Estyn Welsh Language Policy
This policy is supported fully by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector and the senior management team of Estyn. Estyn’s Welsh Language working group with representatives from all levels of the organisation meets regularly to monitor and support the policy’s implementation. The organisation is committed to ensuring the success of the policy. We treat the Welsh and English languages equally in the work that we do, both internally and in inspecting education and training in Wales.
Estyn’s mission is to continue to achieve excellence for all learners in Wales by providing a high quality independent inspection and advice service. Our vision is to be recognised through our staff’s expertise as an authoritative voice on education and training in Wales. We view the Welsh language as an integral part of this vision.
This policy outlines our approach to how we deliver our Welsh language services both internally and externally. The policy takes full account of the requirements of the Welsh language standards and indicates our present and emerging practice across the areas covered by those standards.
Estyn has adopted the principle of treating Welsh and English equally when undertaking public business in Wales