective teaching of reading, including addressing learners’ decoding skills, vocabulary development and advanced reading skills
  • R5 provide appropriately challenging and relevant opportunities to support the progressive development of learners’ listening and speaking skills, particularly in key stage 2
  • R6 support the development of learners’ writing skills through the explicit teaching of sentence construction, punctuation and spelling, relevant opportunities to write and precise feedback to guide further improvement

Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R7 provide high-quality professional learning that meets the individual needs of settings and schools, to ensure that all learners, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, improve their language and literacy skills

The Welsh Government should:

  • R8 evaluate settings’ and schools’ use of targeted funding, such as the early years pupil development grant and the pupil development grant, to improve eligible learners’ language and literacy skills

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report