Urdd Eisteddfod Maldwyn 2024

News article

A group of children, wearing sunglasses and holding bags, stand in front of a tent at an outdoor event. They are smiling and display various colourful stickers on their clothes.

We were proud to be part of the Urdd Eisteddfod this year exhibiting alongside Qualifications Wales and the National Academy for Education Leadership (NAEL).

The event was a tremendous success, with a record-breaking 100,454 people were registered throughout the week. This year’s festival also marked a special return to the Maldwyn area, the first time the Eisteddfod had visited since 1988.

As the largest youth festival in Wales, the Urdd Eisteddfod is a celebration of the incredible talent nurtured by the education workforce. Teachers and educators play a crucial role in developing the skills and creativity of young people who compete in a diverse range of competitions—from poetry, art, and recitals to dance, acting, and singing. The festival also honours the Welsh Learner of the Year, highlighting the importance of promoting and preserving the Welsh language.

His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education and Training in Wales, Owen Evans, said: “For us, the Eisteddfod provided a valuable opportunity to engage with teachers, parents, and children, reinforcing our commitment to supporting Welsh language education. We were able to engage directly with visitors and discuss our role in shaping education across Wales.”

The Urdd Eisteddfod is a celebration of the vibrant culture and language of Wales, and we look forward to continuing our involvement.”