Thematic Report Archives - Page 3 of 15 - Estyn

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


School leaders should:

  • R1    Provide staff with high-quality professional learning about evidence-based strategies to develop pupils’ reading skills across the curriculum
  • R2    Monitor and evaluate robustly the impact of reading strategies and interventions
  • R3    Plan within their cluster for the progressive development of pupils’ reading skills from Year 6 to Year 7, including making appropriate use of feedback and progress reports from personalised assessments

Teachers and classroom-based support staff should:

  • R4    Plan meaningful and engaging opportunities for pupils to develop their reading skills progressively 
  • R5    Use high-quality, suitably challenging texts to develop pupils’ reading skills alongside teaching the strategies pupils need to access and engage with these texts

School improvement partners should:

  • R6    Work together closely to ensure greater consistency and synergy in professional learning opportunities around reading for school leaders, teachers and teaching assistants

The Welsh Government should:

  • R7    Continue to promote and develop the whole-school approach to oracy and reading toolkit

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report

Improvement Resource Type: Thematic Report


Careers Wales should:

  • Develop systems and appropriate criteria to evaluate the impact that services have on the effectiveness and resilience of young people’s career planning and decision-making
  • Ensure that effective evaluation, based on accurate, comprehensive and relevant evidence, informs strategic planning and quality improvement
  • Strengthen links with other careers companies to improve opportunities for professional learning and developing good practice
  • Continue to ensure that analysis from quality assurance activities is fed back to individual schools to strengthen careers and work-related education
  • Ensure that all staff promote young people’s awareness of the value of the Welsh language as an employment skill
  • Ensure that all staff understand the company’s arrangements and procedures for the safeguarding of young people